
Damn, why is there a man? !
"What are you doing here?"

"Lord, didn't you ask me to accompany you?"

The handsome man grabbed An Xu's hand and stared at him straight.

"You go out first, I want to be quiet by myself."

Seeing him grabbing his hand, An Xu immediately pulled it out and let him go out.

"Yes, Lord."

The handsome man nodded obediently, lightly twisted a strand of An Xu's hair and kissed it, then went out.

What was the situation at this level, An Xu couldn't react at once.

As soon as he came here, he was mobbed, although this man is indeed very handsome.

But Anxu rejected his senses.

It's also strange, I obviously like handsome guys very much.

When An Xu came out of the room the next day, he saw all kinds of beautiful men.

She was stunned.

I understand, this is about desire.

She had guessed what it would be about, but she didn't expect it to be lust! ! !

And the ranking of this level has also been updated, An Xu is at the bottom, and the female player is at the bottom.

What do you mean?
Why did I become the last.

After thinking for two seconds, he curled his lips.

Because I didn't touch a man.

The others were afraid that there would be a handsome man or beautiful woman lying beside them as soon as they arrived.

and so…

Then she's done.

She couldn't be so distracted.

As an old woman who has been single for almost 30 years, she refused!
Wait, what about the female player?

My value is 0, why is hers too?
As for the female player, there was also a handsome man next to her.

Different from An Xu's politeness, she kicked him to the ground directly.

With an ugly face, let the man get out.

Because... she likes women.

There was a man lying next to her, she couldn't accept it at all.

This level will kill her! !

The other three male players saw the beautiful women beside them.

Without thinking for a second, he obeyed the man's heart.

An Xu knew that she would not be able to win the first place in this level, so she became a mess.

The beautiful men in the yard approached her every day, but she ignored them.

And the handsome man on the first night is the most beautiful among them.

I saw him lying on the stool next to An Xu with a puzzled face, and asked aggrievedly:
"The Lord doesn't like us?"

"Why do you ask?"

An Xu was basking in the sun, lying on a chair, watching the handsome guys playing in the yard.

"You, don't touch us."

The handsome man stared at An Xu with reddish eyes, tenderly.


Don't be like this, it makes me feel like I have done something abhorrent.

"Love is restraint."

An Xu thought for a long time before holding back such a sentence.

Unexpectedly, after the beautiful man heard this, he smiled happily.

"Master, would you like to know the slave's name?"


An Xu has always been very patient with beautiful things.

"Think, tell me."

"The slave's name is Oranci."

"Aurancee? I remember."

Hearing this name, Anxu didn't react much, and said to Oranci perfunctorily.

"Lord, if you think about it someday, can the first one be Oranci?"

Oransi looked at Anxu expectantly,

An Xu: "..."

Can you skip this topic?

But Judgment, Winter Hat will strangle him.


An Xu has always kept his promise and will do what he promises.

If you think you can't do it, you won't do it.

Aurangsi lowered her eyes in disappointment when she heard Anxu's refusal.

This scene can make me want to pity him, but it's a pity that An Xu is in front of him.

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