Chapter 206 Doomsday Rescue (6)

Step directly on the man's back and pin him to the ground.


The man fell to the ground, feeling as if his lungs were about to be squeezed out.

"You dare to steal my aunt's bag. I'm tired of work. Go to the prison and have a national meal for a few days."

The man's hand was clamped by her backhand, An Xu grabbed it and made an alarm call.

Seeing her call the police, the man became anxious, lowered his head and whispered:

"Don't, you're a player, right? You're all your own!!"

An Xu pretended not to hear, and said to the connected phone:
"Hey, Uncle Policeman, I caught a thief."

"Sister, I beg you, sister, let me go!"

The male player clasped his hands together, closed his eyes and kept begging for mercy.

"I, I'll give you a prop, please let me go."

An Xu still pretended not to hear, turned to him and said:

"Stop struggling, the police will be here soon."

The male player was taken aback.

This woman is not a player?Can't hear anything about the game.

Then she can still catch up with him? ? !

Are all npcs like this now?

Seeing that they couldn't communicate, the male player wanted to run away.

But will Anshu let him run away?A back fall knocked him to the ground.When the police arrived, they were sent to the Public Security Bureau.

Good people don't do it, they are thieves.

This player is really convinced.

After finishing the notes, An Xu received another call from the professor.

After clicking on it, quickly put the phone away.

"An Zhenxiang, you don't come here tomorrow!!! My research institute doesn't need a person like you who has no scientific spirit!!"

It's the professor's growl.


Hanging up the phone expressionlessly, An Xu pouted.

She doesn't want to go yet.

Isn't this drowsy and pass the pillow?

Taking advantage of the night, An Xu wandered around her hometown.

20 years on, a lot has changed.

Obviously he has only been away for a few months.

Walking and walking, I actually came to the neighborhood where I lived before.

A little surprised, the community is still there?
I don't know if I died suddenly, whether the landlord's house can still be rented out.

The security guards in the community saw her standing at the door for a long time, a woman, and came up curiously and asked:

"Come to see the owner?"

"Oh, no. I just remembered hearing about this neighborhood before."

Waving his hand, An Xu said with a smile.

"Oh? I have guarded this community for more than [-] years. I don't know anything. Tell me."

Twenty years?

The more An Xu looked at this Uncle Security, the more familiar he looked.

Isn't it, Xiao Li? ?
"Your name is Li."

"Yo, my old Li is so famous?"

Uncle security suddenly smiled brightly.

An Xu also smirked along with him.

No way, last time I saw you you were a young guy, now you are an uncle.

I remember that when Xiao Li first came to work in this community, An Xu still laughed at him for avoiding detours for 20 years.

"Uh huh, it's quite famous. I remember hearing that people died suddenly in this community. It seems like it was 20 years ago."

"Hey, old girl. Don't talk nonsense, there are no accidental deaths in our community, only old people who have died."

When Lao Li heard what An Xu said, he quickly waved his hand and said.

"No? I remember that girl's surname is An, and it seems to be An Xu."

"Hey, that's really not true. My old Li has been guarding here for more than [-] years. I have been working here since the community was repaired. I have never met someone named An Xu."

"That's it, sorry, that's just what I heard."

An Xu smiled, turned and left.

It is impossible for Xiao Li not to remember himself. At that time, he would take the initiative to say hello to himself after get off work every day.

Could it be that he has entered a parallel world again?

(End of this chapter)

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