Chapter 288 Small Tail Han Sheep
A few people were eating, and Yang Guochun suddenly asked: "Mr. Cao, you came to Fengning County to set up a ranch, and you only consider raising grassland red cattle?
The small-tailed Han sheep here is a new breed bred in recent years, and it belongs to the breed of sheep with both meat and coat.

It has the characteristics of fast growth, early maturity, strong fecundity, stable performance and genetics, and strong adaptability. It has been designated as a famous livestock breed by the country and has been included in the "National Livestock and Poultry Genetic Resources Protection Catalogue". "

Cao Chunyuan went to Fengning County to set up a grassland ranch. The most important project was the grassland red cattle. In her Phoenix space, there were chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry, as well as the small-tailed Han sheep that Yang Guochun just mentioned.

She did have the idea of ​​raising other livestock at the same time, but she has no experience in raising livestock, and it is the first time to cooperate with Yang Guochun, so she is not ashamed to ask too much.

Yang Guochun took the initiative to mention the small-tailed Han sheep, but instead helped Cao Chunyuan open the conversation.

Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly and said, "Ju Yang, I was just about to tell you about this, and you also know that I own an agricultural scientific research center.

Our agricultural scientific research center not only breeds various crops, but also breeds various livestock. I have bred both of our local characteristic breeds, grassland red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep.

I have a batch of small-tailed Han sheep with better quality, and I am hesitating whether to expand their breeding like the grassland red cattle. "


Hearing this, Yang Guochun put down the milk tea cup in his hand and looked at Cao Chunyuan very seriously.

"I've heard before that the prairie red cattle you have researched not only have better meat quality, but even the milk quality of the cows is also higher. Could it be that the small-tailed Han sheep you mentioned have similar effects?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded, and said, "That's true, so I'm a little hesitant, whether I should also set up a small-tailed Han sheep ranch."

Yang Guochun stroked his thick curly beard and fell into deep thought. About 3 minutes later, he turned his head to look at Cao Chunyuan.

"Mr. Cao, I know your strength, but I really want to see the more excellent prairie red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep you mentioned.

I don't know when you can bring the grassland red cattle and the small-tailed Han sheep over?
How many cattle and sheep do you have, so I can build a factory for you according to the size of the livestock in your hand. "

Cao Chunyuan knew that this was Yang Guochun's temptation, and the data she gave was related to the size of the grassland that Yang Guochun approved for her.If she reported more quantity, Yang Guochun would definitely grant her more land.

After a moment of hesitation, Cao Chunyuan said, "I now have 5000 grassland red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep."

"How many?"

Yang Guochun suddenly raised the volume, scaring Cao Chunyuan's heart beating wildly.Seeing the uncertain expression on Yang Guochun's face, Cao Chunyuan didn't know whether she said too much or too little.

Her Phoenix Dimension has a time acceleration function, one day is equal to 24 days in the outside world, and one month is equivalent to two years in the outside world.

If she relies on the Phoenix Dimension to cultivate livestock, given her a year, she can breed millions or even tens of millions of prairie red cattle.

It's just that in order not to be too abrupt, she didn't do it too much.

Cao Chunyuan blinked and asked in a low voice, "5000, is it too little?"

Hearing this, Yang Guochun's face turned black in an instant. 90.00% of Fengning County is forest land and grassland, and most residents live by grazing.But relatively large pastures only raise 1 to 2 sheep and a few hundred cattle.

The breeding speed and value of sheep cannot be compared with that of cattle. Yang Guochun would not be surprised if Cao Chunyuan said that she had 5000 sheep.But when Cao Chunyuan said that she had 5000 head of cattle, he was really surprised.

"Mr. Cao, do you really have 5000 grassland red cattle?"

This time, Cao Chunyuan understood that she didn't say too little, but too much.

In fact, she has more than 5000 prairie red cattle, she has more than 6000, nearly 7000 prairie red cattle.However, she had previously promised Yinli Dairy CEO that she would exchange 1000 prairie red cattle for dairy production equipment and craftsmanship.

That's all, she should say less!

Cao Chunyuan scratched her head in embarrassment, and said, "Ju Yang, you also know the relationship between Academician Pei and me. In fact, I have learned from Academician Pei how to breed grassland red cattle, so I can accumulate 5000 grassland red cattle."

Hearing this, Yang Guochun suddenly realized and nodded.The grassland red cattle breeding plan was proposed by Academician Pei Shaorong. Cao Chunyuan and Pei Shaorong have such a good relationship, so it is reasonable to breed more grassland red cattle.

He glanced at Cao Chunyuan enviously, and said, "Academician Pei is a senior whom I respect very much. She came to Fengning County once in 89. I had the honor to meet her once."

This time it was Cao Chunyuan who was surprised. She just used Pei Shaorong as a shield just now, but she didn't expect Pei Shaorong to come to Fengning County.

But thinking that Fengning County used to be a breeding area for grassland red cattle, it was quite normal for academician Pei Shaorong to come to inspect the work.

"Hehe, Academician Pei is indeed a very respectable senior. We will soon cooperate to breed new hybrid rice."

Yang Guochun only read about Cao Chunyuan on the news a few days ago. He knew that Cao Chunyuan's scientific research center had developed a cold-resistant rice with a yield of 485 kilograms per mu.

He thought this was already a very powerful scientific research achievement, and he couldn't help being very curious when he heard Cao Chunyuan said that he would cooperate with Pei Shaorong.

"Mr. Cao, is it convenient for you to explain in detail?"

Cao Chunyuan smiled and waved her hands, and said, "We are all on our own, so there is nothing to say about it! Didn't I cultivate cold-resistant rice with a yield of 485 kilograms per mu before, and then I thought that the number of 485 kilograms is not auspicious. It would be great if we could breed hybrid rice with a yield of more than 1000 jin per mu.

Then I found Academician Pei and discussed with her old man to use my cold-resistant rice to cross-breed with her hybrid rice to try to breed hybrid rice with higher yield per mu. "

Yang Guochun nodded very seriously. The reason why he was willing for Cao Chunyuan to invest in Fengning County was not only because Cao Chunyuan could bring benefits to them.

Also, Cao Chunyuan has a very good reputation in the outside world. She also led the villagers to grow rich, and also engaged in agricultural research to develop high-yielding rice.

So he welcomes outstanding businessmen like Cao Chunyuan to invest in Fengning County!

In the past, he only heard various rumors related to Cao Chunyuan, and those rumors were not as good as the actual communication between him and Cao Chunyuan.After the two had a face-to-face conversation, he found that Cao Chunyuan had indeed made great contributions to the local villagers and to the cause of agricultural scientific research, as rumored on the Internet.

For a while, Cao Chunyuan's image in Yang Guochun's heart was elevated again.

"Haha, today's businessmen mostly focus on money, and there are too few people like you, Mr. Cao, who are willing to spend a lot of effort on scientific research.

I suggest that you choose a piece of land in Yangmushazi Township and Xiaobazi Township respectively, and build grassland red cattle pastures and small-tailed Han sheep pastures respectively. "

(End of this chapter)

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