Chapter 15 The Efficacy of Lingquan

"Hello, are you the lady who sold strawberries downstairs?"

Through the receiver, the voice on the other end of the phone gave Cao Chunyuan a very elegant feeling.If it wasn't for the accent unique to English pronunciation when the other party spoke, Cao Chunyuan would have suspected that the other party was a Chinese.

"Yes, I saw your missing person notice in the newspaper. I don't know why you are looking for me?"

"I'm so sorry, I hope it didn't affect your life. I ate the strawberries you sold before, but it's been a week and you haven't been here again.

I am eating other strawberries now, but none of them taste as good as yours, so I would like to ask when you will come here again. "

"Haha, it doesn't matter, you are too polite.

I have time anytime, are you at the Blue Island Shopping Center, or the Baifu Building?When I go there in the afternoon, I'll send you a few boxes. "


The volume on the other end of the phone suddenly increased a lot, which startled Cao Chunyuan.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so excited. Can you bring some more when you come over, I want to buy more."

Hearing this, Cao Chunyuan said with a smile: "If you like it, I can go a few more times, but things like fruits are still fresh and delicious. If you store too much at a time, it will affect the taste of the food."

Cao Chunyuan has already regarded this woman as her big client, and she is going to put a long line to catch big fish, and she doesn't want to kill the chicken to get the eggs.Therefore, it is very kind to remind the other party.

"Really, that's great. I'm afraid I won't be able to eat your strawberries in the future. I'm on the 8th floor of Baifu Building. Just call me when you arrive. I'll ask the secretary to pick you up."

"Okay, I'll be there this afternoon."

"Goodbye, see you this afternoon."


After hanging up the phone, Cao Chunyuan let out a long breath.

Things went even smoother than she had imagined. Judging from the other person's appearance, he should like to eat her strawberries very much.Moreover, the other party also compared her with other high-priced strawberries.

As a result, the strawberries grown in Cao Chunyuan's Phoenix Space won the victory.

"It seems that the effect of Phoenix Space is far beyond my expectations. This situation is certainly not unique, and there must be other people waiting for me to sell strawberries.

I am too slow to sell strawberries by myself, should I advance the schedule of opening a fruit shop? "

Thinking of this, Cao Chunyuan found an unoccupied corner and entered the Phoenix space.

At this time, it has been more than a week since Cao Chunyuan first planted seeds, and the peach and apple trees she planted at the beginning have grown a lot taller.

But it is still far from fruiting.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, just today!"

Cao Chunyuan immediately mobilized the water from the spiritual spring to irrigate the saplings in her planning area, but unfortunately, she only watered 10 peach trees and 10 Fuji apple trees, and the spiritual spring bottomed out, so she had to stop watering.

"I didn't expect that the water of the Lingquan seemed to be abundant, but it was so unstoppable that only 20 saplings were watered and it was almost gone.

I don't know when the Lingquan water will be filled. If it takes 10 days and a half a month to fill up, it will be a bit tasteless! "

Cao Chunyuan was squatting next to the Lingquan to check the recovery of the Lingquan, completely unaware that the peach and Fuji apple trees on the other side were growing wildly.

The sapling, whose roots were only as thick as Cao Chunyuan's arm, grew to a height of more than two meters in just a few minutes.Moreover, the fruit trees bloom and bear fruit at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if they were fast-forwarded.

When Cao Chunyuan turned her head, the 20 saplings just now had grown luxuriantly.Moreover, the fruit trees are densely packed with fruits.

"Hold the grass~" (an action)
Cao Chunyuan spit out a sentence of national quintessence in surprise, because the scene in front of her was too shocking, she never expected that the effect of Lingquan water would be so good.

After being shocked, she quickly ran towards the fruiting peach and Fuji apple trees.

"Wow, it smells so good!"

As soon as she ran under the peach tree, she smelled a sweet smell, which is the unique smell of peaches.Just by smelling this smell, Cao Chunyuan moved her index finger, wanting to eat something full.

I don't know if it is influenced by the Phoenix space, whether it is a peach or a Fuji apple, they all have a unified characteristic.That is: perfect fruit shape, balanced size.

Juicy peaches are slightly larger than the fist of an adult male, and basically each is in the shape of a common birthday peach.It is bluish white or tender white at the bottom, with a gradient from white to red or green to red in the middle, and bright red at the top, which looks mouth-watering.

The Fuji apple is about the size of a peach. It is pink or bright red in color with faint golden vertical stripes in the middle.In particular, its skin is very smooth, as if it has been waxed and polished, and it looks very appetizing.

Cao Chunyuan picked left and right, picked two 'best' peaches and apples, and went to the Lingquan to wash them before eating.

It's not that Cao Chunyuan has a cleanliness or something, but that although the peach looks attractive, it has a lot of fluff on it.She is a normal person, she does not have the habit of eating peaches first.

Cao Chunyuan bit down on the ruddy and attractive peach tip with a few drops of spiritual spring water hanging on it.

In an instant, an extremely strong peach smell spread in Cao Chunyuan's mouth, and she felt as if she had taken a big mouthful of concentrated peach juice.

"Wow, it's so sweet, so fragrant, and so juicy."

There is a lot of juice in the peaches, but I didn't take a bite, and the situation like flooding in the village happened.

Cao Chunyuan's biggest impression is that peaches are not only sweet, but also very fragrant.Yes, now Cao Chunyuan's nostrils are full of the aroma of peaches, and this sweet smell fascinates her.

Such a strong fragrance is much stronger than the small bottle of X Nail she bought for more than 1 before.Moreover, although the smell is strong, it is not pungent at all, making people want to smell it even after smelling it.

"Oh my god, this is too delicious."

Soon, Cao Chunyuan ate up the whole peach, even the pulp on the core, and gnawed it all.

Then, she looked at the Fuji apple beside her.

Fuji apple also exudes a faint aroma, but it is completely different from the alluring aroma of peaches. Its taste is very fresh, giving people a very refreshing feeling.

Comparing the taste of the two fruits, one is like a mature and attractive Daji, and the other is like a young and ignorant first love, each with different characteristics.

With a "click", Cao Chunyuan left two rows of neat tooth marks on the bright red Fuji apple.

The peaches just now are very soft, giving people a feeling of melting in the mouth.But the Fuji apple is the complete opposite. It is very crunchy, and if you listen carefully, you can hear the crunchy chewing sound.

"It's very sweet, but it's different from the sweetness of peaches. The sweetness of Fuji apples is the kind of sweetness with a light fragrance, while the sweetness of peaches is a strong fragrance type.

The most important thing is that Fuji apples are so crunchy, and this crunchy chewing feeling is really refreshing.Fragrant and crisp, with a slight sour taste in the middle, isn't this the feeling of first love? "

In an instant, a picture appeared in Cao Chunyuan's mind. In the picture, a group of teenagers in basketball uniforms were sweating on the basketball court.

Holding white towels and mineral water in their hands, she and other female students sat by the basketball court with idiotic smiles, cheering for their male god.

Suddenly, her male god walked over to her.

He is tall and handsome, well-proportioned, with the same short hair as Sakuragi Hanamichi.

Hey, wait, why did his face become Cao Chunlong?

Brother, please don't mess around at this time, okay, you make it difficult for me!
(End of this chapter)

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