Chapter 296 Showdown
Meimeiduo Almond Dew Factory, also known as the almond dew produced by the former Qinglong City Lulu Almond Dew Factory, has a very good taste, with a strong almond flavor and the unique slightly sweetness of almonds.

The only thing Cao Chunyuan is dissatisfied with is that the almond dew is packaged in a glass bottle. She doesn't like this kind of packaging, and she prefers canned drinks.

Canned beverages are not only more convenient to transport, but also look more upscale, which can improve product positioning and take a high-end route.

As for the matter of finding a celebrity to advertise, Liu Yufei really didn't think about it, because her development plan is to develop slowly. Her plan is to start from Qinglong City, expand to Jizhou Province, and then expand to northern China, and finally cover the whole country .

Her plan is to grow slowly, so she doesn't need to spend so much money on advertising.However, advertising is a very normal means of publicity. If advertising can quickly promote the reputation of the company's products, it is also a good plan.

Cao Chunyuan thought for a while, and said: "Don't worry about the canning equipment in advance. After I check that there is no problem with the canned meat we produce, I will contact Mr. Cai and mention the equipment to him by the way.

As for the matter of advertising endorsement, I don't know much about it. You can deal with it yourself, and don't spend too much money. "

Cao Chunyuan put it simply, but Feng Wenjun, a wage earner, had a difficult time.In his opinion, for a rich boss like Cao Chunyuan, a few million is not too much to her. What kind of concept does she mean that it is not too much?
Although he wasn't sure about Cao Chunyuan's intentions, he didn't ask Cao Chunyuan directly, but planned to lower the budget a little.At worst, when you really plan to invite a celebrity to speak for you, please ask Cao Chunyuan for instructions.

"Okay, Mr. Cao, I understand, then I won't bother you."


After hanging up the phone, Cao Chunyuan stood up, and she walked slowly to the window to look at the night outside for a while.

Feng Wenjun has already finished the canned meat, but she still doesn't know whether Cai Guangyao will accept the several new types of canned meat she provided.

If Cai Guangyao doesn't accept her plan, the chickens, ducks and geese that she worked hard for several months will be in vain.The small-tailed Han sheep farm she is creating has really turned into a mutton sheep breeding factory.

"Oh, I hope everything goes well!"

Wednesday, February 2. (fourteenth day of the first lunar month)

On this day, Guan Zhenzhen and Zhang Genhua, who had been secretly busy for several days, conspired again in private.

Guan Zhenzhen: "My side is progressing very smoothly. Many herdsmen are willing to cooperate with Mr. Cao in breeding. Especially after hearing that Mr. Cao is a scientific research expert who has just bred high-yielding rice, they are more willing to cooperate with Mr. Cao."

Hearing this, Zhang Genhua nodded, and the situation on his side was also very smooth, everything was as if the boat was going with the flow, and it was a matter of course.He just went to Shatuozi Village, told the herdsmen about Cao Chunyuan's cooperative breeding plan, and revealed Cao Chunyuan's identity.

The herdsmen responded one after another and supported Cao Chunyuan's cooperation plan very much. This smoothness even made Zhang Genhua feel unreal.

"Uh, my side is also going well. The herdsmen in Shatuozi Village are in a difficult situation. They are definitely willing to do things that make money. Especially the person who cooperates with them is the well-known Mr. Cao. All of this The development was so smooth that I was a little unconfident."

Guan Zhenzhen nodded, she also had this feeling before, the feeling that I got things done before I put any effort into it, which made her feel like a hard fist hit the cotton, which was very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, everything is going well, and the herdsmen are willing to cooperate with her work, so she can go to Cao Chunyuan now, show a good performance in front of Cao Chunyuan, and give Cao Chunyuan a surprise.

She blinked and said longingly: "Since you have already settled the matter, let's report to Mr. Cao tomorrow night. Tomorrow is the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. Maybe Mr. Cao has other arrangements."

Zhang Genhua frowned slightly, it wasn't that he didn't accept Guan Zhenzhen's suggestion, if he found Cao Chunyuan together with Guan Zhenzhen, he would tell what he had done during this time.

Wouldn't that be equivalent to telling Cao Chunyuan that they have been performing in front of Cao Chunyuan a few days ago, but they have been secretly working hard?
He wanted to stagger the time to find Cao Chunyuan with Guan Zhenzhen, but seeing Guan Zhenzhen's appearance, he probably didn't want to wait a minute longer.He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, then I will listen to you. Let's report the situation to Mr. Cao after dinner."

Guan Zhenzhen nodded proudly, glanced at the direction of Heiniu Mountain Village, and murmured in her heart, this time not only gave Cao Chunyuan a surprise, but also gave Hu Zhenglong a surprise.

I believe that when Hu Zhenglong knew that she and Zhang Genhua had been acting secretly all the time, he would be so surprised from ear to ear.

After dinner in the evening, Guan Zhenzhen and Zhang Genhua found Cao Chunyuan together. Seeing the excited faces of the two of them, Cao Chunyuan guessed that their coming this time was probably related to the cooperative breeding of herdsmen.

With a sullen face, she sat silently on the chair, pretending to be ignorant.

"You two found me so late, what's the matter?"

Zhang Genhua carried forward the spirit of a gentleman, and gave Guan Zhenzhen the opportunity to perform, and he himself acted as a supporting green leaf.

Guan Zhenzhen and Zhang Genhua glanced at each other, took a small step forward silently, and said, "Mr. Cao, we know that you want to help the herdsmen in Fengning County, and you want to cooperate with the herdsmen to breed and lead them to become rich together.

During this period, Zhang Genhua and I went to Lujiaogou Village and Shatuozi Village in Xiaobazi Township to find local herdsmen and communicate with them about cooperative breeding.

They are very interested in cooperative farming, especially when they learned that they want to cooperate with you, many herdsmen would like to cooperate with you in farming. "

Cao Chunyuan pretended to be surprised, but her heart was already full of joy. She stood up and looked at Guan Zhenzhen in surprise: "Didn't I ask you two to help Hu Zhenglong deal with the matter of Chunyuan Ranch during this time? When did you go to Lujiaogou Village and Shatuozi Village?"

Seeing Cao Chunyuan's 'surprised' appearance, Guan Zhenzhen was secretly happy, thinking that she had pretended this time, and she must have left a very deep impression on Cao Chunyuan's heart this time.

She looked at Cao Chunyuan with a smile on her face, and explained in a low voice: "Manager Hu has already recruited some assistants, and we can't help much. So I thought about helping Manager Hu in other ways.

I heard that Lujiaogou Village and Shatuozi Village are the villages with the worst conditions in Xiaobazi Township, and even Fengning County. If we can cooperate with them in farming, wouldn’t that be the fulfillment of Mr. Cao’s lofty goal of leading the herdsmen to become rich? "

After finishing speaking, Guan Zhenzhen looked at Cao Chunyuan eagerly, waiting for Cao Chunyuan to praise her, but she waited for a long time and Cao Chunyuan didn't respond at all.

(End of this chapter)

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