"What a luxurious palace."

A male player couldn't help but marvel.

Pippi was also surprised by this scale.

What does this dungeon boss want to do?
"Xuxu, will the boss of this dungeon want to smash you to death with money?"

"Come on, I'm just joking around."

An Xu replied to Pippi amusedly.

"Restrain your desires and keep your heart. It sounds like the dungeon boss is trying to seduce you."


That's the reason.

"we'll see."

After finishing speaking, the maid in front of her stopped, turned around and said to everyone:
"Everyone who sees the master, please be sure to give the highest respect."

This master should be the boss.

The door in front of him was pushed open, but there was nothing inside.

Can't you see the boss?
The boss didn't see it, only a buzzing voice:

"Next, you will enter the trial field I prepared for you one by one, and the player with the highest total score in the end will be sent out.

As for the others who are behind in their grades, they will stay. "

As soon as the words fell, the figures of several people disappeared.

"Master, the memory has been tampered with."


On the other side, An Xu was standing on the deck, blowing the sea breeze, and there were many waiters walking around behind him.

The task this time is to get the number one position in the four fields of wealth, fame, power and desire.

But this copy is a bit strange.

She couldn't reach Pippi.

Maybe it's a copy limit.
"Miss, please come in."

The handsome waiter gestured please to An Xu, and An Xu took the sign and entered the interior of the cruise ship.

The other four players with her have already entered first, and she is the last.

She knew it was a casino, but she didn't expect it to be so big.

The first floor is a small gambling area. Most people play Mahjong and Doudizhu, losing hundreds of yuan in a game.

Going up in turn, the bigger the bet, the bigger the bet.

There are relatively few people, and most people come to pass the time and have fun.

The real noise is upstairs.

An Xu walked to the area of ​​Fighting the Landlords, watching the three people playing in front of him.

She knows how to fight the landlord, try two first.

The initial currency that the copy gave her was only 2000 yuan.

"Hahaha, the landlord lost, change to another!"

The landlord threw down the card, cut it, and left.

An Xu sat down and waited for the dealer to shuffle the cards.

No wonder there are so many waiters here, just because every gaming table deserves a dealer.

After the croupier dealt out the cards, An Xuli played the cards.

The biggest one is actually k...

Why are her hands so smelly?

Then don't call yourself a landlord.

The other two wanted landlords, but one reacted most violently.

An Xu guessed that the big and small king might be with him.

After the landlord card was in his hand, his joy was withdrawn.

It seems that the landlord card is redundant for him, and may even disrupt his original order of playing cards.

After struggling for a long time, he came up with a three belt one.

Just playing back and forth like this, An Xu memorized the discarded cards.

Directly follow the clues to guess what cards the other two are holding.

The landlord has more cards in his hand.

And I have double cards in my hand, but the landlord still has big and small kings.

You have to cheat him out.

"To 10."

Throwing out a pair of ten, An Xu knew that they had no pair, so he made a gesture to throw out several cards.

The landlord was so frightened that he immediately said:


As soon as the big and small kings came out, An Xu gave another farmer a look.

The landlord then issued a single card.

The opponent understood, played a 2, and then played a pair of fours.

An Xu's hand is full of pairs.

In the end, the farmer wins.

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