Chapter 268 Warning
the other side.

Cui Jue, who entered the inside with a thorn in his hand, was immediately attacked by the Star God——
The bright and bursting light of the sun, the bright and bright light of the moon, and the mysterious and deep light of the stars exploded from everywhere in Cui Jue's sight at the same time.

Mighty and mighty, it was like the punishment of the gods.

Even the ground and space trembled under this force and became unstable.

"Surrender! I surrender!"

Cui Jue took out a white flag and waved it very spinelessly, then crouched like an ostrich with his head in his arms, without any intention of fighting at all.

Just kidding, her creator is a star god in a sense.

Asking her to fight the Star God is not as simple as deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors. If the other gods find out, they will probably press her to death directly.


A cold hum.

The bright three-star light disappeared like a phantom in the air.

Star God walked in front of Cui Jue, stared at her with deep eyes, and said in a cold voice: "You still dare to make fun of me? If you affect the present, I will definitely erase you in the past!"

Facing the threat of the Star God, even Cui Jue, who was so bold, did not dare to play it off with a playful smile.

She nodded immediately, and patted her chest to assure:
"I will never affect her, don't worry!"

"I hope so. The same person will change because of different experiences. I just can't see what your master wants to do."

Star God stretched out his hand, "Bring me to see!"

"Be careful, this thing is the root of my existence and his existence!"

Cui Jue didn't dare to refuse, and with great heartache, he took out a small stone from his chest and handed it to Star God.

This is a colored stone.

The distribution of five different colors is extremely uneven, which is a bit like a child's graffiti.

In all fairness, this thing is pretty ugly.

Even if it is placed on the beach, it is estimated that no children will pick it up.

But it is indeed a color-level equipment.

【May you not fall into the cycle】

Xingshen looked at the stone over and over, not knowing what was so interesting about such a stone that was not half the size of her palm, but she took five or six minutes to look at it before returning the stone to Cui Jue.

Cui Jue hurriedly hid the stone again in a place close to his body.

"Why was time abandoned by her?"

"Uh... Probably because there are too many Riddlers making her dissatisfied?"

"You're dissatisfying me right now."

Cui Jue: "..."

"How did you plan to let her upgrade?"

"It's not impossible to recruit those guys from the blood race. Anyway, as long as I do it, it can always be done."

"That tree... I remember it was given to a little fire spirit, is it still alive?"

Star God thought for a while before finally remembering the foreshadowing he had planted casually, and asked casually.

"Dead, the Duke of the blood clan hooked up with an angel, and later hooked up with the cat king of the silver moon cat clan. You also know that the attributes of the blood clan and Xiyuehai have a lot in common..."

She didn't say anything later, the Star God knew it anyway.

"I see."

Regarding the passing of a fire spirit, the Star God only nodded.She doesn't care whether the other party is dead or not at all, as long as she completes her mission goal.

"How many pieces of the stone she gave you were broken?"

"One, and the Weaver Girl will be broken."

"Break as long as it breaks. To put it bluntly, that thing is woven with the help of time. It's like throwing a stone into the long river of time. It can be stopped at first, but how can the long river of time be stopped by manpower?"

"Then you should reward me with one. I don't ask much, as long as you give me the 'law'!"

Star God: "..."

She has seen what it means to hit a snake with a stick, and is this not too demanding?If it was higher, wouldn't it be her "Yaobian"?

"It's absolutely impossible, if I give you the 'rules' now, you will really turn the world upside down!"

Star God sternly refused, and stared at her closely and said: "I know the power of the law very well, if you want to use it to do something... Hehe, guess if the backhand I arranged can kill you? "

"Don't dare!"

It was only then that Cui Jue realized that this Star God was the ancestor who dug the pit, and she had left behind in almost every possible place, forming a dense net.

No matter how small the prey is, as long as it touches this net, it will be stuck and unable to move.

"I can't give it to you for the time being, at least until the apartment is upgraded to one level, and you and her can get it together... Anyway, that thing is in the crashed Star Tempering Ark."

"Wait... You said it was inside the Star Quenching Ark?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"But..." Cui Jue recalled the "script" he had read, but there was no mention of the law in the Quenxing Ark!

Script gone wrong?
how is this possible……

The more people who are familiar with the future and the script, the more worried the script will change, especially changes in the general direction and some key things.If a plan is not good, it will be a disaster, which is definitely a big event for qualified "novice instructors"!
"But it's not in the Star Quenching Ark in the script, right?"

The Star God took over the conversation with a smile, but pointed out in a tone of resentment: "You believe in the script too much. Since Xiyue Sea is my territory, how can I let her see it through?"

"Our birth and destruction actually have to follow the will of the present, then guess what is the relationship between us although we cooperate a lot?"

Cui Jue opened his mouth, but he never said the words "competitive relationship".It was at this time that she realized that the star god in front of her could actually wrestle with her creator and even be undefeated.

Playing tricks with her is even more terrifying than trying to get skin with a tiger.

"You know it, little one."

The Star God still smiled brightly, like stars in the clear summer sky.

Her slender hand pinched Cui Jue's chin, forcing her to raise her head and look directly at her. No matter how much Cui Jue resisted, she couldn't break free from this seemingly soft and boneless palm.

Just looking down at her like this.

"You think too much, causing her to think too much. I don't like it very much. What you want in life is a chic and comfortable life. If you think too much, you will lose more.

It doesn't matter if you lose, but if one day I know that she has lost her heart... then I won't be the only one to teach you a lesson.

Both Angels and Angels have a small weakness.

Guess what? "

Star God let go of his hand, and Cui Jue collapsed on the ground as if he had no bones.

She looked at the palm of the Star God, and saw the inside of that white palm.

A planet exploded silently like this.


In the end, not even a scum was left.

(End of this chapter)

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