Chapter 208 Doomsday Rescue (8)

After trying a few search terms, An Shu finally found a group of frustrated people.

"Daily thinking whether the end of the world is coming!!"

"I ask how long it will take for the world to be destroyed every day. I don't want to go to work. Hurry up to the end."

"Come on, doomsday, school is about to start, I didn't do my homework."

Mouth twitched, An Xu wanted to laugh a little.

Well, this is not enough for you.

The end of the world is coming.

After browsing for a long time, I finally saw a speech similar to that of a player.

“#做日联系我,Join the group and cooperate with each other.”

There are about 50 likes.

Someone else commented:
"No way, some people really think it will be the end of the world? Don't hoard salt again hahahahaha."

No one ignored him.

It looks like this was posted by a player.

But Anxu is not ready to contact.

When the time is right, she will organize the rescue camp players.

Now the early stage is still in a state of ignorance, and blind organization will only become a target.

This time, the players will not help each other, and the different camps will only be hostile.

Fighting swords is possible.

Ah, no, whoever chooses to destroy the world is a good person?
I'm afraid it's not as simple as meeting swords.

Regardless of these online players, An Xu packed his luggage and prepared to go to the capital the day after tomorrow.

I don't know if the npc replaced by the players is random.

For example, An Zhengxiang who was replaced by her.

Taking advantage of another day, An Xu wandered around after waking up.

GG City is her hometown, and it was still a second-tier city back then.

In the past 20 years, it has become a prosperous first-tier city.

After a day of shopping, I ate a lot of local delicacies.

During this period, Pippi has been protesting in his mind, and the protest system should also have authority.

In fact, it is greedy.

After dark, An Xu went to the last destination.


Came to the cemetery, walked to the innermost end, and looked at two familiar tombstones in familiar positions.

It belongs to my parents.

Sure enough, I still have no feelings for them.

Not even angry anymore.

I thought I would never see you again in this life.

Touching the cold stone tablet, An Xu's fingertips suddenly stopped.

its not right.

Her parents died in a car accident because they came to the university to find themselves.

Of course, not a good thing.

He came to him to ask for the competition bonus at that time, which was a total of [-] yuan.

The two even negotiated on the phone that each of them would be [-] yuan, but An Xu ridiculed him for thinking she was so beautiful, so he could only drive to the university together to find her.

Unexpectedly, there was a car accident on the way, and he died on the spot.

At that time, I didn't shed a single tear, and I was reprimanded as a bastard without emotion.

That being the case, what I came to is a parallel world.

There is no existence of its own.

Then her parents should still be alive, it is impossible for them to be dead.

But the traces of his existence in this world have indeed been erased.

Could it be the second guess?
Someone is manipulating her life.

The more I think about An Xu, the more numb my back feels.

Why did she act as if the heavens were maliciously punishing her since she was a child?

Why can't she make friends?
Why does she always feel that everything is against her.

At the time, she just thought it was her bad luck.

But now the more I think about it, the more suspicious I feel.

Someone was manipulating her life, which made her life very difficult, and ended in sudden death.

And after death, traces of her existence were erased.

No, probably not people.

This is not something humans can do.

Who would that be?Why does such a big man take so much pains to deal with himself?
(End of this chapter)

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