Chapter 503 Engagement (Fifteen)

Zhang Yunxi opened his mouth wide and looked at Cao Chunlong in disbelief. He clearly remembered what Cao Chunlong said just now that it only took two months to build the basic framework of his website.

It is because there are a lot of agricultural-related data inside the website, and it took him half a year to perfect the website because of entering these data.

Now, he actually said that in order to realize a simple 'payment' function, it would take half a year, which is the shortest time, which made Zhang Yunxi very puzzled.

Cao Chunlong saw Zhang Yunxi's doubts and hurriedly explained to him.

"Don't think that 'payment' is just a very inconspicuous small function in the website. It needs countless underlying logic to realize. In order to ensure the safe transaction of our website, I will add many algorithms to this function to protect it. Not to be invaded."

Speaking of this, he was worried that Zhang Yunxi would not understand, so he immediately explained it into Mandarin.

"To put it simply, when building the 'payment' function, we also need to develop a very sophisticated lock, and only our website has the key for this lock.

It is to protect the property safety of our website and users, so it takes so long. "

"Oh, I see!"

With Cao Chunlong's simple explanation, Zhang Yunxi understood what he meant.

It is because it involves the safety of network transactions, which is equivalent to adding an insurance to the website to protect the safety of the website.

This kind of money-linked content must be taken very seriously, and it is normal to spend more time on it, which he can accept.

"If calculated in this way, even if we start the research and development of the new website now, it will take next year at the earliest to develop our online trading website."

"Yes, that's already when everything is going well.

Because I have no experience in writing this kind of underlying logic before, I still need to hire more professional teachers or related technical personnel to help. "

What Zhang Yunxi cares most about is time, talent can be bought with money, he doesn't care about such things.

"Then if we spend more money and hire more people to develop, can the speed be improved?"


Cao Chunlong answered very simply, because programmers and manual labor are different, and more workers can be hired to move a pile of bricks.

But writing code is different. Every programmer has his own habit of writing code. Many programmers write code that only they can understand, and other people can't understand it at all.

Therefore, in the process of building the website, all programmers have their own corresponding sections.

The underlying logic, which is so important to protect the security of website transactions, must not be the responsibility of many people, so Zhang Yunxi thought of recruiting more people and let them work overtime to complete it.

Even, it would be faster to let 2 professional programmers do it!

"Oh fine!"

It takes almost a year to develop the website, which has exceeded Zhang Yunxi's psychological expectations, but he did not give up the project because of the long website development time.

On the contrary, Cao Chunlong's rigorous work attitude made him very satisfied, which further strengthened his idea of ​​cooperating with Cao Chunlong.

He put down the mouse, stood up and looked at Cao Chunlong.

"If I'm not wrong, in the next period of time, you will focus on the secondary development of Chunyuan's agricultural website.

Even if we start working together now, you will hand over this project to the people under you, right? "

The corners of Cao Chunlong's mouth rose slightly, and he suddenly found that Zhang Yunxi was a very interesting person, he was really smart.

No wonder Cao Chunyuan chose Zhang Yunxi, even after he got in touch with Zhang Yunxi, he had a certain liking for Zhang Yunxi.

"It's true, even if we cooperate now, I will help my sister optimize her website first.

After all, my original intention of choosing this path was to help her. It is impossible for me to throw my original intention aside just because I have a new job. "

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yunxi shook his head with a smile, and didn't say much, as long as some things are clear, there is no need to say so clearly.

"I still trust you. I hope that after we cooperate, you can take full responsibility for this project. Since you can't spare time in a short time, let's postpone this project for now.

During this period of time, you can help us build a website for the 'Gemei' Walkman, which is also a kind of assessment for our partners. "

"Okay, no problem, when you have time, sort out your website requirements for me, and I will create a professional Walkman website for you within 2 months."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it!"

At 19:50 in the evening, Cao Shien returned home after finishing his work outside.

As soon as Cao Shien came home, the Cao family officially started dinner. Cao Shien was still the same, walking to the table with two unopened 'Saibei Laojiao' boxes.

He looked at Zhang Yunxi with a smile on his face, "Yunxi, where did Chunyuan take you around today, did you have fun? When I came back, I heard from the villagers what you were doing in the village?"

Hearing this, Cao Chunyuan blushed instantly, and even the thick-skinned Zhang Yunxi was a little embarrassed.

After all, it's not a good thing for the old man to hear about the intimacy between their young lovers.

Fortunately, Zhang Yunxi reacted quickly, and quickly diverted the topic to other places: "Today Chunyuan took me to the orchard, vegetable garden, and greenhouse in the village.

Liujia Village is really a land of outstanding people. Not only are there people like Chunyuan and Chunlong, but the fruits and vegetables produced are also very delicious, which makes people linger and forget to return. "

At this time, Cao Shien had already opened the wine packaging box, he first poured himself a glass, and then poured another glass for Zhang Yunxi.

"Yunxi, you are a child who can talk, and our little place has become a paradise in your mouth.

A small place like Liujia Village can’t compare to the capital Yanjing. You are all people who live in big cities. You may feel a little new when you first arrive in the countryside, but you will feel boring after staying for a long time.

When you have time in the future, you can take the time to come and live here, just to relax.

Come, have a drink or two with me. "


Zhang Yunxi doesn't have much demand for alcohol or tobacco. After getting to know Cao Chunyuan, he has quit smoking. As for alcohol, he usually only drinks two glasses when he is socializing.

Drinking with the father-in-law must be a duty-bound thing, but Cao Chunyuan told him last time that the family is controlling Cao Shien's alcohol, and now he always invites relatives and friends to come to the house to feast on his mouth.

Zhang Yunxi glanced at Cao Chunyuan secretly, and Cao Chunyuan blinked calmly, the meaning of which was self-evident.

(End of this chapter)

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