Chapter 51 Business Development ([-])

"It is true that the mooncakes are not made at my house, but in a small pastry shop on our street, and the owner of that pastry shop is my former colleague.

At the beginning, I blamed me for saying something I shouldn't have said, so we were both fired from Daohua Village. "

As she spoke, Li Xiufen's eyes turned red, and faint water vapor began to condense in the corners of her eyes.

Cao Chunyuan nodded and didn't speak, she had roughly figured out what happened.

It should be Li Xiufen and another colleague who discovered that the supervisor was stealing items from the warehouse at the same time, and they chose to report.As a result, the bad guys were not punished, and the good guys lost their jobs.

Alas, this kind of thing is really chilling!
"Sister-in-law, you are right. There is a problem with the management of Daohua Village. If they continue to operate like this, there will be problems sooner or later."

Li Xiufen blinked, not knowing what to say.After all, in her eyes, Daohua Village is an old brand of Yanjing, and it is very powerful.

But Cao Chunyuan doesn't seem to take them seriously. Could it be that Cao Chunyuan is a bigger boss than them?

She is so young, she doesn't look like it!

"How big do you think the pastry shop is?"

"About 20 square meters."

"too small."

It is now the end of August, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is at the end of September.In other words, Cao Chunyuan still has a month to prepare.

She glanced at Li Xiufen who was dressed plainly, and a bold idea suddenly flashed in her mind.

"Sister-in-law, do you want to open a Chinese pastry shop like Daohua Village, which is known to everyone in Yanjing?"

Li Xiufen was taken aback, thinking to herself, wasn't she still talking about making moon cakes just now?
Why did you suddenly talk about opening a store?

How can an ordinary person like me open a pastry shop like a big boss!
"Boss Cao, I'm just a woman. I just need to earn a little money to take care of my family. I'm not qualified to compare with big bosses like you!"

Cao Chunyuan frowned, and said displeasedly: "Sister-in-law, I will be unhappy if you say that. What is a woman's family? What's wrong with a woman's family? Women can't be the masters of the house?

I am also a woman, and I also open a shop and be the boss. Does anyone dare to say anything? "


Cao Chunyuan's few words instantly made Li Xiufen speechless.

"I think the old werewolf is good, and sister-in-law, you are also good, so I want to help you.

If you want, I can invest in you opening a pastry shop. Within 5 years, I will get 80.00% of the profit of this pastry shop, and you will get 20.00%.

Five years later, each of us will make half of the profit of the pastry shop, but the shop and the brand belong to me. "

Although Li Xiufen has not read many books, she can still understand the most basic Mandarin.

In her opinion, she doesn't care about the percentage of the 5 years that Cao Chunyuan said.

What she cares about is that she can be the boss without spending a penny, and she can still get a cut of the store.

Is there anything better than this?
"Boss Cao, I am willing, and I promise to do a good job for you."


Seeing Li Xiufen taking the bait, Cao Chunyuan showed a smug smile on her face.

She is not a fool. She invests in people for no reason and makes others make money. She has conditions.

When the pastry shop opens, Cao Chunyuan asks Li Xiufen to take care of her apprentice, who can open a new pastry shop as soon as the apprentice leaves the teacher.

Cao Chunyuan is equivalent to using the dividends of a shop to support a master who can continuously train apprentices, and this is a good deal.

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to call me Boss Cao, just call me Boss Cao just like the old wolf.

It is very simple to open a store, we can open it at any time, but the most important thing right now is to make these mooncakes.It must be a mooncake of the same quality as before, at least a few thousand yuan. "

"so much?"

What Cao Chunyuan said frightened Li Xiufen back half a step. She really couldn't understand why Cao Chunyuan didn't have a pastry shop yet, so she wanted so many biscuits.

"Yes, do you think your friend's small shop can make mooncakes before the Mid-Autumn Festival if they put all their efforts into making mooncakes?"

Li Xiufen frowned, thinking silently.

After a while, she said: "Although her shop is small, it is no problem to make thousands of mooncakes in a month. But she doesn't have a sealing machine, and the quality of the mooncakes cannot be guaranteed without a sealing machine. Storage in the open air spoils easily."

Cao Chunyuan waved her hand and said very casually: "This is not a problem, isn't it just a sealing machine, just buy a new one."


Li Xiufen kept her mouth shut and said nothing, thinking that the boss was so rich that a machine worth tens of thousands would not blink.

"Does your friend's store still have room for new equipment?"

Li Xiufen was about to say that there was no room, when she suddenly realized that her boss was a rich man.These days, are there things that can't be solved with money?
"Mr. Cao, although there is no place in that shop, there is still a room next door. You can rent the room next door first, and return it after you finish making these mooncakes."

Seeing Li Xiufen taking the initiative to make suggestions, Cao Chunyuan nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes, but you don't need to rent it for too long. After all, we want to open the shop in the city center. This kind of small place can't make much money from opening it."

"Mr. Cao, when shall we start?"

Li Xiufen's eyes lit up, she couldn't wait any longer.

"Haha, don't worry."

Cao Chunyuan got up, walked to Li Xiufen's side, and said in a low voice, "This batch of mooncakes is very important to me, and I will specially provide you with a batch of fruits to be used as mooncake fillings.

As for the flour"

Speaking of this, Cao Chunyuan suddenly remembered a kind of moon cake that was particularly popular in later generations——snow skin moon cake.

Now, there is no such thing as snowy mooncakes, if Li Xiufen is asked to make a batch of snowy mooncakes, it will definitely lead the trend.

However, the ice-skin mooncakes can be used as the killer weapon of her new store, and it is not necessary to provide such a killer weapon when it is supplied to General Motors.

"I will also send the flour with the fruit, and you must choose the best for other ingredients, understand?"

Li Xiufen blinked, thinking that I can understand that the fruit is yours, all the fruits you sent are good, but is there any difference in the flour?

In the past, making confessions to the emperor didn't have to be so troublesome, did it really matter?
"What about the money?"

"I'll give you 3000 yuan, how to divide it is up to you and your friend to decide.

After making these mooncakes, we will open a store in the city center.If your friend is willing to come together, I can offer her a high salary and make her a master chef. "

'Plop, plop', Li Xiufen felt her heart beating faster, and her fisted hands trembled slightly. 3000 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money for her.

She never expected that Cao Chunyuan would be willing to pay such a high price before the job was done.

Are all current bosses so rich?

"Cao, Mr. Cao, just make a batch of mooncakes, as long as you pay us the processing fee, we won't need that much."

Although having more money is a good thing, Li Xiufen still felt that Cao Chunyuan had given too much, and it was too hot for her to hold.

Cao Chunyuan smiled and shook her head, and said: "This money is not only for the labor expenses of the two of you, but also for buying some auxiliary materials such as sugar and oil, as well as the rent. out?

Don't think too much, as long as this batch of mooncakes is done well, there will be more benefits in the future. "


Since Cao Chunyuan is willing to give more, Li Xiufen is not refusing, and happily discusses some details of making mooncakes with Cao Chunyuan.

After discussing with Li Xiufen, Cao Chunyuan and Li Xiufen returned directly to the company.

She first asked Wang Manni to buy a sealing machine, and then she went to the wholesale market to buy some rice, wheat, and glutinous rice seeds.

(End of this chapter)

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