Chapter 411 Su Liu is Lucky
A hundred days later, the emperor decreed that Sister Yun be the head of Ningyang County.

Looking at the smiling faces of her parents, Su Lan felt that fate really matters between people.

Getting along with his heir parents is very comfortable, he can say whatever he wants, sometimes even if he does something a bit out of line, they don't care about him, and instead express puzzledly: "Although Xiaoliu behaves a little loosely, he is also good at understanding people's hearts. , know the advances and retreats, understand the principles of the world, have keen insights, and be unambiguous about small things, and unambiguous about big things. How did you spread your bad reputation back then?"

Su Lan was also thinking, yes, how did I get such a reputation back then?
The third younger sister married into the Confucius family in Shandong, and her life was not satisfactory.The Confucian family enjoys the shadow of the Confucian sage, is admired by scholars all over the world, and enjoys the grace of the court, but only does some bad things that don't make it to the public.

The third younger sister wrote letters more than once, crying to her elders that the Confucian family’s rules were rigid and ruthless. Although the women who married into the Confucian family had no worries about food and clothing, they were extremely depressed. rule.She endured all of this, but the only thing she couldn't bear was that her mother-in-law pressured her to allow her cousin to come in.

Su Lan couldn't bear it, so she rushed to Kong's house and reprimanded her brother-in-law.Taking my cousin as a concubine is simply ridiculous.Is it because all the women in the world are dead, or is it because the brother-in-law is so obsessed?Even relatives are unwilling to let go?If you make your cousin a concubine, how will you get along with your cousin's family in the future?

Walking around normally as a relative, can you live up to the dignity of the concubine, where should you put the wife?

Treat her as a concubine and ignore her, but is she worthy of her relatives?
Kong's brother-in-law's face turned purple, and he really didn't dare to do anything wrong again.

After Princess Ningguo knew about it, she first praised him, and then said meaningfully: "So you also know that it is not appropriate for a cousin to be a concubine."

Su Lan was struck by lightning, unable to speak for a long time.


After the eldest aunt knew about it, she said with relief: "This is the real model of elder brother. Your brother and sister-in-law are not as good as you."

The eldest brother of the house, Su Huan, the eldest son of Marquis of Wu'an, couldn't hold back his face, and said: "I was going to write a book to accuse the Kong family, but your sister-in-law stopped me, saying that the third younger sister married the Kong family far away, just to temper her temper. Wouldn't all previous efforts have been forfeited?"

The eldest aunt was furious and scolded the eldest daughter-in-law Liu Shi, saying that she was not worthy of being the eldest sister-in-law and had no demeanor for everyone.

Liu had no choice but to defend, saying that he was just following the opinions of his younger siblings.

Su Lan was stunned and asked Fang why she did this.

Fang's answer was exactly the same as Liu's.

Facing Fang's always gentle and submissive face, Su Lan was already numb, and said coldly: "The concubine's aunt of Chu Hengshan was beaten by her husband's concubine and wife. The doors were smashed down."

Mrs. Fang laughed: "Who do you listen to, my son? How can Chu Si, a concubine who is at home, have such ability to dare to smash the uncle's door? Isn't it because of Gu Wu's instigation to use chicken feathers as arrows?" .”

Regardless of whether it is a chicken feather or not, the Chu family's protection of weaknesses is well-known.The girls of the Chu family, which in-laws dare to despise them?
But Fang said: "Relying on the prominence of her mother's family, she is domineering and arrogant in her husband's family. She is not a virtuous woman."

Looking at the gentle and graceful face, Su Lan fully understood what she had missed.


In mid-March, when the spring was cold and steep, Gu Wu gave birth to a daughter.

Fang's smile stretched, and she was very active in preparing for the child's baptism.

The stepmother held Yun Zu'er in her arms, and asked someone to open the warehouse, ready to send a generous gift, and teased Su Lan: "Your aunt is probably going to be proud for a while."

