Chapter 313 Dating ([-])

"Aren't you always hostile to Zhang Yuhui? Now that he's in trouble, you should be happy. Why are you still worried about him?"

"Who, who is worried about him?
I was just afraid that he would be bullied by outsiders and lose face to our Zhang family, so I wasn't worried about him. "

Seeing Zhang Yunxi's stubborn mouth, Cao Chunyuan's stomach ached from laughing, Zhang Yunxi and Zhang Yuhui were real enemies, they fought when they were in Zhang's house, and Zhang Yuhui left Zhang's house, they still had to fight.

Now that Zhang Yuhui's side is in bad luck, Zhang Yunxi is worried about his enemy instead. Isn't this pure and pure-headed?

Cao Chunyuan guessed that although Zhang Yunxi and Zhang Yuhui didn't deal with each other, Zhang Yuhui watched him grow up after all.In Zhang Yunxi's eyes, his fight with Zhang Yunxi is an internal struggle, but an outsider's fight with Zhang Yuhui is an external struggle.

Cao Chunyuan didn't discuss much about Zhang Yuhui, but turned the topic to Zhang Yunxi's Walkman company.

"Your company already has its own product, and the advertisement has been filmed. When are you going to officially launch it on the market?"

As soon as he arrived at his home court, Zhang Yunxi immediately became serious, "We are doing other preparations now. On the one hand, we are donating radios and walkmans to the school. On the other hand, we are contacting large newspapers in various provinces across the country, preparing to promote our Donate activities, start the brand in advance.

Because there are a lot of newspapers to contact, the time is slightly delayed. It is expected to be in mid-March, which is the end of January in the lunar calendar. "

Cao Chunyuan nodded. Before Zhang Yunxi told him that the new product would be launched around the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, she thought that Zhang Yunxi was going to launch the new product in a few days.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yunxi played so wildly this time. He not only bought the advertisement of China Guardian, but also promoted it nationwide. It seems that he is really planning to play a big game.

Cao Chunyuan blinked, and asked with a smile: "You have invested so much, it is determined that you are going to take the high-end route?"

"That's right, the route I set for the brand "Gemei" is a domestic high-end brand.

With such an excellent design of our Walkman, as well as the commercials you shot, plus the hype about my donating Walkman and radio to the school, Gemei Walkman will definitely become a brand that people all over the country are familiar with.

After so much effort, if we are still not as good as foreign products like Sony, we should really think about why domestic products are not good enough. "

Zhang Yunxi has invested a lot in the Walkman this time. The various accessories used in the Walkman are all top-notch products, and there are overwhelming advertisements, which can really boost the reputation of the product.

Cao Chunyuan's only worry is that Chinese people don't recognize domestic brands, or that Chinese people don't recognize domestic high-end brands.

"How much do you price Gemei Walkman?"

Zhang Yunxi grinned and said, "666 yuan."

"How much?" Cao Chunyuan exclaimed.

Fortunately, it was night and there were no tourists on the revolving restaurant, otherwise it would have caused riots.

"666 yuan, do you think this price is too expensive?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded. She remembered that the Sony Walkman in Japan is currently on the market, and the basic model is in the early 600s.She thought that the high-end that Zhang Yunxi mentioned would sell for 300 or 400 at the highest, but she didn't expect Zhang Yunxi to have such a wild mind and directly compete with Sony.

666 yuan is already the price of imported Walkmans. A new brand comes up with such a high price. Cao Chunyuan can't help but worry about Zhang Yunxi.

"Your price has been completely benchmarked against those international brands, so aren't you worried that you won't be able to sell it?"

Zhang Yunxi shook his head and said, "Our products are so good, why should I worry?

Whether it is the appearance design of the product or the quality of the product, it does not lose to an international brand such as Sony.Moreover, I followed your suggestion and specially equipped the Walkman with a high-end over-ear earphone, which alone is worth 100 yuan.

That's it, it's just the price of Sony's basic model. If Sony sells this product by itself, I estimate that they will have to sell it for 1000. "

Hearing this, Cao Chunyuan was speechless for a while, and she suddenly felt as if she had chosen the wrong industry.Electronic products are really huge profits. If you dare to sell such a broken thing for 1000, that is 2 months' wages of ordinary grassroots workers in Yanjing!

Cao Chunyuan scratched her head and said, "I remember that you seem to be planning to go high-end and low-end. High-end products are sold at 666, but what about low-end products?"

Speaking of this, Zhang Yunxi himself felt a little embarrassed, after all, it sounded weird that his own product copied his other company's product.

"That, that, I registered another brand for low-end products.

Because it is a low-end market, the price is relatively cheap. The price I set is 66 yuan. "


Hearing this, Cao Chunyuan couldn't hold back, and sprayed out all the water she just drank. Fortunately, she reacted quickly, turned her head and sprayed it on the floor beside her.

She turned her head, patted her chest lightly, calmed down, then looked at Zhang Yunxi with a frown.

"Your high-end products sell for 666, and your low-end products only sell for 66, a full 10 times the price difference?"

When Zhang Yunxi heard Cao Chunyuan raise this question, he knew that Cao Chunyuan did not understand the domestic Walkman market.At present, the domestic Walkman market is severely divided into two levels. The upper level is imported brands such as Sony, and the minimum price starts at 600.

The rest are domestic imitations, and these brands are imitation imported Walkmans.There are some counterfeit ones with better quality, that is, the so-called high imitation, and the price is only about 50 yuan.

As for those low-end imitations, the cheap ones are more than 10 yuan, and the more expensive ones are in their early 20s.

The 66 yuan Zhang Yunxi set for his company is already a high price among low-end products.

"You don't know much about the Walkman industry. This industry is like this. The price is high and the price is low. This is why I firmly build a domestic high-end Walkman brand. I don't want to see those imported brands firmly occupy our In the high-end market, the product price can be positioned at will.

We now have the ability to manufacture this electronic product ourselves, why not create our own brand? "

Cao Chunyuan remembers that when she approached Zhang Yunxi last time, Zhang Yunxi was still planning to attack the mid-range Walkman market. It was under her influence that Zhang Yunxi changed his goal and launched an impact on the high-end market.

If Zhang Yunxi can really succeed, she has a large part of the credit.

"Yeah, good job, I like you!"

"Hehe, thank you. In fact, you have put in a lot of effort here. I should thank you very much."

Cao Chunyuan smiled sweetly and said, "Didn't you treat me to dinner, that's enough!"

Zhang Yunxi shook his head and smiled wryly. If it was before, he could still provide Cao Chunyuan with some real estate such as shops as a thank you.But now, Cao Chunyuan is a rich woman, and she suspects that Cao Chunyuan may be richer than him.

He was too embarrassed to offer some material thanks, for fear that Cao Chunyuan would look down on him.

"When are you going back?"

(End of this chapter)

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