After occupying Yuan State, the ranking went directly to the second place.

Originally, many people in Yuan Guo were still in a state of panic, but Anxu immediately introduced policies.

The tax has been reduced to 20.00%, which is a little bit more than what should have been.

And the assets of those bureaucratic landlords were confiscated, especially the land.

Distributed to those who did not have land.

As soon as Yuan Guo's assets were obtained, Anxu immediately became rich again.

Money was allocated to various places that needed money, and many tortures were abolished at the same time.

There is also the most typical, anti-crime and tiger-sweeping operation.

A group of investigation teams were set up to patrol Anguo.

Once there is an act of corruption and oppression of the people, he will immediately take off his black hat and go to prison.

And the underworld, which usually does all kinds of crimes, was arrested because of the protection of the official circles, and they were also sent to prison.

It can be said that in many aspects, An Xu can grasp it with both hands, and there is no time to sleep every day.

Fortunately, she didn't have to sleep, otherwise she would be too busy.

The happiness of the people has improved, and the economy has developed rapidly.

Batch after batch of business caravans were established and began to trade abroad.

Anguo culture also spread to other places,
Many people who were homeless due to the war rushed to Anguo.

It just so happens that Anxu is extremely short of people, and it was her idea to arrange a business caravan to go abroad for cultural export.

There is a shortage of people for iron ore mining and a shortage of people for arable land.

These refugees are worrying about having no food to eat, and they will be very happy if they are given a job.

Anxu also improved the gun so that the range can be farther.

The improved guns were of course allocated to the sharpshooters, and many troops had a native gun.

But you have to do the training first.

With growing strength, Anxu set his sights on a big country.

Xu Guo.

Recently, this country has introduced a lot of policies, but they have not had much effect.

An Xu guessed that it was one of the three male players.

There is no way, who let him get close.

When the male player received the news that the border city was attacked, he was dumbfounded.

He was actually beaten?
"What did you say? Those guys have guns?"

"Yes, it's the Anguo who has been in the limelight recently."

Anguo, Ann.

The male player directly guessed that it was An Xu.

that woman! ! !

So they sent envoys overnight to seek peace, roughly meaning that they were born from the same root, so why is it too urgent to fight each other.

An Xu smiled, she was trying to scare him.

I didn't expect it to be so frightening.

So he put forward conditions and asked to set aside those few places in the south for himself.

The male player agreed without hesitation.

This move was admonished by other officials every day, and they all reprimanded him for surrendering without a fight.

Male players have big heads,
If that woman really gets into a fight, I'm afraid the whole country will be in danger! !
She only needs a few places, which is already a great kindness to herself.

Thinking of An Xu being able to make a gun, he was terrified.

These female players are too scary, I have been unlucky for eight lifetimes before entering a dungeon with them.

After Anxu got those waterways, he could take a shortcut to Yuan Guo.

Grain and iron ore shipments can also be made faster.

The ranking at this time has also become the first!

At this time, the female players also showed their power and occupied two countries in one fell swoop.

The ranking rushed directly to the second place.

Because she made the cannon.

An Xu guessed that she should be He Guo who is far away from him.

But the two countries she occupied were different from those occupied by Ansyria.

Those two countries were originally relatively stable and had good systems.

People's happiness is quite high.

The female player will be attacked and occupied if she says that she is right. I am afraid that the rebellion among the people will be serious.

It takes a lot of work.

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