Everyone put their chips on the table, An Xu placed 250 million, and the female player placed 200 million.

The other two male players placed hundreds of thousands each.

It can be said that everyone put up all their wealth, except An Xu.

"We all show off all our wealth, aren't you dishonest?"

The female player looked at An Xu and said,

An Xu responded with a smile:

"All of you are worth less than half of mine."

This sentence made the female player choke heavily.

But Anxu still added another 250 million.

Then start betting:
"All in."

An Xu directly pushed all the chips out.

The female player and the two players froze, and opened their mouths in shock.

This is the first round of betting.

"Okay, this guest bet 500 million, all in."

As soon as the people at the other gaming tables listened to the game of betting millions, they all ran over and started calling.

"I'm with [-]!"

"I'm with ten thousand!"

This person is 500 million at once, he must be very good at playing, so hurry up!
Try it first.

An Xu crossed his hands and looked at the other three players with a smile.

Do you think she doesn't know what these people want to do?

Isn't it just to provoke her to let her go all-in, and then they win the money and make themselves bottom.

As it happened, she directly let them get their wish.

The first round of all-in, they don't need to worry about it for a while.


The female player launched 50.

She couldn't figure out An Xu's way at once.

Once the chips are on the table, they cannot be withdrawn. Even if you want to go all-in, it is usually the last round.

Is she so confident that she can win?Go all in.

The other two placed [-] each.

"Okay, now the cards will be dealt."

The dealer continued to deal cards. This time Anxu got a 4, the female player got an 8, the male player got another 10, and the other got a J.

So far, it seems that Anxu's card is the worst.

The female player can be connected with 7 in the last round, the male player has a pair of ten, and the other one can also be connected with Q.

Only her 4 and A are not connected.

An Xu also looked worried.

This time the male player had the biggest card and placed a bet of 40.

Many spectators followed him to bet.

The other bet 30, and others followed suit.

The female player bets 50.

But An Xu's side didn't have many people following him.

Nonsense, she herself has such a worried look, wouldn't it be a loss of money to follow her!
"Start dealing the cards."

The dealer continued to initiate the cards.

This time it was a matter of life and death.

After turning over the cards, Anxu got another 4, the female player got a 9, the male player got a 3, and the other got an 8.

Anxu's card is the smallest again.

The female player had already smiled triumphantly.

Although Anxu has two cards and fours, so what?

A pair of four is small and small.

"All in."

"I follow, I follow too!!"

"One hundred thousand, I bet one hundred thousand!"

The people who watched for a long time began to follow the betting.

7, 8, 9, this is probably a straight!

Multimillion-dollar gaming tables are not uncommon.

The male players also all-in.

On An Xu's side, a small group of people who followed her before all paid out.

"I'm not going down."

The caller has to bet each round and can only make more money than the previous round.

Basically, they felt that An Xu had no hope of winning, so he chose to stop.

Stop loss in time.

"Now, everyone, please unveil the plaques."

The female player was the first to reveal the cards, and the two hole cards were 10 and J.

What a straight! !
I won! !

The people who followed her to place bets had already started cheering.

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