Chapter 211 Doomsday Rescue (11)

That pungent, unmistakable stench.

"Would you like to dig it out and have a look?"

Pippi spoke boldly.


An Xu said.


She didn't want to see a stinking corpse.

"Why do you still like to dig up corpses with such a small system??"

"? I'm suing you for slander, Xuxu!! I'm here to advise you."

After ignoring the fried-haired Pippi, he sniffed again. An Xu felt that there was water nearby.

She smelled very damp and a little stinky.

Walking towards the smell, sure enough, a small pond came into view.

The pond is dirty, very dirty.

The surface of the water is full of all kinds of garbage and floating algae.

The color is also black and green.

No wonder it stinks, the water is like this.

Not far away, there is a box floating on the water.

Floating with it was the corpse of a monkey.

The monkey corpse was white and swollen because it had been soaked for too long, and even the bones were exposed.

It's almost rotten.

The box has the mark of the Institute.

"Is this really a research institute? The handling is too hasty."

Pippi couldn't help complaining.

"It was originally a secret project, and it was not handled by many people. But it is indeed too informal."

An Xu frowned and stared at the pond.

This pool is polluted, and the water source for the surrounding creatures is this pool.

Worms drink water, birds eat worms.

Birds are flying everywhere.

After coming and going, it gradually became contagious.

"Then what do we do now, Xu Xu?"

An Xu was also thinking about what to do.

Holding his chin, he finally made a decision.

"Let's go find the person in charge."

"Hey, hey, will people ignore you?"

Pippi felt that the person in charge would not be a good character to talk to.

"Squat him at the door."

Andy has already decided.

"If you have something to say, don't do it."


Ignoring him, An Xu returned to the entrance of the institute and stood outside.

The security recognized her as a researcher who had been here before and did not drive her away.

But when he saw her squatting for two hours, the security guard couldn't help but stepped forward and asked:
"Well, Miss An, you are..."

"Oh, I'm waiting for the professor."

"The professor just isn't here today..."


An Xu felt that he had become stupid, why didn't he ask first.

Since no one is there, I am too lazy to stay.

After finding the subway, An Xu bought a subway ticket and waited for the train.

The billboard next to it suddenly changed to another advertisement.

【Pay attention to missing children, protect every home】

"Look for An An, An An, go home quickly."

"Contact number, Mr. Cheng 1xxx..."


Why did she have an inexplicable premonition that she was looking for her?

Not confidently dialing the phone, An Xu tentatively asked:

"Hi, I'm Mr. Cheng."


Now An Xu really confirmed it.

"How tall and what does the girl you are looking for look like?"

Ask him directly into the topic.

The other party was obviously taken aback, and just about to say something, An Xu immediately spoke again:
"1.6 meters is cute?"

For a moment he was silent, and after a while he opened his mouth and said:

"... Cheng Yu continued, where are you?"

Cheng Xun on the other end of the phone clearly recognized her.

"Is it a continuation call?"

Hearing a gentle female voice, An Xu knew that the hero and heroine were meeting.

"I'm in the capital, Mr. Cheng is rich, and I can afford to bid for the advertisement of the capital's subway line."

An Xu said with a smile.

Fortunately, no photos were added, otherwise it would have been on TV.

(End of this chapter)

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