"Elder Sister, you are a first-line female star after all, so it's perfectly fine for us to play the leading role in this kind of script."

"I don't like female number one, I like female number two."

Hearing what An Xu said, the agent brought the script over and read it speechlessly.

"The second female is a general. There are a lot of dramas. How can you act?"

"I said I can."

Just kidding, not only can she act, but she doesn't need a double at all, okay?

"All right, all right, I really can't do anything about you."

Rolling his eyes at An Xu, the agent played the director's call, and confirmed An Xu's second female role in a few words.

After hanging up, he threw the phone away, crossed his arms and said to An Xu:

"Let's play."

This kind of small script, if An Xu hadn't clamored to act it.

He won't even glance at it.

"It's not that I'm talking about you. How many movie heroines of big directors are waiting for you to act, but you don't act. You come to act as the second female lead in some small web drama, and let the fans say what you say about you."

Picking up the script, An Xu automatically blocked the agent.

All she needs is popularity, and she will act in whatever brings popularity.

Movies can be shown, but audiences now like to watch online dramas.

In this script, both the plot and the idea, including the character design, are all excellent.

The only downside is that the director is a newcomer and not well-known.

This is only a shortcoming in the eyes of the broker.

After confirming, An Xu ran to read the original book.

There are still some differences between the script and the original work, so it is necessary to figure out the character design of the original work, so as to catch the fans of the original work.

Generally, book fans hate the filming of their favorite novels, so we must grasp this point, otherwise the book fans will become black fans.

It is easier to memorize the lines, but it is difficult to figure out the feelings.

A week later, the casting of the crew was basically confirmed.

Except for An Xu, everyone else was selected through auditions, and some were third-tier stars.

"Sister An, you can come to the set today."

The director sent a message to An Xu nervously.

The script could be handed over to An Xu, he took some care.


After An Xu returned, he set off to go to the crew.

The ranking shows that the female player has accumulated a net worth of 100 million and has come to this mission world.

Don't you want to surpass yourself?

Another male player also came over.

The remaining two male players are still struggling in the casino.

After arriving at the set, the atmosphere was suddenly very cramped.

The actors present were either amateurs or later stars.

An Xu is a well-known celebrity.

"Well, Miss An."

The female number one got up a little uneasy and greeted An Xu.

How could she afford to let a first-line celebrity be her supporting role?


An Xu greeted her with a smile.

Well, so gentle.

The female number one blushed immediately and nodded frantically.

Seeing that An Xu was so eloquent, the others greeted him one after another.

After responding, An Xu went to set her makeup.

The crew has already released several leading actors, and the splash is not big.

But when they saw An Xu, many people were quite surprised.

"What's the origin of this crew, it allows first-line female stars to act in this kind of small web drama."

"Has An Xiang fallen to this point?"

And the book fans shouted that An Xiang was not suitable.

"The second daughter, Fu Jun, is a female general! An Xiang is completely the charming type, she is not suitable at all."

"Add 1."

"It's a great honor for our sister An to be able to act."

There was a lot of quarreling, especially the fans of Shu Fan and An Xiang.

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