A long time ago, Li Jingming told Cao Chunyuan that Pei Shaorong was fierce.Therefore, Cao Chunyuan was naturally a little afraid of Pei Shaorong.

Coupled with Pei Shaorong's menacing appearance today, Cao Chunyuan was even more frightened.

But after entering the greenhouse, Cao Chunyuan found that although Pei Shaorong looked fierce on the surface, her attention was all on the strawberry plants in the greenhouse, and she didn't pay too much attention to her.

The first thing Pei Shaorong said to her was not to criticize her, but to ask her about strawberries.

This can't help but make Cao Chunyuan reflect on whether she has entered into a misunderstanding, Pei Shaorong may really just look a little fierce, she is right about things and not about people!
"Yes, Academician Pei, this batch of strawberries was specially bred by me."

After getting Cao Chunyuan's answer, Pei Shaorong tried to stand up while holding on to the pillars of the greenhouse. Cao Chunyuan hurriedly bent down to help Pei Shaorong.

Pei Shaorong stood up slowly, and said softly: "The red strawberry is produced in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, and it is an early-maturing fine variety bred from the crossbreeding of Zhangji strawberry and Xingxiang strawberry.

Hongyan strawberry has the characteristics of good growth adaptability, shallow dormancy, strong natural fruit setting ability, large fruit shape, and excellent quality.

The average weight of a single fruit is 26 grams, and the maximum weight of a single fruit can reach more than 50 grams.The flesh is red, with little or no pith, fine flesh, sweet and sour taste, rich aroma, soluble solids up to 11.8%.

But I see that the average fruit weight of the red strawberries in your greenhouse can reach about 40 grams, which is far higher than that of Japanese native strawberries. "

Hearing this, Cao Chunyuan was speechless for a while, and it was time for her worst part. She really admired people like Pei Shaorong and others who were engaged in scientific research.

Cao Chunyuan was very curious. There are hundreds of varieties of crops, how did they memorize the various data of each crop one by one?

"Oh, it's alright!"

Pei Shaorong glared at Cao Chunyuan, and said angrily, "You think I'm praising you?"

Cao Chunyuan blinked, didn't you just praise me by saying so much, is there something wrong with my comprehension ability?

I remember you said that the red strawberries I cultivated are bigger than the native Japanese strawberries. Isn't this a good thing?
"Hmph, such a good breed has been ruined by your supplies.

I heard that you specially invited some graduates from the Agricultural University to teach the villagers how to plant. Is that how they teach?
A bunch of ignorant things, Jinshan does not know it in front of it! "

Cao Chunyuan held Pei Shaorong's arm awkwardly, not knowing whether to stop, she was fine just now, why did she suddenly criticize him again.

Isn't this strawberry planted very well, and the harvest is also very good!

Cao Chunyuan plucked up her courage and asked in a low voice, "Academician Pei, isn't this strawberry growing well? Is there something wrong?"

Pei Shaorong glared at Cao Chunyuan, pointed to the strawberries on the ground and said, "Strawberries like water and fertilizer, like light and fear waterlogging, and are suitable for sandy loam soil with good soil ventilation, loose texture, and strong ability to retain fertilizer and water.

Look at the land again, don't you know how to loosen the soil after watering?
There is also the light bulb above the head. When the temperature is lower than 5°C or under short-day conditions, the strawberry plants will enter a dormant period, which requires us to fill in the light.

Generally, one 20-watt incandescent bulb is installed every 1m, and the bulb should be hung at 100-100cm above the plant to ensure continuous differentiation of axillary flower buds and increase yield.

Look at how many incandescent lamps are in such a large shed. Can this fill in the light?
In addition, during the growth period of strawberries, the old residual leaves, diseased leaves and stolons should be removed in time, and 8-10 functional leaves should be reserved for each strawberry to ensure the concentrated supply of nutrients to the fruit.

