parallel world.

The imperial capital, Wanping City.

Outside a 2-story western-style building that is obviously higher than the surrounding houses, a group of strong men with shovels and pick handles are gathering.The leader was a big fat man with a beer belly. He swayed to the big iron gate outside the Western-style building with a figure-of-sight step, and knocked on it a few times.

"Old Chen, I know you are at home. I limit you to pay back the money before the end of the month, otherwise don't blame me for disregarding our brotherhood for so many years and using extraordinary means."

It was quiet in the small courtyard, and there was no response.

The fat man seemed to have guessed this kind of result a long time ago, and there was no surprise on his face.

"Old Chen, I'll come back at the end of the month because of the brotherhood we have had for so many years. I hope that when I come back, you have already prepared the transfer contract of Jianguo Toy Factory, instead of hiding in the house and pretending to be dead."

After finishing speaking, the fat man greeted a group of strong men around him, and the Jinbei car he got on disappeared in a flash.

Chen Long, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by a loud noise, and opened his eyes reluctantly.He was about to scold the bastard who was making noise outside his house at night, but he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

At the moment, he is sitting on a narrow single bed, beside the bed is an old-fashioned wardrobe made of boxwood, and on the side of the wardrobe is a promotional poster of Ren Xianqi's new song "Spring Flowers Will Bloom" released in 2000.

Next to the closet is a computer desk with a tempered glass surface, on which are placed a 19-inch monitor, a Shuangfeiyan keyboard and mouse set, a plastic-like USB camera and a small speaker, and the necessities of male puberty - toilet paper.

The scene in front of him was both familiar and unfamiliar to Chen Long.Familiarity is because he has lived in this environment for a long time, and strangeness is because that memory is too long for him.

"Old Chen, what should we do? The debt collectors are already at the door."

"Keep your voice down, don't let Xiaolong hear it. What if they come to collect debts at the door of the house? I have used all the money to settle the payment, and now the goods are all in our hands and cannot be sold. I have no choice.

Hey, it's all because I was greedy for a while, thinking about relying on this order to make a comeback, that's why I fell into Fatty Zhang's trick.This batch of goods is what he and the buyer jointly made for me. Now he is forcing me to pay back the money, in fact, he wants me to use the factory to pay off the debt. "

"It's too late to say these things now. I heard that our factory has been included in the planning area. Fatty Zhang must have gotten the exact news to make you a trap."

"The most important thing now is to quickly sell the goods that are under pressure and pay back the money owed to Fatty Zhang."

Chen Long was looking at the situation inside the house, and vaguely heard someone talking outside the house.Originally, he was a little skeptical, but after hearing the conversation between the two outside the house, he could confirm that he had crossed.

Coincidentally, he just traveled to the time when his father, Chen Jianguo, was co-operated by a business partner.If the original plot develops according to the original plot, in the end his father will transfer his factory to the other party due to economic pressure, and he will never recover from it.

And he has also changed from a young master who has no worries about food and clothing to an ordinary worker.

"Grandma, you can let me travel back to a month ago. I can also convince my old man not to fall into the other party's trap. Now that the tragedy has happened, I'm also powerless!"

Just when Chen Long was struggling with time travel, a system notification sound suddenly came from his ears.

[Drip: The system is loaded and is scanning the host's current environment.In environmental scanning, 1%, 5%, 10%]

[Drip: After scanning, do you want to bind the current environment as the initial environment of the system? 】

"I'll go, I've got mine, what does the initial environment mean, similar to Athena, the main city, spring water, the hometown that can be teleported? Forget it, don't care about that much, bind!"

[The initial environment binding is successful, the current level of the host is level 1, and the operating range of the system space is 100m*100m*100m.For details, please check the host in the system space by yourself. 】

"Okay, enter the system space."

As soon as Chen Long gave the order, he found that his perspective had changed.At this time, the scene in front of Chen Long was like an astronaut in outer space looking at the blue star.However, what is in front of him is not the entire Blue Star, but a virtual space centered on his home, 100 meters in length, width and height.

