Chapter 116 Talking Under the Moon
"Dad, quickly try the spicy strips I made, are they delicious?"

Cao Shien looked at the oily and oily spicy strips on the table, couldn't help rolling his Adam's apple, and swallowed.

But he couldn't connect such an appetizing delicacy with Cao Chunyuan, who just made dark dishes a few days ago.

Wouldn't this be a dark dish that looks good on the outside but actually has a 'unique taste'?
"Is this really what you did?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded, and urged: "Dad, please taste it quickly, is it delicious?"

"Hehe", Cao Shien smiled awkwardly, picked up a spicy stick with some hesitation, squinted his eyes and put it in his mouth.

At first, he took the risk with the determination of "must die", but after eating the spicy noodles, he immediately realized that this is not a dark dish.

"Hey, the taste is not bad. It's a bit spicy and salty. It's suitable for drinking and eating. What is this made of? It tastes a bit like bean curd."

Seeing that her craftsmanship was recognized, Cao Chunyuan's smiling face blossomed.

"Dad, I made this with high-gluten flour. I made the high-gluten flour into small strips like this, then fried it, and then added a series of ingredients. Ordinary high-gluten flour becomes delicious. the spicy strips."

Cao Shien ate up the spicy strips in his hand in a few mouthfuls, nodded and said, "It tastes really good. If you don't have any vegetables at home, you can use it to eat with food. This food has a salty taste and a little spicy taste, let's serve it with food!"

"Hey, mom, brother, you guys should try it too!"

It has been a long time since Cao Chunyuan has been praised for her cooking. Although strictly speaking spicy noodles are not considered a dish, Cao Chunyuan will comfort herself!

Moreover, Cao Chunyuan deliberately left out Cao Chunmei.The little girl was so angry that she bit the big chicken leg in her hand, looking at her, it seemed that she took the chicken leg in her hand as Cao Chunyuan.

Cao Chunyuan didn't give up, she picked up a spicy stick, put it in front of her nose and sniffed it.

"Wow, it smells so good!

Brother, is the spicy strips I made delicious? "

Cao Chunlong looked at Cao Chunyuan very speechlessly, thinking how old you are, and you are too boring to be serious with a little girl.

Why didn't I find out before that you still have such a weird hobby?

But to be honest, the spicy noodles you made this time are really delicious, much better than the dark dishes you made last time!

"Hehe, delicious!

Little sister, try it too, your sister was joking with you before! "

Cao Chunlong originally had good intentions, but he didn't know that the little girl's stubborn temper came up, and her little neck twisted.

"Hmph, this looks spicy, so I don't want to eat it!"

Cao Chunlong blinked, secretly thinking that the older one is ignorant and the younger one is so stubborn, you two sisters are really a perfect match.

If I hadn't seen you secretly swallowing, I would have almost believed your nonsense.

Sigh, forget it, don’t eat it if you don’t eat it, anyway, I’ve already learned it, and I’ll make a small stove for you in the future.

"Oh, it's so spicy, I'm so spicy, brother, do you think it's spicy?"

Cao Chunyuan's clumsy performance caused Cao Shien, Li Xianglan, and Cao Chunlong to turn their heads to look at Cao Chunyuan. Everyone felt that Cao Chunyuan was a bit abnormal today.

The elder sister who dotes on the younger sister the most, suddenly confronted the little girl tit for tat.

"Haha, I saw that you start school tomorrow, just to tease you. You don't know when you want to see me next time, eat quickly!"

Hearing this, the little girl couldn't care less about getting angry with Cao Chunyuan, and looked at Cao Chunyuan very reluctantly.

"Sister, are you going to go with your brother too?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded and said, "That's right, my sister still has a lot of work outside, so I can't stay at home all the time. So you have to study hard, or you can only go to far, far away places like my sister, doing very Hard work."

The little girl put down the chicken leg in her hand, and took out a bunch of crumpled ten-cent notes from her pocket with her oily hands.

"Sister, I'll give you my pocket money. Would you like to work closer to home in the future?"

Looking at the innocent eyes of Cao Chunmei, Cao Chunyuan felt a little sour in her nose. This kind of simple and pure emotion is the most difficult to give up.

"Hehe, okay, I will try to work in a place close to home in the future. However, you should save your pocket money to buy delicious food when you go to school!

Quickly try the spicy strips I made for you, is it delicious? "

"Hee hee, sister is so nice!"

Cao Chunmei reached out to grab the spicy strips on the plate, but Li Xianglan slapped the back of her hand hard.

"use chopstick."

"Know it!"


A pre-departure dinner ended with the family chatting and laughing.

After dinner, Cao Chunyuan put on a thick coat and sat side by side with Cao Chunlong on the bench in the courtyard.

Looking at the sky full of stars and the cool night wind blowing, Cao Chunyuan felt as if she had been washed.

"Brother, I will take you back to Yanjing tomorrow."

Cao Chunlong turned his head and looked at Cao Chunyuan's delicate profile.

"I can take the train back to school by myself tomorrow, you are usually so busy, you should do your own work first.

Besides, my cousin's house will build a shed tomorrow, so please trouble him that it's not suitable! "

"Hehe", Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly, and said, "I'm going back to Yanjing to deal with work! Also, do you think Cousin Zhigang is still the same as before, doing everything by himself?

He must hire someone to do this kind of physical work! "


Cao Chunlong didn't know if Cao Chunyuan really had a job and wanted to go back to Yanjing, or if she said that just to send him off.He only knew that when Cao Chunyuan decided to do something, he couldn't stop it.

"Cousin Zhigang is much more mature than before, and now the younger generation in the village admire him."

Cao Chunyuan raised her eyebrows, surprised that Cao Chunlong had such a mature view.She thought Cao Chunlong was the kind of person who kept his ears to the outside world and only read sage books.

Unexpectedly, Cao Chunlong, who is usually silent, would see everything in his eyes.

"Hehe, Cousin Zhigang has indeed improved a lot. He has worked hard."

Cao Chunlong's mouth twitched, wanting to say that just changing anyone, in Li Zhigang's position, can do what he did.The truly powerful person is you!

I'm a little worried now, even after I graduate, I won't be able to help you.

Can you take a smaller step, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to keep up with your steps!

"I heard from cousin Zhigang that you plan to start expanding next year and bring your business to Jizhou Province?"

'Well', Cao Chunyuan nodded, and said softly: "Winter is coming soon, and it's too late to plant Chinese cabbage now. I can only organize the villagers to plant some greenhouse crops, and let the villagers who contracted the orchard plant the high-yield fruit trees I provided by the way.

Director Yan promised me before that as long as our Liujia Village can make money from planting, he will take the lead in lobbying other villages and towns to plant with us.

In other words, if everything goes well, it's not just our Dazhangzi Township.We in the northern area of ​​Qinglong City are likely to plant along with them.

A mere delicious multi-cannery can't consume so many vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, I plan to sell the agricultural products of our Dazhangzi Township or our Qinglong City to Jizhou Province.After we gain a firm foothold in Jizhou Province, we will continue to expand to other provinces. "

Looking at the eloquent Cao Chunyuan, Cao Chunlong felt that she was shining and super attractive.

But the better Cao Chunyuan is, the more anxious Cao Chunlong is.

My younger sister is already so good and is still making progress. As an older brother, he must work harder.

My sister's business is getting bigger and bigger, how can I help?
Can you build an online platform to help my sister recycle and sell crops on the platform?

(End of this chapter)

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