In Cen Shuhong's mind, Cao Chunyuan is not a qualified scientific researcher. She thinks that Cao Chunyuan is a lucky guy with money and some messy ideas.

But this person is interested in researching crops and is willing to invest in it.

However, what Cao Chunyuan said just now completely changed Cao Chunyuan's deep impression in Cen Shuhong's heart.

Although Cao Chunyuan is not professional, it can even be said that she is a layman.But she can say the professional words of 'research has uncertainty'.

The most important thing is that the rice project has already produced scientific research results, but Cao Chunyuan chose not to announce it for the time being.

We have to wait until the end of the rice project and have real scientific research results before announcing our new discoveries.This rigorous scientific research attitude is the attitude that a qualified scientific research worker should have.

Mr. Cao, I misunderstood you before. Your success depends not only on your luck, but also on your attitude.

I was wrong, I must learn from you in the future!

"Mr. Cao, I understand. I will do a good job in the follow-up experiment of the rice project. Don't worry, our experiment will definitely be successful."

Cao Chunyuan didn't know what Cen Shuhong was thinking, she only knew that the seeds she provided to Cen Shuhong were better than those in the experimental group.Moreover, she also secretly irrigated the spiritual spring once.

Even if no cold-resistant and drought-resistant super rice can be bred, the group of normally bred rice will surely be able to harvest rice with higher yield than the rice research team.

She now expects the people in the three scientific research teams to have a smooth experiment, so don't focus on her experimental project.

Cao Chunyuan hugged Cen Shuhong's shoulders, and began to pour her ecstasy soup again.

"Shuhong, you are the leader of our experimental group, and the scientific research results of our group will be yours in the future. Therefore, you must pay attention to confidentiality. Even if Professor Li Jingming comes, you can't let him take it away. A test seedling.

Understand? "

"Hehe", Cen Shuhong smiled bitterly, you are the boss and you put it simply.What is Li Jingming's identity, what are our identities, if he really wants to come over, can we still stop him?
Fortunately, Teacher Huang Weiguo has come and replaced Professor Li Jingming. We just need to be on guard against the people in Li Ying's research team.

It's ridiculous to think about it. We non-staff people actually have to guard against the official members of other people's scientific research groups.I've grown up so much, I've never heard of such an outrageous thing, and it's really knowledgeable to hang out with you.

Oops, I almost forgot, Teacher Huang is waiting for you with a surprise.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Huang came back yesterday. He seems to have something to look for you."

Cao Chunyuan was taken aback, Huang Weiguo looking for me?
I don't know him very well, why does he want me?
"Did he say nothing?"

Cen Shuhong shook her head and said, "He didn't say anything, and I didn't dare to ask."

"Okay, I see, I'll go find him later."

Immediately afterwards, Cao Chunyuan communicated with Cen Shuhong again.In the near future, members of the experimental group will be arranged to go to Liu's house to plan the greenhouse and the varieties of fruit trees to be planted according to the terrain and climate characteristics of Liu's village.

The two discussed until 10:[-] a.m. before finalizing their work arrangements in the near future.After communicating with Cen Shuhong, Cao Chunyuan went to Huang Weiguo.

The experimental fields of the scientific research center are divided according to the experimental groups, and Huang Weiguo is the leader of the high-yield wheat project team.The high-yield wheat experimental field is located on the easternmost side of the scientific research center, and there are guards on duty outside the experimental field.

Cao Chunyuan, the owner of the scientific research center, wanted to see Huang Weiguo, the head of the experimental group, and even waited for someone to report at the door.

Fortunately, when Huang Weiguo heard that Cao Chunyuan was looking for him, he immediately put down his work and came out.

"Miss Cao, I'm sorry, our scientific research team is too high-level, these are people arranged by the superior, don't think too much about it."

Cao Chunyuan smiled and shook her head, "Hehe, I understand! Scientific research should be more rigorous. If some bad person leaks our experimental results, it will be making wedding dresses for others."

'Haha', Huang Weiguo grinned, "Miss Cao, it's great that you think so, I'm afraid you will be unhappy."

Cao Chunyuan looked calm, I don't care about your scientific research results at all, and the people in the scientific research team can't be used by me.

After you leave, all the scientific research equipment in the scientific research center and the 2 scientific research centers will be mine, and no one can control me when I want to do whatever I want.

"Group leader Huang, just now Shuhong said you were looking for me, what's the matter?"

Huang Weiguo glanced at the people around him, walked straight to Cao Chunyuan, lowered his head, and whispered, "Let's talk in my office!"

What can't be said outside, and it has to be so mysterious?
Don't tell me, your experimental group also has new discoveries, if you have new discoveries, you hide them yourself, I'm not interested.

"haha okay."

Although she was not very interested in Huang Weiguo's affairs, Cao Chunyuan came to his office with Huang Weiguo very much to save face.

"You sit first."

After entering the office, Huang Weiguo said politely, went straight to his desk and rummaged through it, and then took out a bulging file bag.

"open to take a look!"

Cao Chunyuan suspiciously took the file bag from Huang Weiguo, and carefully unwrapped the hemp rope wrapped around the mouth of the bag. When she saw the contents of the file bag, she stood there in a daze.

"Yanjing Agricultural University's unplanned admission notice", "High-quality and high-yield rice CCY001 breeding experiment—researcher: Cao Chunyuan", as well as a thick stack of documents, Cao Chunyuan's student ID card, and researcher work ID card.

Even Cao Chunyuan, the person involved, didn't know that she was admitted by the Agricultural University.Moreover, Cao Chunyuan is also involved in the high-yield rice project. She is actually an official researcher of the high-yield rice project.

You must know that the official members of the scientific research team are basically university tutors like Huang Weiguo, or have official status.Ordinary graduate students are inside and can only serve as assistants.

Cao Chunyuan never thought that she would be able to join her own three national high-yield research projects.

"Here, what's going on here?"

"Haha, Professor Li Jingming helped you apply.

He said, you have made such a great contribution to the country, he can't say no at all.He knows that you are not short of money, so he wants to make up for it in academics.

If you are interested in going to school, you can go to the Agricultural University to take classes at any time, but I guess you are so busy with work that you don't have time.

As for the following scientific research topics, this is a project you have studied, and we are just doing a second verification.You are now a student of Professor Li Jingming, and you will graduate after the project research is completed.

Of course, if you have new experiments, our Agricultural University is still willing to cooperate with you. "


Cao Chunyuan's eyes were slightly red, especially thinking that Li Jingming had stayed in the scientific research center for more than a week, but never mentioned it to her.

It wasn't until after he left that Huang Weiguo was asked to tell Cao Chunyuan about this incident, apparently because he didn't want Cao Chunyuan to be grateful to him for this incident.

"Group leader Huang, isn't this against the rules?"

Huang Weiguo said with a smile: "Our Agricultural University doesn't just look at the grades. There are several extras like yours every year. Some time ago, there was a high school student who made a small invention and was directly admitted by the Agricultural University. .”


With Huang Weiguo's explanation, Cao Chunyuan finally relaxed. When she was going back to Yanjing, she must go to the Agricultural University to thank Li Jingming.

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