"How does this work?"

Just as Chen Long had an idea, a light blue hologram full of technological style appeared in front of him.

【Chen Long's Simulation World】

[Host: Chen Long]

[Level: lv1, 0/100]

[Gold coins: 1000 (can be exchanged with real currency 1:1, the system automatically binds all bank accounts of the host)]

【Current Building: Home (1/2)】


【Game Wheel: 0】

[Game Technology: Null]

[Game Backpack: Null]

[Simulated world area: 100m*100m*100m]

[Buildable Building: Food Stand (1000 Gold Coins)]

After reading the system introduction, Chen Long's eyes widened in surprise, and his mouth was so open that he wished he could stuff a light bulb into it.This so-called system turned out to be a study case he made for his students.

"Chen Long's Simulated World" is a simulation business game developed by Chen Long. Through upgrading in the game, different buildings can be unlocked.Each building will produce varying amounts of gold coins over time.Chen Long never expected that the code he wrote casually at the beginning would become the golden finger of the system after his time travel.

"I'll go, the money earned from game buildings can be transferred to real life, so I'm rich?" Thinking of this, Chen Long couldn't wait to build the only building - a food stall.

[Please select the location of the food stall. 】

"The things here are all virtual and not real. The income of the food stalls has been compiled by the system long ago, and will not change due to the location selection. Just put it directly on the side of the intersection near your home. "

While thinking about it, Chen Long chose an open space near the intersection not far from his house as the construction site for the food stall.

[The food stall is under construction, remaining time: 29 minutes and 59 seconds. 】

Seeing that the food stall was still half an hour away, Chen Long wandered around the system simulation space for a while.But the system space is just an illusion imitated from reality, only Chen Long is a living person in it, and the rest are all system AI images.After wandering around for a while, he felt too bored and quit the system.

Just now, Chen Long was still happy about owning the system. After returning to reality, he immediately remembered the difficulties his family was facing.The buildings in his system can indeed earn some money, but it takes him a long time to accumulate.

It is now 2000, and the wages of ordinary workers are still measured in hundreds, and Chen Jianguo owes a debt of 50.With Chen Long's empty system now, who knows when he can earn 50.

Now Chen Long has only one idea in his mind, that is how to make a quick fortune and pay off the huge debt owed by Chen Jianguo.Then, he can use his own simulated world to develop slowly and do what he wants without any worries.

[It is detected that the host is currently in a difficult situation, and a novice task is issued—to turn the tide]

[Task content: Solve Chen Jianguo's arrears and help Chen Jianguo sell the backlog of goods in his hands.

This task is a stage task, and the final reward will be issued depending on the completion of the host. 】

[Mission reward: one lucky coin, one lucky draw on the game wheel. (must)

Final reward: Include Chen Jianguo's "Jianguo Toy Factory" as a system building in the simulation world. (PS: Mission completion is over 90%)]

"I'm going, this system is a bit different from the games I developed before. It can even bring the real toy factory into the system space. I didn't realize such an awesome function at the beginning.

But this task is too difficult. It’s okay to help my old man sell his broken toys, but how can I help him pay off the 50 debt?I can't just go to northern Burma to cut my kidneys right after I crossed? "

Just when Chen Long was thinking about how to help his father out of the predicament, there was a knock on the door and a soft shout. "Xiaolong, hurry up and eat."

"Here we come~" Chen Long intentionally waited for a few seconds before responding. After changing into the clothes on the bedside, he walked out of the house a little nervously.

At this time, Chen's father and Chen's mother were sitting at the dining table in the living room with normal expressions. Rice porridge, bread, buns, eggs and other breakfasts were placed on the dining table.Looking at the calm look of the two of them, it seemed that the debt collection session just now was just an illusion.

"How is your job search going?" Chen Jianguo picked up a bun and asked nonchalantly.

