Chapter 441 Returning to Xiangjiang ([-])

Under the leadership of Ah Hui, a local snake in Xiangjiang, Cao Chunyuan quickly visited several of her unopened shops. These shops were bought by Ah Hui for her a few months ago, and they had been renovated long ago and were just waiting to open.

This is not only the first time for Cao Chunyuan to visit her shop, but also the first time for her to observe Xiangjiang's market economy closely.

When mentioning Xiangjiang before, Cao Chunyuan’s first concept was high prices, which were 7 or 8 times that of the mainland. The second concept was internationalization, with foreign companies everywhere.

After actually visiting several mainstream shopping malls and commercial circles in Xiangjiang, Cao Chunyuan just wanted to say "well-deserved reputation".

Chunyuan Fruit Shop has a high consumption level in Yanjing, and even in the whole mainland. The most expensive 'Beautiful Strawberry' is only about [-] yuan per catty in the most expensive season.

But in Xiangjiang, imported fruits such as Hongyan strawberries and Zhangji strawberries are simply not affordable for ordinary people.In Xiangjiang, they are collectively called aristocratic fruits, and the price is more than 200 yuan per catty when it is in season, and the price is thousands of yuan when it is the most expensive.

This is the biggest difference between Xiangjiang and the mainland. It is not just fruits here, but the whole Xiangjiang has a very clear division of rich and poor.

For example, the Repulse Bay, Qinshui Bay, and Mid-Levels villa areas where Cai Guangyao bought luxury houses are proper rich areas. The various living facilities in the rich areas are very complete, but the prices are ridiculously expensive.

Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui and other places are relatively typical commercial areas, where the consumption level is the highest in Hong Kong.

"Mr. Cai certainly doesn't care about this little money, but I can't take advantage of Mr. Cai just because Mr. Cai doesn't care. Besides, I still have this little money."

But Cao Chunyuan, a 20-year-old young man, bought a villa worth nearly [-] million yuan without the slightest hesitation in front of him.

After seeing Cao Chunyuan's boldness to spend money like dirt, Ahui also wanted to show off his strength in front of Cao Chunyuan, so that Cao Chunyuan would look at him high.

The two are now in a cooperative relationship, so it doesn't matter what you say, if the cooperative relationship between the two of them breaks down one day, they may become enemies.

Fortunately, Cao Chunyuan came to Xiangjiang only for business investment, not to move to Xiangjiang to live. After she learned about Xiangjiang's situation, she made detailed work arrangements.

Cao Chunyuan definitely doesn't like this little money, but this kind of superior attitude can improve her social status.

With the relationship between you and Mr. Cai, even if I give you a set, there is no problem. If Mr. Cai knows that I am taking you to buy a house, he will definitely scold me. "

Ah Hui is like Cai Guangyao's spokesperson. Cao Chunyuan will do business in Xiangjiang in the future, and dealing with Ah Hui is indispensable, so she is very face-saving and follows what Ah Hui said.

Therefore, Cao Chunyuan didn't want to take advantage of Cai Guangyao, and at most used his name to start her own work in Xiangjiang to gain some convenience for herself.

Xiangjiang is the bridgehead for us to enter the international market. When we come here next time, it will be the time to officially enter the international market. "

"Ha ha!"

"Lily, go to the Xiangjiang branch first, and explain to the person in charge of the branch about the company's expansion.

However, the consumption level here is still 7 or 8 times that of Yanjing. This is a very strange phenomenon. The local prices remain high, while the living standards of ordinary residents are very low.

Cao Chunyuan's generosity made Ah Hui, who had always looked down on mainland businessmen, greatly improve his overall impression of mainland businessmen.

Cao Chunyuan smiled and shook her head. No matter how rich Cai Guangyao was, it was his money. Even if there were too many villas under his name to live in, it had nothing to do with Cao Chunyuan.

If I watch it for you, they will not dare to cut corners for you. "

In addition, he bought a small villa in the mid-level villa area, and became neighbors with Cai Guangyao.

At the same time, she also bought an office building of more than 300 square meters in the golden business district of Mong Kok. This is not the end, she still despised the 300 square meter office building, and bought another 5000 square meter land to build an office building by herself.

Before construction, the construction unit must first order the construction drawings. The construction drawings are not free. The construction drawings made by hired professionals start at [-] yuan.

A very unnatural smile appeared on Ahui's face. He just pretended to be polite. The cheapest villas in the half-level villa area cost more than 500 million.

"Mr. Ah Hui, you are worthy of being the Baidatong of Xiangjiang, you can solve anything, no wonder Mr. Cai said that he can just call you if there is anything to do.

And Cao Chunyuan, under the leadership of Ah Hui, purchased an office building and a piece of land for the company's headquarters in the Mong Kok business district.

As for villas, expensive gifts, etc., Cao Chunyuan will take the initiative to avoid them. This is a respect for friends and respect for herself.

"Mr. Cao, let me handle the building of your office building. I am familiar with several reliable construction companies in Xiangjiang. I will ask them to give you some architectural drawings, and you can choose the drawings and construction companies yourself. .

Even a rich international businessman like Cai Guangyao couldn't turn a blind eye to this price.

The most valuable things for local people are their Xiangjiang household registration, houses, and land. As for work, they can only do some grassroots jobs that sell labor.

On the way back, Ah Hui couldn't help complaining: "Mr. Cao, if you need a place to stay, just tell Mr. Cai, there are many villas under his name.

The corners of Cao Chunyuan's mouth rose slightly, and as soon as Ah Hui spoke, she knew what Ah Hui was up to.

After Cao Chunyuan took care of all these things, it was already dark, and Ahui drove Cao Chunyuan back to the Repulse Bay villa area.

The Outlying Islands District is much worse. The level of development here is not much different from that of Yanjing, a first-tier inland city, and even worse than that of a first-tier inland city.

Xu Lili nodded and said yes, and after discussing some company expansion details with Cao Chunyuan, she went to the Xiangjiang branch alone to deal with branch expansion.

You and the person in charge of the Xiangjiang branch are starting to recruit talents. In the afternoon, I will go to the office building with Ah Hui, and buy two more pieces of land by the way to build the headquarters base of the Xiangjiang branch.

Then I will trouble Mr. Ahui about the Xiangjiang headquarters building. If Mr. Ahui needs anything, just mention it. I am not the kind of stingy person. "

Ah Hui shook his head again and again, claiming that he was only following the rules and Cao Chunyuan was Cai Guangyao's friend, so he would help Cao Chunyuan.All the convenience is based on Cai Guangyao's face and has nothing to do with him.

There was nothing wrong with what Ahui said, but Cao Chunyuan would not just send Ahui casually like this, and she would definitely keep Ahui with the benefits she should have.

In this way, the two chatted all the way back to the Repulse Bay villa area.

(End of this chapter)

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