Chapter 212 Obscure Moon
The place where they carved statues was called "Rongyueyuan", but now the place they are going to is called "Yiyuetan".

This is a deep pool, located in the east of Rongyueyuan. To get here, you need to walk a long path in the forest.

A tall tree is planted on both sides of the path.

It is pure black from the branches to the leaves, only the blooming small flowers are pure white.They are only the size of a coin, and they are all four petals surrounded by a stamen in the center.

Whenever the breeze blows, the trunks of the black trees will sway gently, and then the petals will fall all over the ground like snow.

It was for this reason that Cui Jue acted as if he was rolling in a pile of petals just now.

The ground has been covered by a thick layer of petals, and these small white petals are like a layer of unmelted snow, piled up in the path.

It's just in the path, because both Cui Jue and Qin Yun looked behind these black trees, and there was not a single petal in them.

【Black Moon Flowers and Trees】

【Gold · Delicate】

[Explanation: Legend has it that special trees grow in the world of Moon Festival. They have the ability to balance space and open paths.

Once the tunnel formed by the trees is formed, it will be immune to attacks of most powers (not exceeding the level of spirit gods).

Its branches are highly poisonous, but the flowers are detoxifying.And at special times every year, it will attract the 'Black Moon Bee' that lives with it to collect nectar.

Black Moon Nectar has the magical power to awaken the deepest memory in the heart. 】

"Gold-level plants, I remember your landlord has been looking for them?"

How else can I say that Qin Yun is courageous?She was already considering whether to secretly dig a tree and bring it back to Jiang Ke, so that she could increase her favorability by then.

"You didn't see that comment, it doesn't exceed the power of the spirit god level, do you have the power of the spirit god level now?"

Cui Jue waved his hand and said: "Don't think about it, my Xiaoguang doesn't have a spirit god level, and the spirit god level in the apartment is Xiaofen Xiaohei and Elder Elder.

Besides, if you take it apart, the two of us will probably be crushed to death by that woman immediately.

It maintains a channel! "

After what Cui Jue said, Qin Yun reluctantly gave up these black moon flowers and trees, and the two continued to move forward.

When they finally passed the pile of flowers that were one foot deep and the other shallow, a small pool of water surrounded by black moon flowers and trees appeared in front of the two of them.

The water in the pool is clear and deep, and the pool is only three or four meters wide. It is a fairly regular circle, and a bright moon is completely reflected in it.

Even if there are petals falling on this bright moon, it can't disturb it in the slightest.

It is quietly in the very center of the pool, as motionless as a mountain.

"This is it, you just need to sit here, stare at Tan Shui and think about your boyfriend."

Cui Jue pointed to an obvious circular protrusion on the edge of the pool.

There seemed to be a piece of moon-white jade, crystal clear.


Qin Yun didn't ask any further questions, she knew that Cui Jue would not harm her, so she walked up to the protrusion and sat down cross-legged, looking at the bright moon in the pool.

In her heart, she silently recalled every moment she and her boyfriend had spent.

There was nothing at first, but suddenly.

The bright moon in the pool trembled slightly.

The surrounding black moon flowers and trees also began to rattle, and countless white petals fell without wind, and fell into the pool.

Memories are like a floodgate being opened.

It came out in an instant.

From the initial encounter to the throbbing of encountering again later; from strangeness to familiarity, those scenes flashed across Qin Yun's mind like a revolving lantern.

Fast, but very clear.

She clearly remembered every minute, every day and night, every big and small thing she spent with her boyfriend.

Whether it's a toffee, a cup of milk tea, or her favorite roasted sweet potato and a romantic candlelight dinner in a western restaurant.

The aroma of the food they tasted together seemed to be close at hand, lingering on the tip of her nose.


After a short time together, it is the period of passionate love.

They walked together for most of the time in a friendly manner. He likes to travel and see the scenery of the world, so she will accompany him.

The footprints of the two of them went from the forest park at the beginning to the high mountains, dense forests and great lakes... the exhaustion and joy of every adventure and travel, the energetic eyes when he looked at himself, and the pretending to help and hold him. her hands.

The affectionate and scorching temperature covered with sweat and dust.

"You are too weak, why don't you want me to support you?"

"You stand behind me!"

"Hey, is this food edible? When I come out, I just eat some instant noodles and I'm done."

Memories are more and more obvious, and more and more beautiful...

Qin Yun's smile became brighter and brighter.

In the pool in front of her, the moon has broken free from the shackles of the pool and is slowly rising.

The petals are quite a bit of a "ten thousand leaves flying flowers" style, circling around the moon endlessly, but they can't touch the moon at all.

There is absolutely no way to stop the moon from rising.

Cui Jue watched from the side, she had already held a stone.

This Recalling Moon Lake can help people recall the best love, but it will also make people indulge in it. Once the illusory moon breaks away from the height of Black Moon Flowers and Trees, it will break away from the shackles of Recalling Moon Lake.

completely free.

The core of this illusory moon is actually a stone.

A strange stone, no more than the size of a fist, with moon patterns on its surface.

It also has a nice name:

Its heel is the crystallization essence of obsidian, which possesses extremely terrifying and magical power.

Although it is definitely not as good as the "Weaver Girl" she once had - after all, even the essence is divided into three, six or nine grades - but it still has great power.

"After being imprisoned for so long, this stone has become stronger and stronger... But according to the setting, it should have fallen directly at that time."

Although he muttered like this, Cui Jue was still ready to throw the things in his hand to it in case it was going to fly out.

Fortunately, "Director Cui"'s prediction was not wrong, this Yiyuetan was originally designed for people to recall things, not for them to indulge in them.

Naturally, a certain program was set up early.

Seeing that the moon was about to break through the attack of the petals and rise into the sky, Qin Yun, who had his eyes closed, uttered a cry of panic——
"Do not!!!"

The sound was as loud as a cuckoo crying blood.

Strands of blue electric energy erupted from her body.

It's like a yellow-skinned mouse that has been detonated.

Her expression was extremely sad and painful, and it seemed that the forced smile of the man who died and the smell of blood lingering on the tip of her nose were still in front of her eyes.

The beautiful illusion was shattered when he died.

This great grief is naturally enough to break the illusion formed by the "Illusion" and the petals of the black moon flowers and trees, and make people wake up.

Cui Jue sighed, and just wanted to go over and say a few words of comfort.

But before he got close, he saw Qin Yun standing up, his face still had tears that had not dried up, which was particularly conspicuous on that always beautiful face.

But her gaze and expression had already firmed up.

"That's right, this is Sister Qin." Cui Jue felt relieved.

She is very clear that for some people, suffering is just the nourishment for progress, and the occasional indulgence of happiness will only make them cherish the road ahead.


Qin Yun is such a person.

Save her doing ideological work.

"I already know how to carve him, let's go!"

Qin Yun, who suddenly became motivated, took Cui Jue's hand, and even used the strength of a professional to run quickly.

Shayi trailed behind her like the trail of moonlight.

Like a gust of wind, the two beautiful women blew across the road covered with small white flowers, and the petals flew up with their movements.

Like snow.

A certain woman who had been waiting here for a long time to finish also retracted her hand, and smiled softly:
"Interesting, interesting."

Before she finished speaking, her figure disappeared.

In such a long time, it is naturally impossible for everyone to pass the test. In order not to affect the operation of "Unreal Moon", she only needs to get rid of those who have problems.

Otherwise, how could the surrounding black moon flowers and trees grow so luxuriantly?

(End of this chapter)

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