Chen Long was taken aback, and it took him a long time to realize that he had just graduated at this time and was looking for a job.

"I'm looking for it. It's the graduation season. It's hard to find jobs for programmers, especially for us fresh graduates. The employer will either pass us directly, or give us a few hundred dollars for an internship (serving tea and pouring water) + Packing). The mentor told me to make a fake resume and sneak into the company first, I haven’t figured it out yet.”

As a person who has experienced it, Chen Long talked about the sadness of looking for a job at the beginning, which can be said to reveal his true feelings.

"Don't look for it if it's hard to find. Go to your grandma's house and have a good rest for a few days, avoid the sensitive time of graduation season, and you should be able to find a good job."

Chen Long knew that Chen Jianguo didn't want him to know about the money owed by his family, and hoped that he would go to his grandma's house next to the imperial capital to avoid the limelight.

But Chen Long has just received a system task and needs to help Chen Jianguo get out of the current predicament.He fled to his grandma's house to avoid misfortune. Doesn't that mean giving up the novice mission?

Suddenly, Chen Long felt a flash of light in his mind, thinking of something extraordinary.He desperately squeezed his brain cells, trying to figure out what he just thought of.

Grandma's house, money owed, tasks, these few words ran wildly in Chen Long's brain.

"I remembered!" Chen Long slapped his thigh fiercely and said involuntarily.

"What do you remember?" Chen Jianguo looked at Chen Long with displeasure, and even Gao Xiulian, Chen's mother who had been sitting silently at the table without saying a word, frowned.

"Uh, it's nothing, I thought of something about a graduation design project." Chen Long scratched his head awkwardly, he didn't dare to say what he just thought of, otherwise the matter would not be explained clearly.

Hearing that Chen Long lost his temper because of the project, Chen Jianguo's complexion improved.

Gao Xiulian at the side glanced at Chen Long, and said softly, "After dinner, you can drive your father's old Jetta to your grandma's house. You just got your driver's license, so drive slowly."

Chen Long raised his head and glanced at Gao Xiulian. His capable short hair was black and thick, and the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes were not so deep. There was a hint of sadness between his brows. He was completely different from the bad-tempered old lady in Chen Long's impression.

Chen Long really wanted to tell Gao Xiulian loudly that he had found a solution to the problem, and hoped that Gao Xiulian could smile.But he knew very well in his heart that those things that could not be explained clearly, even the closest people, should not be said.

"I see, Mom."

"Well, eat more."

Chen Long felt his nose a little sore, silently lowered his head, grabbed a big bun, and ate it voraciously.

At 10:20 in the morning, Chen Long drove the old Jetta King eliminated by Chen Jianguo on the way to Sanhe City.However, the destination of his trip was not the grandma's house in Gaojiazhuang, Sanhe City, but the direction of Tiancun, Sanhe City.

The reason why he drove to Tiancun was because Chen Long had a colleague named Liu Fei in his previous life, and his family was in the antique business. Around 2003, this colleague suddenly quit his job and drove a luxury car the next day.

It took about a month before Chen Long heard other colleagues discuss in private that Liu Fei's sudden wealth was because his father picked up a big leak in Tiancun, Sanhe City.Since Tiancun and Gaojiazhuang are very close, Chen Long also went to Tiancun with the mentality of picking up the leak twice, and easily found the family that was picked up.

Unfortunately, Chen Long got the news too late.Before him, there had been several waves of people who wanted to pick up the leaks, and the dog bowls of that family had been bought by others at high prices.

However, today is different.It is now 2000, and those valuable treasures are still gathering dust in the utility room of that family.Chen Long can buy those treasures first, not only can solve Chen Jianguo's debt problem, but also save a large amount of start-up funds for himself.

At 11:10 noon, Chen Long arrived in Tiancun, and soon found the family in his memory.At this time, the door of this family was half open, and someone was obviously at home.

