Chapter 222 Doomsday Rescue (22)


An Xu looked at him and asked strangely.

"In that supermarket, someone will mutate into a zombie after a while, and then bite the person next to him."

"Then get out of the car quickly and let's go."

After hearing Liu Heqing's prediction, An Xu immediately opened the door, got out of the car and ran into the supermarket.

"What clothes is that man wearing?"

"Black clothes and a red hat."

Liu Heqing also got out of the car.

The two quickly entered the supermarket.

But the supermarket is too crowded and there are too many people.

An Xu was almost knocked on the shelf by the aunt.

After searching for a long time, I saw quite a few people in black clothes, but none in red hats.

After thinking about it carefully, Liu Heqing's prediction seems to be earlier.

For example, when he predicted that he would get up, it happened to be the time to cook a bowl of noodles.

So that person might not be in the supermarket yet.

After realizing it, An Xu squeezed to the entrance of the supermarket again.

"Borrow it."

Just squeezed past a person, An Xu froze.

Was that person wearing a red baseball cap just now?

"Wait a minute!"

He turned his head to catch that person, but there was no one there.

I am really convinced, most of the people in the north are tall, and it is really difficult for me to walk.

He started to squeeze back again, and bumped directly into someone's arms.

"Sorry, sorry, give way."

An Xu didn't care, bowed his head forward.

"Let what?"

Liu Heqing said to him with a smile, took An Xu's arm and walked towards the man in the red hat.

Not to mention, with Liu Heqing clearing the way, it's not so crowded.


There was a scream, and the surroundings immediately looked to the source of the sound in fright.

An Xu and Liu Heqing finally found the man in red hat.

The mask the man in the red hat was wearing fell to the ground, and his iron-blue face looked scary.

The girl next to him was caught by him at first, with a puzzled look on her face.

Seeing the red hat man's face, he screamed in fright.

"He's infected, infected! Let me go!"

The girl was so frightened that she kept breaking free, but was held tightly by the man in the red hat.

The man in the red hat stared at her intently, with salivating eyes, drooling non-stop.

When the people around heard that there were infected people, they didn't dare to help at all, and wanted to run out as they scattered.

But the crowded supermarket couldn't squeeze out at all, and the people outside were also confused.

An Xu stepped forward and grabbed the man in the red hat by the wrist, pinching his neck.

Liu Heqing dragged the girl aside.

"Are there any scratches on your body?"

The girl was startled and shook her head dully.

Seeing that she was fine, Liu Heqing hurried to find a rope.

Here, An Xu is still holding down the man in the red hat, and the person next to him is still shooting a video.

An Xu shouted angrily:
"What are you shooting? Why don't you call the police?"

Only then did a few people start calling the police.

Taking Liu Heqing's rope, An Xu tied up the red hat man's legs and hands in twos and twos, and quickly left the scene with Liu Heqing.

"No one should have been scratched."

An Xu asked worriedly in the car.

If someone is still infected, isn't my work just now in vain?

"should not."

Liu Heqing replied, and drove to the research institute, and the video just now had been posted on the Internet, and it slowly fermented.

"An infected person appeared in a supermarket in Beijing, and the police are currently searching for close contacts."

Below is the video of An Xu capturing the infected alive at that time.

"My God, the infected are so scary, they are really like zombies."

"My concern is, this young lady is so handsome, she was captured alive."

"Add 1."

(End of this chapter)

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