artificial intelligence…


A society with a huge gap between rich and poor.

This dungeon is much more complicated than Doomsday Salvation.

As for the main crisis, Anxu can't guess it yet.

A little too much.

Her high IQ has not been integrated into this body, and now her mind is chaotic.

The robotic arm scans itself from the beginning to the end, and the physical condition is entered into the doctor's computer.

"Minor injury to abdominal viscera, which has been properly treated. Severe trauma to the head..."

The doctor frowned.

The situation is more serious than imagined.

"Miss Anna, I would like to ask a few questions."

"You ask."

"Do you remember what year it is?"

"I do not remember."

An Xu pretended to be thinking about it, and closed his eyes in pain.

"It seems that the blood pressure in the brain is pressing on the nerves, causing memory loss, and it will take some time to recuperate."

The doctor printed out the physical examination report and transferred An Xu to the waiting room.

The mayor and the mayor's wife were already waiting in the room.

"My Nana!"

The mayor's wife immediately went to touch An Xu's face lovingly.

"Mom made you suffer."

An Xu dodged slightly, with an unnatural look, which stunned the mayor's wife for a moment.

Nana has always been the most clingy to her.

"Mayor, this is Miss Anna's medical report."

The doctor handed the report to the mayor. After reading it, the mayor angrily threw the report on the ground and said.

"Check! Check Anna's brain chip for me, and catch those people who bullied her. I will make them pay the price!"

The mayor's wife picked up the report and knew that An Xu had lost his memory.

"My poor Nana, it's because your parents are not good that you have been wronged."

Touching An Xu's face with red eyes, the mayor's wife turned to ask the doctor:

"Doctor, can my Nana's memory be restored?"

"Ma'am, Miss Anna's brain has a lot of shadows, which oppresses the nerves, leading to amnesia. It may take a period of training to slowly recover the memory, but fortunately, the eye nerves are not compressed."

Otherwise you will be blind.

When the mayor's wife heard that she could recover, she nodded with red eyes.

Although the current technology is advanced, the mysteries of the human body are infinite.

If An Xu's injury was elsewhere, it's okay, at worst, it will be replaced with an alloy organ.But she hurt her head.

Fortunately, it's not serious.

"I want to leave the hospital."

An Xu suddenly made a sound at this time.

The mayor's wife quickly comforted her and said:

"Nana, you are not in good health yet, you should recuperate in the hospital for a while, be good."

"No, I hate the smell."

An Xu looked at the mayor's wife with red eyes.

She has to use this time to learn more about this place, how can she stay in the hospital?
The mayor's wife softened her heart.

Although the child has lost his memory, his habits have not changed.

I grew up hating hospitals.

Look at the doctor, ready to ask the doctor what to say.

"Miss Anna can go home to recuperate, but she has to pay attention to her diet."

So An Xu got into the car again, but it didn't seem like he was going home.

Looking out the window, I have to say that An Xu was shocked by the scenery.

It was already night, and the neon lights of the skyscrapers were already on.

There are many maglev cars passing by quickly between the buildings.

An Xu's car drove slowly because she was unwell.

After a few glances, An Xu turned his head and fell asleep.

Beauty is beauty, but these buildings are really tall.

Platforms have been built between many floors, which look dense and crowded.


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