Chapter 451 Returning to Yanjing ([-])

"Hey, Chunyuan is here, come in quickly, Auntie has cooked all the meals, and I'm just waiting for you to come over!"

As soon as Cao Chunyuan parked the car, Liu Shaorong couldn't wait to greet her. This time she was even more enthusiastic than when Cao Chunyuan came to the door last time. When she saw Cao Chunyuan, she enthusiastically took Cao Chunyuan's hand, and couldn't help but pull Cao Chunyuan into the courtyard.

As for her own son on the side, she didn't even look at him.

Zhang Yunxi knew his mother very well, holding the rose in one hand and carrying the bag for Cao Chunyuan in the other, silently following behind the two.

"Auntie, what good food have you eaten recently? Why do you feel that your skin is getting more and more supple, and it looks better than mine. I don't know, but I thought we were sisters."


Liu Shaorong was amused by Cao Chunyuan's exaggerated remarks. As a woman, she knew that Cao Chunyuan was exaggerating.But women are like this, even if they know it's a lie, as long as they are obedient, they can make themselves happy.

She patted the back of Cao Chunyuan's hand with a smile, and said, "Auntie is getting old, and her skin is wrinkled, so she can't compare with you young people.

However, I found that my skin has indeed improved a lot recently, and it must be because of the fruits you sent me.

The fruits you sell are really good. Now I feel that I can't live without the fruits you sell. "

Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly. The fruits she sent to the Zhang family were all the best of the best, and they were all excellent varieties cultivated by Phoenix Space.

Whitening, beautifying, and moisturizing are all basic functions. These high-quality fruits contain various rich nutrients, which can secretly nourish the human body.

Make people's body more youthful, thereby slowing down aging and making people less sick.

She would not tell Liu Shaorong these words bluntly, she wanted Liu Shaorong to experience it by herself.Just like whether the medicine has curative effect, the patient knows best.

"Auntie, as long as you like it, the most important thing I don't lack is fruit. If you like me, I will send more in the future."

Hearing this, Liu Shaorong waved his hands again and again, she didn't want Cao Chunyuan to have bad thoughts about her because of such a trivial matter.

Some high-quality fruits are nothing more than a drop in the bucket even if the Zhang family eats them openly every day!

"Chunyuan, you are too polite, you are also in business, how can I make you lose money.

In the future, I will place an order for you, and you can have it delivered to your door on time. "

"How can I do that? I am filial to the elders. How can I collect money from the elders. If people know about it, they can't laugh at me for not being ignorant of the rules?"

Liu Shaorong likes Cao Chunyuan's attitude very much, but one size counts for another. Cao Chunyuan is sensible and she, an elder, can't be a fool.

"Chunyuan, listen to Auntie about this matter, Auntie knows that you are not short of money.

But Auntie is an elder, and Auntie understands your heart. If you ask someone to give Auntie a gift once or twice, I will accept it.

Just listen to me, let's go according to the order, and charge as much as you want. "


With Cao Chunyuan's current worth, she no longer looks down on the money for this little fruit. She wants to form a good relationship with Liu Shaorong in this regard, but Liu Shaorong insists on giving the money, which makes Cao Chunyuan very entangled.

After much consideration, Cao Chunyuan agreed to Liu Shaorong's suggestion and delivered according to the order.

But she added one more item, that is, the fruits delivered to the Zhang family will all be based on the purchase price.

In this way, Cao Chunyuan's heart was expressed, Liu Shaorong also spent money, and both parties achieved their respective goals.

"Xiao Cao is here!"

As soon as Cao Chunyuan entered the living room, Zhang Weizheng, the patriarch of the Zhang family, stood up to greet her warmly. Cao Chunyuan didn't dare to push her too hard, and bowed very politely to greet Zhang Weizheng.

"Hello, Uncle Zhang, I came here in a hurry this time, and I didn't bring you a gift. I hope you don't mind."

Zhang Weizheng waved his hand and said with a smile on his face: "You have already given a big gift to the Zhang family, how dare I accept your gift again, I should be the one who gave you a big gift."

Cao Chunyuan knew that the big gift Zhang Weizheng was talking about was referring to the shopping mall project in cooperation with the Cai family.

She had already notified Zhang Weizheng to communicate with Cai Guangyao himself. Judging from Zhang Weizheng's attitude, it should be that the two had reached a cooperation intention.

Cao Chunyuan was not interested in figuring out how the two of them cooperated, so she said casually: "Uncle Zhang, the Cai family is planning to build the largest shopping center in Yazhou in Yanjing this time. A chance to make a name for yourself.

Your cooperation with the Cai family went well this time, and maybe you can continue to cooperate in other areas in the future. "

Zhang Weizheng nodded in agreement. The shopping mall is like this. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but once the beginning is started, the rest will be easy.

The cooperation between the Zhang family and the Cai family is equivalent to sitting on a rocket and flying straight into the sky.

Zhang Wei is in front of Cao Chunyuan, a senior in the industry, he has tried his best to control his facial expressions, not to let himself be too excited.

"I am able to cooperate with the Cai family this time. I really want to thank you, Xiao Cao, for being the bridge. If you encounter any business problems in the future, just tell Uncle Zhang directly. Uncle Zhang will definitely help you."

Cao Chunyuan smiled slightly, but did not follow Zhang Weizheng's words.

Now her several major projects are running very well, and they have all started to make profits, especially the fruit chain store, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are making money every day.

She doesn't want to expand in other industries now, and she doesn't lack money. She can't even think of where she needs the Zhang family's help.

"What are you doing, Xiao Cao finally came to be a guest at home, and before you even took a sip of water, you are talking about business matters with him.

He is here to be a guest, not to discuss business with you. You father and son are really not sensible. "

At the critical moment, Liu Shaorong stood up, and she pulled Cao Chunyuan to sit next to her, and while telling people to serve the food, she pulled Cao Chunyuan to chat about the family.

Zhang Weizheng and Zhang Yunxi on the side could only look at Cao Chunyuan and Liu Shaorong eagerly, and stare blankly from the side.

Not long after, the maids brought the meals that had been prepared to the table. Cao Chunyuan's stomach started to growl when she saw a large table full of delicious food.

She still ate the meal before boarding the plane, and it has been almost a day now, and she is indeed a little hungry.

Liu Shaorong on the side noticed Cao Chunyuan's situation, and hurriedly put a piece of fat and thin braised pork for Cao Chunyuan, and hinted at Zhang Yunxi who was opposite with his eyes to pick up vegetables for Cao Chunyuan.

"Chunyuan, this is braised pork that my aunt made for you. You are too skinny, eat more meat!"

"Thank you auntie!"

Cao Chunyuan unceremoniously picked up the braised pork in the bowl and put it in her mouth. In an instant, a sweet and salty taste flooded into her taste buds.

This piece of braised pork is fat but not greasy, and there is a faint aroma in the mouth. This is obviously not the cooking level of ordinary people.Cao Chunyuan was very skeptical that this was a delicacy that Liu Shaorong asked a star chef to cook.

(End of this chapter)

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