Chen Long was overjoyed, and calmly drove the car to the open space not far ahead, and stopped the car.Then, he picked up the big horn on the co-pilot and walked straight in the direction of that family.

"Recover old coins at high prices. If you have silver dollars, big coins, and small coins at home, sell them! Recycle all kinds of antiques and paintings at high prices. If you miss this time, it may not be when it will be!"

Chen Long had never been in the antique business at all, and he was yelling completely according to the plot on TV. Because he was a little nervous, his words trembled a little.

Fortunately, just as Chen Long started to say hello, there was a middle-aged aunt walking in Chen Long's direction.

"Boy, do you accept the food stamps and meat stamps from the past?"

Although Chen Long doesn't know much about antiques, he knows that the collection value of food stamps and meat stamps is not very high, and only some versions are more valuable.However, it is not known to Chen Long which specific versions are worth money.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, food stamps and meat stamps belong to the currencies we have eliminated in modern times, and they are worthless. Do you have ancient coins such as silver dollars and copper coins at home?"

The aunt shook her head in disappointment, and said, "That stuff was used by rich people in the past. How can we ordinary people have that stuff?"

Chen Long broke up with his aunt again, then went straight to the house in his memory, yelling as he walked.

When he walked to the door of the house in his memory, Chen Long deliberately increased the volume and shouted at the top of his voice. "Recover old coins at high prices. If you have silver dollars, big coins, and small coins at home, sell them! Recycle all kinds of antiques and paintings at high prices. If you miss this time, it may not be when it will be!"

"Young man, do you accept the porcelain?"

Seeing the old lady standing at the door, Chen Long was ecstatic, but he pretended to be calm in order to achieve his goal. "Grandma, what kind of porcelain do you have, modern porcelain is worthless!"

"It's all old stuff, it's been used for decades."

After hearing what the old lady said, Chen Long almost choked on his own saliva.At the beginning, he heard from his colleagues that Liu Fei and his father confiscated all the porcelains from the three dynasties of the Qing Dynasty, and there were also fine works from official kilns.

Such a precious thing is treasured by others as a treasure.It's good to see the old lady, to use these precious porcelain as daily necessities, isn't this a waste of money?

Leaving a big spectrum!
"Grandma, can you let me see it?"

"It's convenient, it's convenient, come in with me!" The old lady waved to Chen Long, and walked ahead to lead Chen Long on her own.After Chen Long entered the courtyard, he immediately began to look around, paying attention to all objects that might be antiques.

Soon, the old lady led Chen Long to the utility room in the backyard.

There are two large tanks at the door of the utility room. Inside the tanks are ground cornmeal and wheat bran, which should be used to feed livestock.There are pots and pans in a mess in the house, and there are some big cardboard boxes with some old books in them, and there are hoes, rakes and other agricultural tools hanging on the wall.

The old lady pointed to a few large porcelain vases in the corner and said: "These are all handed down by the elders of the old man. He has been gone for several years. I don't need these things, and I don't want to throw them away. It still takes up space, do you think it's worth it?"

Chen Long thought to himself, good guy, it turned out that he remembered to sell it because he didn't need you, which means you used everything that could be used?

"Grandma, let me see if it's all right?"

"It's okay, you can look at it as you like." The old lady saw that Chen Long was young and handsome, she trusted him very much, and she was not defensive at all.

After obtaining the consent of the old lady, Chen Long went straight to the most conspicuous large pot in the corner, which was a large gold pastel pot depicting butterflies and various flowers.

For a layman like Chen Long, the larger the porcelain, the more valuable it is, and the yellow/gold color is naturally more valuable. After all, when seeing yellow, the first thing that comes to mind is the things in the palace.

The jar had been placed in the corner for a long time at first glance, and a thick layer of dust had fallen on it. Chen Long carefully picked up the jar with both hands and turned it over.On the bottom of the tank, there were two red year marks, namely "Daoguang" and "Shendetangzhi".

