Chapter 13 Windfall
"Cousin, doesn't he know how to drive? Let him deliver the goods with me for a while first. I will suggest to the boss to let him try the management of the fruit shop. However, whether he can succeed or not depends on his own ability."

Hearing this, Cao Fengxia was overjoyed and said, "Okay, okay, no problem, your cousin is very good at driving, I'll let him work hard with you."

"Hmm, that's good.

But let's put it bluntly, relatives are relatives, and work is work.If he ruins his job, I can't help him. "

Cao Fengxia hurriedly waved her hands, for fear that Cao Chunyuan would repent.

"Don't worry, I'll let him obey you in everything. If he dares to be disobedient, I'll break his dog legs when he comes back."

Cao Chunyuan blinked her big eyes twice, thinking that there is no need to be so cruel, as long as he obeys the command.

"Then when will you leave, I will let Zhigang go back to Yanjing with you?"

"I'll go back tomorrow, and I'll discuss it with the boss when I go back. It's a week at the latest, and I'll just ask Cousin Zhigang to go to Yanjing to find me."

"Oh fine."

Cao Fengxia was a little disappointed when she learned that she couldn't go with Cao Chunyuan.

"Oh, by the way, Zhigang is going to Yanjing with you. Do you want to help the boss drive, or do you want to drive your own car?"

The reason why Cao Chunyuan asked Li Zhigang to go to Yanjing to find her a few days later was because she didn't have any stores or cars, so she had to give herself time to prepare.

But from the meaning of Cao Fengxia's words, it seems to be a bit tricky.

"It's all right, if Cousin Zhigang drives the boss's car, he can pay him one thousand and eight hundred a month.

However, if he drives his own van, I can subsidize him according to the mileage he runs, and the vehicle has a daily depreciation fee.Calculated in a day, there must be 1 or 2 yuan. "

Cao Fengxia was surprised when she heard that she could earn 800-1000 yuan a month.

I was even more shocked when I heard Cao Chunyuan say later that she could earn 1 or 2 a day.

"This, so much?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded, and said with a smile: "If the fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, I must not let my cousin suffer!"

2 a day, 10 in 2 days, 6 a month.

If you buy him a small truck worth more than 1 yuan, wouldn't it be possible to pay back the cost in 2 months?

Cao Fengxia quickly made an analysis, and it was more cost-effective to buy a car by herself.

"We bought him a car and let him drive it by himself. It's not good to drive the boss's car if it breaks down."

Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly, she just deliberately seduced Cao Fengxia, she believed that Cao Fengxia would definitely choose a 'more cost-effective' way.

She put on a look of embarrassment, and whispered: "A cheap truck costs more than 1 yuan, isn't it too expensive?"

"No, no, we were going to buy a car for your cousin Zhigang, isn't that a coincidence~"

"Hehe, yes, what a coincidence~"

"What, let me go to Yanjing with Cao Chunyuan, and you want me to listen to her, are you kidding me?"

Li Zhigang is 21 this year, 3 years older than Cao Chunyuan.In his eyes, Cao Chunyuan is just a little girl, why is he willing to listen to Cao Chunyuan's command?
Cao Fengxia stared wide-eyed, and said imposingly: "I am notifying you, not asking for your opinion.

Do you think Cao Chunyuan is still the Erni from before?
She is now working with the big boss of Yanjing, and the money she earns in a day is equivalent to your coolie for a month. "

"Tch, maybe you're being someone else's honey." Li Zhigang said unconvinced with his mouth flattened.

"What nonsense, that's your cousin."

Li Jianguo, who was sitting on the side, heard Li Zhigang talking nonsense, and stretched out his hand to pull the belt around his waist.

Cao Fengxia sneered and said, "Do you know what Xiaomi is? Xiaomi sleeps with the boss, and she just needs to dress up beautifully every day.

Have you seen which Xiaomi wears outdated clothes and can take out 5000 yuan by reaching out?

This means that when people see you as relatives and take care of you, who do you think you are? "

"Uh, I"

Li Zhigang actually had a good impression of Cao Chunyuan. He was a bit machismo, and felt that he was a big man, and he was not used to listening to a younger woman command him.

Xiaomi or something is purely jealous.

"Okay, go to the provincial capital with your dad tomorrow to buy the car back. After you go to Yanjing, listen to your cousin and behave well when you meet her boss.

If you let me know that you don't work hard there, I will break your leg. "

"Oh, I know."

Li Zhigang shrank his neck in fright, and said aggrievedly.

"Okay, get out~"

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

After Li Zhigang left, Li Jianguo looked at Cao Fengxia worriedly, and asked in a low voice, "Is the old Cao family reliable? Don't let us buy the car before they turn around and regret it!"

Cao Fengxia glared at Li Jianguo angrily, "Neither of you two have any brains, let's not talk about whether Cao Shien can come up with 5000 yuan. Do you think that if someone wants to lie to you, you will be asked to go to Yanjing to find him? Wait Going to the door to slap your face?"

Li Jianguo froze for a moment, nodded and said, "That's right!"

Cao Fengxia was so angry that she rubbed her forehead, thinking how could I get involved with your idiots.

The next day, Cao Chunyuan got up at 4 o'clock.

She was going to take the train back to Yanjing in the morning, but she was afraid of waking Cao Chunlong, so she went out quietly.As a result, I ran into Li Xianglan as soon as I left the house.

"Erni, have you not been at home for two days?"

Li Xianglan's hair was a little messy, half of her sleeves were tucked into her trousers, and she obviously got up in a hurry.

"No, there is still a lot of work waiting for me in Yanjing, and I will have to pay a lot of money for a day's delay."

Li Xianglan originally wanted to persuade Cao Chunyuan to have breakfast and take the 9 o'clock train, but when she heard the word 'lose money', she changed her words.

"Erni, I didn't touch a cent of the money you gave me. Keep your brother's money for his schooling, and you take back my money and keep it for yourself.

Outside is no better than at home. Everything costs money. It’s not easy for you to be outside alone, so don’t make yourself miserable. "

With that said, she was about to go back to the house and return the money Cao Chunyuan gave her earlier.

Cao Chunyuan trotted two steps quickly and grabbed Li Xianglan.

"Mom, I can earn money now. It is much easier to earn money in Yanjing than in a small place like ours. I honor you with that money, and you can also buy two new clothes for yourself and my dad.

You don't have to worry about the money owed to the second aunt's family, I have already paid them part of it.When I come back next time, I will pay back all the money owed to them. "

Only then did Li Xianglan understand why Cao Fengxia's attitude towards her changed drastically.He even ran over to find Cao Chunyuan specifically, so that's it.
In the past few years, the burden of the family has been placed on the shoulders of Li Xianglan, a woman.She is a mother, but she is also a 'weak' woman.

For this family, she had to become strong.

Li Xianglan never thought that after so many years of hard work, she did not wait for her son to help her share the burden. Instead, Cao Chunyuan stepped forward to help her solve her problems.

Li Xianglan looked at Cao Chunyuan with tears in her eyes. She had a thousand words in her heart, but she choked up when she spoke.

Thousands of words, finally converged into a name.


"Mom, take care of yourself, I'm leaving!"

Cao Chunyuan's eyes were also red, and her voice was trembling.She gritted her teeth, trying not to let herself cry, and left without looking back.

Li Xianglan looked at the direction Cao Chunyuan was leaving, and whispered, "Shien, our daughter has grown up. Xiaolong is about to go to college, and our family has hope!"

(End of this chapter)

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