Su Lan smiled wryly.

Gu Wu gave birth to a girl, not only the eldest aunt was airy, but the entire female family of the imperial capital was also airy.

You don't need to guess, these people will definitely say: "Look, this is the end of jealousy, and they deserve not to have a son."

These people can only chew their tongues in private. In front of Gu Wu, didn't they boast of their daughter as a flower?
That is to go to the Great Buddha Temple, not only offering incense to each Bodhisattva, but also burning a whole bundle of incense.

It is said that Gu Wu was blessed by the Bodhisattva because he treated all the Bodhisattvas in the Great Buddha Temple equally and burned a whole bundle of incense.

People in the world are spreading rumors that Chu Hengshan was originally suspected by the crown prince and was in danger, and it was the Bodhisattva who saw in Gu Wu's face that Fang Dongshan made a comeback.

With such a wife blessed by the Bodhisattva, Chu Hengshan will have to make offerings to Gu Wu for the rest of his life.

The prince did not believe in evil, and once gave two maids to Chu Rui in the name of Concubine Lin. Half a year later, he recalled the two maids to the palace and found that they were still virgins.The prince was furious and blamed Chu Rui.

Chu Rui replied: "My wife has children for my ministers, and I dare not let you down."

The prince sneered: "A man who is so afraid of internal affairs, how can he be worthy of a big responsibility?"

Chu Rui replied: "The minister is not afraid of internal affairs. Instead, he is influenced by His Royal Highness and acts the same way. What is wrong with the minister?"

The prince froze for a while, and finally let it go.

Seeing this, some good-natured people love to send beauties to Duke Huguo's mansion even more.

Chu Rui did not refuse anyone who came, but he gave it to his subordinates.Many people questioned, Chu Rui replied: "The government's finances are tight, and it can't afford to support idlers."

He almost vomited blood in anger, and finally teased Chu Rui with fear.

For a man who holds a lot of power, fear of guilt is definitely a great shame in life.

Chu Rui is not ashamed, but proud: "Men are afraid of internal affairs, rich and powerful."

When Sister Yun was one year and three months old, Fang's family had another heir, a boy and Su Lan's eldest son.Not long after, Su Lan's two concubines also gave birth to a concubine and a daughter for him.As for Gu Wu, the good news came only in the third year after giving birth to his eldest daughter.

Concubine Lin also bestowed several beauties who were fat and thin.

Gu Wu refused as usual.

Concubine Lin was furious, and personally ordered the eunuch in charge of Ruiying Palace to go to the Duke's Mansion to sue Gu.

Stopped by the princess.

Concubine Lin was not annoyed, but the Crown Princess said: "Madam Gu, what's wrong with you? It's really virtuous to supervise your husband-in-law, to shine on the lintel, and to share your worries for the king. As a woman, I didn't let my husband inherit the business. No matter how much you recommend What's the use of a pillow mat? This is a false virtuous person stealing favors!"

Only then did Concubine Lin calm down.

But the words of the Crown Princess were passed around, but in the end it was passed on. The reason why Chu Rui did not dare to be presumptuous was because Gu Wu was not a good stubble, she could prosper her husband, and she could also decline her husband.

As a result, Su Lan, surrounded by wives and concubines, became a winner in life in the eyes of the world.

And Chu Rui, although the relationship with the prince is blurred, and he is tricked by the prince from time to time, but his power is getting bigger and bigger, and he is gradually keeping pace with the Su family.

After Gu Wu salivated one woman and three men, Chu Rui, who had passed his thirties, still guarded Gu's alone bitterly.

Surrounded by beautiful concubines, Su Lan would occasionally sigh: As a man, grasping the sword of killing when awake, and grasping the lap of a beautiful woman when drunk is the pursuit of life.Fortunately, he didn't marry Gu Wu back then, otherwise he would have been a monk for the rest of his life.


(End of this chapter)

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