You look at the strawberry plants in this shed, has anyone taken care of them?
That's it, the planting method taught by some ignorant guy, I have to ask his teacher how to teach students. "

Seeing Pei Shaorong's righteous indignation, Cao Chunyuan couldn't help shivering, and remembered the scene of Pei Shaorong and Li Jingming fighting at the Agricultural University back then.

But this time the 'offender' was not Professor Li Jingming, but members of Cao Chunyuan's subordinates, all of whom were students of Huang Weiguo.Cao Chunyuan didn't want to involve Huang Weiguo, so she hurried to appease Pei Shaorong.

"Academician Pei, I'm to blame for this incident. The main reason is that there are too many growers in the village. In Liujia Village alone, there are 100 villagers building greenhouses, and I have only a few people under my command.

Even if they wanted to help one by one, they couldn't help.

Don't be angry, I will definitely criticize them when I come back, and let them take this matter seriously, and provide more professional training for greenhouse growers in the future, and strive to do better. "

Pei Shaorong just saw such a good strawberry, and because of the planting problem, he was a little angry that he didn't get the best yield.

The people who ignored the greenhouses were not professionals like them, but ordinary villagers who had never been exposed to greenhouses.

She knew that Cao Chunyuan had organized villagers in three villages to plant strawberries. Cao Chunyuan was able to let these people who don't know professional planting grow strawberries like this, which is already very good.

But she couldn't hold back her face and overturned what she just said.

"Hmph, you are also responsible.

You should urge them more and let them pass on their professional knowledge to the growers, so that the growers can get better harvests. "

Cao Chunyuan nodded again and again, "Well, yes, yes, yes, so I coaxed Pei Shaorong well.

"Your shed is actually doing pretty well, but it's a bit off the mark, so keep working hard!"

Cao Chunyuan was extremely happy to be affirmed by a big boss like Pei Shaorong. She nodded with a smile and said, "Academician Pei, don't worry, I will lead everyone to do a good job in planting."


Before coming here, Pei Shaorong had some suspicions that Cao Chunyuan was the kind of superficial person. After seeing the strawberries in the greenhouse, she knew that Cao Chunyuan had really put effort into it.

She is very supportive of Cao Chunyuan's approach of leading the villagers to get rich, and her attitude towards Cao Chunyuan has eased a lot.

"I heard that you also bred prairie red cattle?"

Cao Chunyuan blinked, secretly thought that I only told Song Min'an about this, not even Song Yulong, how did you know?
You spoke sarcasticly to me before, couldn't it be because of the Grassland Red Bull?
This is just a test piece of mine, I really didn't think about it!
"Uh, it's just a little bit of research, and there are only a few minor results."

Pei Shaorong raised his eyebrows, are you tearing me down?

We combined the strength of the four provinces and cultivated for several years before we cultivated the grassland red cattle that appeared today.When we first studied grassland red cattle, you were still in elementary school.

Even if you have studied grassland red cattle since you were sensible, how many years can you study?
By breaking our record so quickly, are you suggesting we're incompetent?

"Such excellent results can be achieved after a little research, Mr. Cao, you are really amazing! I am very curious about your new results, I wonder if I can visit them in person?"

Suddenly, Cao Chunyuan felt that something was wrong.Today she was the one who invited Song Min'an to visit the greenhouse, why did the focus fall on Pei Shaorong instead?
Could it be that Pei Shaorong is the main one this time, and the main purpose is not the planting shed, but her newly bred prairie red cattle?
Cao Chunyuan asked tentatively: "Academician Pei, you see Bureau Song and the others are still waiting to visit the greenhouse, and our company's recycling team is also waiting to pick strawberries for recycling.

Otherwise, let's finish the project on the greenhouse side first, and then discuss the grassland Red Bull, what do you think? "

"Okay, I'll go to the other greenhouses first, and you guys are busy with your work."

"Hehe, okay, I'll take you out."


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