Chapter 219 Doomsday Rescue (19)

Well, she does have a plan.

"Then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

An Xu stood up with a smile, nodded to everyone, and began to talk about his thoughts:
"I don't know if you have noticed the recent biting news? That has a great relationship with our mission. And I have collected a lot of information here. At present, we can know that the doomsday is probably a virus mutation.

What the mutated human beings look like is temporarily unknown, but I have a photo here. "

After all, he took out a photo of a stewardess secretly taken in the hospital from his mobile phone.

Mobile phones are passed between everyone's hands.

Cheng Xun and Bai Lulu looked at each other.

When did she take it?
The rest of the players were very surprised, they only knew that this doomsday refers to a virus.

After seeing everyone finished watching, An Xu continued:
"This is someone who has been infected. The symptoms are similar to one thing, which is what we call zombies. Therefore, if we don't need to go to places like the city center and hospitals, don't go there.

Also, I suggest that you borrow as much as you can at present, and borrow as much as you can, and use all of it to buy supplies.After the full-scale outbreak of the subsequent crisis, paper money lost its original role.

My arrangement for the players is that after the base is built, the players will lead the team to protect the base and take out missions when the escort team is formed. If the players are weak in the three items, they will apply with us and change to other jobs.

In a word, the base does not support idle players. "

The rest of the players nodded.

"Okay, everyone can go to the residential building to find a house to live in. A house has three bedrooms and one living room. Don't have a vacant room, arrange it yourself."

Wave your hand and let the players leave on their own.

The four continued to discuss.

"After the base is built, players can come."

Cheng Xun pursed his lips and said to everyone.

"What if you recruit players from the destruction camp?"

Bai Lulu couldn't help but asked worriedly.

"When you come, you're courting death."

An Xu propped his chin and laughed.

"Players of this camp will cause damage everywhere."

Liu Heqing has concerns.

"I have a large area of ​​protective props, but it burns more points, but it is enough."

Cheng Xun reassured everyone.

Large-area protective props?This place is a huge community!

That's too big, bro.

Anshu stared at him with wide eyes.

"Continue, don't worry. Brother Cheng's points are enough."

"Can I ask what level you are now?"

"Level three."


Rolling his eyes silently, An Xu bit the handkerchief.

What about in parallel worlds?The halo that people should have is still there.

From the truth talisman that Sha Chengxun took out in the script before, she knew that the hero and heroine had many adventures.

"Continue with you?"

Bai Lulu also asked.

"Level three."

"The continuation is amazing!"

Not as good as you.

An Xu complained silently in his heart.

"Where's Liu Heqing?"

At any rate, he is also the second male lead in the original text, so it shouldn't be much different.

"Level three."

Well, the third level got together.

"Okay, let's go our separate ways. Lulu and I still need to see what needs to be changed here. You two should also look around."

After Cheng Xun finished speaking, he took Bai Lulu away.

An Xuze and Liu Heqing got up and looked around.

"I feel that a large area over there can be made into a shanty town. After all, the residential buildings alone are definitely not enough to live in."

"Well, I think so too. It's best to organize a small team to patrol around, so as not to cause trouble."

The two of them discussed the matter of the base seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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