Chapter 431 Returning to Xiangjiang
As expected, Xu Lili is Wang Manni's favorite person. She is very capable in handling affairs. While assisting Cao Chunyuan in handling cooperative planting, she can actually be distracted from other tasks.

The most important thing is that she didn't delay at both ends, and she did a good job!

Cao Chunyuan has already made up her mind that Xu Lili will definitely be promoted in the future, and she can be allowed to sit on one side.She even suspected that it was Wang Manni who sent Xu Lili to her on purpose this time.

This trip to the south is a test for Xu Lili. So far, Cao Chunyuan is very satisfied with Xu Lili.

Cao Chunyuan is ready to accept Xu Lili's proposal. This southern expansion plan starts from Nanpei City in Ganzhou Province, which is also her touchstone.

If all goes well with the chain store in Nanpei City, she will quickly spread the chain store around Ganzhou Province.

"Lily, from tomorrow onwards, you don't have to follow me to sign a contract with the villagers. You go to Nanpei City tomorrow and do a detailed investigation. Our Chunyuan Fruit Shop starts from Nanpei City."

Hearing this, Xu Lili's eyes lit up, she knew that she had gained Cao Chunyuan's trust.

This kind of work of developing new markets is very critical. Under normal circumstances, company executives like Wang Manni should be responsible for it.

Or Wang Manni appoints a regional director, who will be fully responsible for developing new markets.

Previously, Wang Manni gave her the task of assisting Cao Chunyuan in establishing the southern market, but did not tell her to develop the southern market.

Now Cao Chunyuan, the big boss, spoke in person and entrusted her with such an important task, which was a sign of trust in her.

"Plop, plop"

Xu Lili's little heart was beating fast, and her face turned an unhealthy red color because she was too excited.

She kept adjusting her breathing rhythm and tried her best to slow down her heart rate so that Cao Chunyuan could not see her nervousness and excitement.

"Cao, Mr. Cao, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter well, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly, her character is to be suspicious of people, as long as she is optimistic about people, she will be confident and bold to let her do it.

Wang Manni and Cen Shuhong all started from the grassroots, and now they have become Cao Chunyuan's right-hand men. Who dares to say that they are young and inexperienced?
Even that guy Li Zhigang has become a well-known big boss in Yanjing, and many people are begging him for business cooperation.

This time, Li Zhigang directly expanded his logistics business to the south, and he is about to become a bigwig whose commercial territory occupies half of the country.

Since she is optimistic about Xu Lili, she won't hide it, just use it directly, and let her shine by herself.

"The expansion project of Nanpei City is temporarily under your full responsibility, and you will directly connect with me and Manny.

If the chain store project in the south goes well, you can stay in the south and be the regional director of the south. "


Xu Lili gasped. She had just imagined that Cao Chunyuan would reuse her as the project leader of Nanpei City.

She has even thought that if her project is done well, Cao Chunyuan may promote her as the project leader of the chain store in Ganzhou Province.

But Cao Chunyuan was even more exaggerated than she imagined, and she was directly appointed as the regional director of the Southern Region.

You know, at present, Chunyuan Fruit Store and Chunyuan Vegetable Store are the most stable profitable projects in Cao Chunyuan's hands, and it is correct to say that Cao Chunyuan's hands are the chicken that lays golden eggs.

At present, the top manager of the two chain stores is Wang Manni, and her position is the regional director of the North China Region.

And the job that Cao Chunyuan arranged for her was actually the regional director of Huaxia Southern Region. In this way, she, a newcomer, can keep pace with a company boss like Wang Manni.

She is equivalent to ascending to the sky in one step!

Of course, this is only the Chunyuan Fruit Store and Chunyuan Vegetable Store. Cao Chunyuan’s companies are not limited to these. She also has Chunyuan Ranch, Chunyuan Dairy, Weiweiduo Canning Factory, Weiweiduo Almond Dew Factory, and Longfeng Chengxiang Cake shop etc.

In particular, the delicious canning factory is entering Jizhou Province with a very strong momentum.

This canning factory is Cao Chunyuan's second project that can enter the international market, and its development prospects are bright.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao, I will definitely do a good job in this project?"


Cao Chunyuan nodded. She had already given Xu Lili the opportunity. Whether she can seize it depends on whether Xu Lili has the ability.

She is really capable, Cao Chunyuan will naturally let her display her talent, if she is not good, there will be countless people waiting in line behind her.

"That's it, you start your research work tomorrow.

Oh, by the way, by the way, find a location with a better location. We are going to build several large cargo transfer centers in the south.Commodities such as fruits are too precious, and logistics must be guaranteed. "

"I understand, don't worry!"

"Okay, that's it!"

Thursday, June 1995, 6.

After nearly a month of hard work, Cao Chunyuan has successfully reached cooperative planting with all townships in Wan'an District. Currently, several townships in Wan'an District are carrying out cooperative planting projects in an orderly manner.

At the same time, there is also the Chunyuan Hope Primary School project in Zhangshui City, and the road construction project in Wan'an District. These two projects are also going on at the same time.

In addition, the chain store project in Nanpei City that Xu Lili is in charge of has also officially started.

The economic development of Nanpei City is very good, almost comparable to Yanjing City, the most developed area in China. In addition, Nanpei City is the capital city of Ganzhou Province. Xu Lili directly added 5 new restaurants in Nanpei City Chunyuan Fruit Store and 5 Chunyuan Vegetable Stores.

The locations of the chain stores are all located in the central business district of Nanpei City, and all the stores are selected in the best areas of the commercial street.

At present, these 10 shops have started renovation and will be officially operational soon.

This is the first step of Cao Chunyuan's chain store in the southern market, success or failure depends on it.

Nanpei Airport, Ganzhou Province.

Cao Chunyuan, Xu Lili, and Lao Lang walked out of the waiting hall, got into the passenger car and prepared to board the plane.

Cao Chunyuan looked at Xu Lili, and asked in a low voice: "How is the work arrangement in Nanpei City, we should stay for a while when we go to Xiangjiang this time.

The work in Nanpei City has just started, so nothing can go wrong. "

Xu Lili nodded very seriously, "Mr. Cao, don't worry, I have already arranged the follow-up work in Nanpei City. I will communicate with the person in charge every day to ensure that there will be no questions."

Seeing Xu Lili's serious face, Cao Chunyuan was relieved.

The work in Nanpei City has just started, and she doesn't mind Xu Lili staying in Nanpei City to take care of the work in Nanpei City.

When she went to Xiangjiang, Cai Guangyao, a local snake, would take care of her, so there would be no problems. The worst case would be that the chain store's business would not be good.

Therefore, it doesn't make much difference whether Xu Lili goes to the south with her or not.

But Xu Lili is willing to go, and there is no problem taking her with her, and she can also handle the affairs of the Xiangjiang branch by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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