Chapter 317 Cooperative Breeding
When Cao Chunyuan first cooperated with Liujia Village in planting, many people did not believe her and thought she was a lie.So Cao Chunyuan took the initiative to contribute funds to help the villagers build greenhouses, and also provided the villagers with high-quality fruit trees for free.

After that, she also called the staff of the Agricultural Research Center of Dazhangzi Township to explain to the villagers how to plant greenhouses and so on in Liujia Village.After this set, everyone believed that Cao Chunyuan really wanted to cooperate with everyone in planting.

Compared with farming, grazing is actually not much different. Cao Chunyuan is going to accept Hu Zhenglong's suggestion and immediately build a simple pasture, and put the prairie red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep that she has prepared in advance into the pasture.

I believe that the local herdsmen will believe that she really wants to cooperate with the herders when they see thousands of prairie red cattle.

At that time, she will find a few more talkative herdsmen, first help them build a simple pasture, and then provide them with grassland red cattle.I believe that under this set of combined punches, more herdsmen will be willing to cooperate with her to raise grassland red cattle.

After Cao Chunyuan expressed her thoughts to the three responsible persons, they were unanimously approved by everyone.

Therefore, the two grassland pastures in Fengning County have added simple grassland pastures on the basis of the original ones, and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Monday, May 1994, 3.

The small-tailed Han sheep simple pasture in Yangmushazi Township and the grassland red cattle simple pasture in Xiaobazi Township have all been completed. Cao Chunyuan is organizing a large truck to transport the grassland red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep she prepared to the two pastures.

Before, Cao Chunyuan said that she had prepared 5000 heads of each type of livestock. In the past month, Phoenix Space has bred another 3000 grassland red cattle. Now she has a total of [-] grassland red cattle on hand.

As for the small-tailed Han sheep in her hands, there are even more of them, more than 2.

Today, Liujia Village's transportation convoy was at full strength, and it took a full day and night to deliver all the grassland red cattle and small-tailed Han sheep to the corresponding pastures.

At 18:50 in the afternoon, it was getting dark, and the transportation team transported all the grassland red cattle.

Hu Zhenglong looked at the prairie red cattle crowded together in the temporary pasture, and secretly complained in his heart that Cao Chunyuan was an unreliable boss. She said that there were only 5000 prairie red cattle in total, but in the end she delivered 1 prairie red cattle in one go.

If he hadn't built the temporary pasture larger, there would be problems today.

He hesitated for a long time, but finally couldn't hold it back. He leaned over to Cao Chunyuan and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Cao, didn't you say that there were only 5000 prairie red cattle in total? Why are there so many more?"

Regarding this point, Cao Chunyuan had already thought of a solution, and she said with a smile: "Among the 1 prairie red cattle, 1000 are for Mr. Yin of Yinli Dairy.

As for the extra 4000 heads, they are reserved for the local herdsmen. Didn’t you say last time that the herdsmen didn’t see the real thing and didn’t believe us?

Now that we have tens of thousands of prairie red cattle in our hands, who would dare to say that we are liars? "

Hearing this, the corners of Hu Zhenglong's mouth twitched, thinking that we just need to build the pasture. The herdsmen will naturally believe in our strength when they see our pasture. How can you increase the number of people like you to make the herdsmen believe in you? 5000 prairie red cattle.

Do you know how much the unit price of an adult prairie red bull is?

The big boss is the big boss, 5000 prairie red cattle, and tens of thousands of small-tailed Han sheep, in your eyes, are just a set of numbers, I am really convinced.

"Mr. Cao, now that our ranch has been built, can we start communicating with the herdsmen as you said before, and formally start cooperative breeding?"

Cao Chunyuan nodded and counted: "We will start tomorrow, first recruit a group of talkative herdsmen, we will build pastures for them for free, and then provide them with grassland red cattle.

It doesn't matter if we pay a little more money in the early stage, but the contract must be clearly explained to the herdsmen, telling them how to breed, what are the benefits of raising them well, and what consequences will they bear if they die.

Don't make a problem at that time, people say that they don't understand the contract, we cheat them of money and so on, so we will be thankless. "

Hu Zhenglong nodded vigorously. He had learned about Cao Chunyuan's cooperative breeding with the villagers, so he had a certain understanding of the routine of cooperating with herdsmen.

"Mr. Cao, don't worry, the contract was drawn up a long time ago, and there will be no problems. Then I will communicate with the local herdsmen tomorrow morning and officially start the cooperative breeding plan."

"Well, that's it. You, Guan Zhenzhen and Zhang Genhua also talk about it. After the two of them have finished handling the cooperative breeding matters of Lujiaogou Village and Shatuozi Village, they will withdraw from this project. The rest of the work will be handed over to You've come to do it."

"OK, I see!"

"Well, so be it!"

"Good Mr. Cao!"

As soon as Hu Zhenglong left, the mobile phone in Cao Chunyuan's pocket vibrated, and she hurriedly took out the mobile phone.Seeing that it was Song Min'an's call, Cao Chunyuan hurriedly answered the phone, fearing that Song Min'an would find another chance to talk about her if the answer was late.

"Hello, Director Song!"

Song Min'an gritted his back molars, thinking that it's no wonder I'm doing well with you here, I haven't paid attention to you for a few days, and you sneaked off to Yanjing again, and even sued me, thanks to me helping you so much.

"I heard you made a lot of noise today. Did you build the ranch?"

Cao Chunyuan raised her eyebrows slightly, and from Song Min'an's tone, she sensed something was wrong.Under normal circumstances, Song Min'an's attitude is very kind, but Song Min'an's attitude today is as if she has made another mistake.

Cao Chunyuan couldn't help but began to recall whether she had done anything bad recently, but she thought about it for a long time. She has been dealing with grassland and ranch affairs in Fengning County recently, and she has been working hard every day. How can she have time to go out and commit crimes?
"Hehe, the grassland pasture project is progressing pretty well. Now the temporary pasture has been set up. The professional breeding greenhouse is still under construction. It will probably be completed in May and put into use at the end of June.

Oh, by the way, I am going to start cooperative farming with the herdsmen tomorrow. If you have time, you can come and visit.After all, Fengning County belongs to the autonomous region, we cooperate with the herdsmen in the autonomous region, a little hype, for you"

Hearing this, Song Min'an couldn't care less about Cao Chunyuan's 'knives' behind Cao Chunyuan's back, and he asked with a serious face: "I remember you told me before that you won't start working with the herdsmen until next month. Breeding, why did you act so quickly?"

In this regard, Cao Chunyuan is also very helpless. It is not that she is anxious to discuss cooperation with the herdsmen, but that her pasture has not been built, and many herdsmen do not trust her.

Now she is going to follow the old path, helping the herdsmen build simple pastures for free, and providing grassland red cattle to the herdsmen on the other hand.

First find a few reliable herdsmen to cooperate with, and publicize her cooperative breeding with herdsmen. It will be easier for her to carry out the next step.

"Song Bureau, I am thinking that I can better help the herdsmen. If I can cooperate with the herdsmen earlier, these herdsmen with relatively difficult conditions will be able to have a stable job as soon as possible. I am thinking of them. How can you doubt me?"

(End of this chapter)

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