Seeing that the jar was made in the Daoguang Year, Chen Long couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.In his memory, porcelain from the Three Qing Dynasties (Kang, Yong, and Qian) was the most valuable. Daoguang was already in the late Qing Dynasty, so the value should be lower than the porcelain from the Three Qing Dynasties.

However, this is at least a year-old porcelain, and it is still a large item, so it must be no problem to sell for 5 figures.

He put the big pot in his hand on the spot, and checked the several pots, large bowls and other objects next to him one by one.Most of these porcelains are printed with the inscriptions of "Daoguang" or "Shen De Tang Zhi". Chen Long guessed that this batch of porcelain should come from one place.

After looking at the porcelain in the corner, Chen Long scanned the room again, and finally gathered the bottles and jars that he thought might be antiques into a pile.

"Grandma, I've seen all of your items, and they're all good. It's just that the storage is too bad, especially the two plates are bumped, and this big bowl is even more serious. Look, it's all cracked. It's worthless."

"Then how much can you pay for these?"

Seeing the expectant look on the old lady's face, Chen Long tried his best to keep himself calm.

"Grandma, I'm afraid you will be too disappointed with the price I mentioned. What is your psychological expectation?"

"What is the psychological expectation? There are so many items, how can it cost 1000 yuan!"

Hearing the old lady's quotation, Chen Long couldn't catch his breath, and coughed uncontrollably.

"What's the matter, do you think the price is too high? Let me tell you, young man, don't look at these old things, they are all antiques."

It took Chen Long 2 minutes to mix his breath. For this acquisition, he dug out all the lucky money he had kept at the bottom of the box, and collected a total of more than 3000 yuan.

Originally, he was worried that his capital was too small and he would not be able to get all the goods, so he thought the old lady would only ask for 1000.If he bargains, maybe he can get it cheaper.

"Grandma, many of your items are damaged, and the price of 1000 is a bit high. Didn't you say that you still have some porcelain for daily use? You take all of them and count them together, and I will give you 1200 , what do you think?"

The old lady hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Okay, anyway, it should be replaced after so many years." After speaking, the old lady left Chen Long and walked to the front yard alone.

After a while, the old lady came over with two woven rattan baskets.Chen Long looked over with straight eyes, and saw a basket with a stack of plates with bats painted on them, and several small porcelain cups with plum trees painted on them.

In another basket are two stacks of porcelain bowls with pictures of mandarin ducks playing in water, and more than 10 exquisite porcelain spoons.

The old lady put the basket on the ground with great effort and said, "Here, it's all here."

Hearing the 'crack la la' sound of the porcelain in the basket, the corners of Chen Long's mouth twitched inadvertently.

The combined price of these things is estimated to be over one million, and a slight bump would be a loss of over ten thousand.

Seeing the old lady 'ruining' the baby in such a way, Chen Long felt very distressed.He hurriedly took out a wad of money from his pocket, took out 1200 yuan, and handed it to the old lady.

"Grandma, can you give me some cardboard boxes, I'm afraid the car I'm driving will be damaged."

The old lady took the money handed over by Chen Long, and immediately beamed with joy, put the index finger of her right hand on the tip of her tongue to saliva, and began to count the money.After clicking several times, he waved to Chen Long.

"You can use those cardboard boxes in the house as you like."

"Okay, thank you!"

Chen Long carefully picked up two baskets full of porcelain, and walked lightly into the utility room.I dug out a few elementary school textbooks from the cardboard box in the utility room, tore the textbooks page by page, and put them into the cardboard box in groups, and used them to separate the porcelain to prevent bumps.

After more than half an hour of tossing, Chen Long packed all the porcelain.After packing up his things, Chen Long drove the car to the door of the old lady's house and loaded all the boxes of treasures into the car.

It wasn't until he put the last cardboard box into his car that Chen Long's tense heart relaxed.He smiled and waved goodbye to the old lady, then drove away carefully.

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