Chapter 201 Doomsday Rescue (1)

[Judgment Baton] (active item, level c) [spiritual sleeping pill] (active item, level d) [spell of jealousy] (active item, level d) [transformation pill] (active item, level c) [rubber potion] ( Active item, level d) [Vicious toad] (active item, level d) [compressed biscuit] (active item, level c)
Ability: Water Moon Mirror Flower, Flesh Regeneration (Passive)

Time to open the next copy: 12 days

Players are not allowed to use props and abilities to mutilate, insult, and kill non-players and players in the real world, otherwise they will be obliterated. "

click on,

[Vicious toad, a one-time prop.Throwing the toad is designated to attack one person, and the toad is highly poisonous.Note, the effect is weak for high-level players. 】

[Compressed biscuits, one-time props.It can be kept without food for 7 days after consumption.You can choose the flavor~]

The last dungeon was not very lucky, and the two props that exploded were useless.

Two days later, An Xu and the hero and heroine entered the instance together.

[This round is a large-scale self-created copy, doomsday rescue!
This dungeon is a third-tier intermediate level. Total npc?name, total players?name.

Main task: Players please choose to save and destroy the two camps, and strive to make their own camp win!The victor will be rewarded handsomely.

Side missions: (displayed after selecting a faction)
Mission clues: mission failure will not cause death, without any rewards.

Mission clue: Please do not reveal your camp. 】

Well, what a big show.

The Anxu people were all stunned.

Why is this gameplay different from the previous ones?
Self-created copy, is it a copy made by the survival game itself?
Also, npc?name, player?name.

What are you doing?Exactly how much.

Without giving An Xu any time to think, a pop-up window appeared in front of him.

[Please choose a camp, save or destroy]

Just taking a look, An Xu chose to save without hesitation.

Nonsense, with Bai Lulu's temper, she must choose rescue.

Cheng Xun definitely did too.

Since the hero and heroine are both salvation, I must choose salvation too!
There is no reason, because going against the hero and heroine will lead to a miserable death.

[You have chosen to save, the task is as follows,
Main task: save the doomsday and restore order and new life.

Side Quest: Try to save ordinary people. 】

Good guy.

This is simply a copy tailored for Bailulu.

After the selection was completed, An Xu directly entered the dungeon world.

When I opened my eyes, I saw tall buildings.

The dungeon scene this time is really big.

All kinds of people around are busy with their own affairs, and no one cares about her.

When An Xu came for the first time, he walked around and observed the place.

Here comes the question, how to save?

What's the end of the day like, zombies?Or a natural disaster?

An Xu was really confused.

"Buzz, buzz."

The phone in his pocket rang, showing the professor.

Wait, this phone is not my own.

Is this dungeon still role-playing? ?

An Xu picked up the phone a little nervously, to see what the other party said first.

"An Zhengxiang! The research institute is busy, where did you go?!"

What?graduate School.

It seems that his identity is a researcher.

"Professor, I'll be right there."

"Okay, next time if you do it again, don't blame me for the substitution."

After hanging up the phone, An Xu looked at the records in the phone.

Basically, they go to a place called the Genetic Research Institute.

Institute of Genetics.

This word made An Xumeng go back to the mutated desert island.

 Thank you baby Xingjuan for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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