Chosen Son.

An Xu looked at the empty lottery in his hand and smiled.

After seeing the lottery results of Jing Mo and Wen Zhengsong, he couldn't laugh.

Both of them were fighting against two unfamiliar players.

So that is, to the end.

It is very likely that he will fight Wen Zhengsong, or Jing Mo.

No matter how you fight, it's not what An Xu wants.

Rubbing his forehead, he watched them fight in the audience.

It was Jing Mo who played first, facing a male player.

The two were waiting for the game to start when they saw the mechanical voice on the big screen start to read:
"Red Fang, Jing Mo. Team 279 members."

Moreover, Jing Mo seems to have no ability, and An Xu has never seen him use it.

"Then let me explain to you patiently. Now this place does not belong to the game management, but to my territory. In my domain, I have to listen to everything. If you die here, the game will not let you Get out alive.


An Xu watched this scene and smiled.

"you are annoying."

Wen Zhengsong wanted to help his forehead.

Anshu couldn't help looking at him worriedly.

Chen Jie immediately withdrew his hand to avoid being caught by Wen Zhengsong who had used his ability.

An Xu felt it, and Jing Mo was the center, emitting a magnetic field.

This is to use the ability?

What troubled Chen Jie the most was his ability.

Jing Mo looked at An Xu's eyes, smiled and patted her on the head.

But the smile froze on his face the next moment.

"Blue Fang, Wen Zhengsong, member of Team 55."

The force of the fall was terrifying.

"Red Fang, Jing Mo wins!"

He looked at Jing Mo in a daze.

The audience below watched so intently that they all held their breath at the same time.

Curiously asked Wen Zhengsong who was sitting in the front row.

"Zhu Qiang's ability is to copy the opponent's moves and abilities. Jing Mo has decided not to move, so Zhu Qiang has nothing to do with him."

An Xu and Wen Zhengsong looked at each other.

Chen Jie's hand stretched long and wrapped around Wen Zhengsong's foot like a rope.

But Jing Mo just put it in his pocket and didn't move.

All of a sudden, his body twisted into a strange arc, which made his back hurt.

Zhu Qiang was in the magnetic field and felt it even more.

Zhong Yi explained slowly.

Pushed him away and stood still again.

Wen Zhengsong silently said:
"Solid as a rock!"

This magnetic field is very strong.

An Xu's eyes returned to the stage.

Chen Jie had guessed it a long time ago and waved his hand.

"The blue side wins!"

Said apologetically to Chen Jie.

Zhu Qiang's eyes were excited, he knew that the other party was using his ability.

An Xu looked at Jing Mo and asked him:
"Such a powerful skill, how do you manage to never use it?"

Now we have to draw lots for pk.

"This, what kind of ability is this?"

"You can live for a long time, so you can rest assured."

He and Chen Jie can be regarded as old friends who have known each other for a long time.

"He didn't use it, and he never said he had it."

Although the players in the previous game were also aware of it, they couldn't resist not shooting or returning to defense.

"So this is ah!"

In my field, you want to use your abilities, do you think it is possible? "

Chen Jie got up and coughed twice.

The mutated Wen Zhengsong started to catch Chen Jie all over the field, and Chen Jie avoided it by virtue of his flexibility like rubber.

Wen Zhengsong who uses his ability will lose his mind, and it doesn't matter who you are when fighting.

Zhu Qiang really stepped off the stage uncontrollably, and Jing Mo also took back the domain the moment he stepped off the stage.

Jing Mo stretched out his hand to block the fist.

"I'm sorry bro."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that either."

Jing Mo turned back impatiently.

Jing Mo issued an order to Zhu Qiang.

An Xu didn't expect that Jing Mo still had such a domineering and cool ability!
Zhu Qiang also realized that he couldn't attack Jing Mo at all, and every time he had this thought, his body felt extremely uncomfortable.

This ability, he cannot duplicate.

"Game start."

Chen Jie's ability is a rubber man.

"Red Fang, Chen Jie, 25 members of the team."

Even the old friends don't know, it is estimated that Jing Mo just has no ability.

This was also the reason why Chen Jie was a little scared.

"it's okay no problem."

Lu Yu scratched his head and asked.

Can't wait.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

Wen Zhengsong said to Chen Jie with a smile.

The body size began to skyrocket, and the skin began to harden.

Why is there a real name system?

Next came the duel between Wen Zhengshan and another player.

"Blue Fang, Zhu Qiang. Team 89 members"

An Xu has seen Zhu Qiang's competition before. The key to this guy's fierceness lies in his ability. He can copy every move and even ability of the opposing player.

But he was caught and thrown out.


The two players came to the stage and each bowed slightly.

Unwilling to lose, Zhu Qiang was so angry that he beat his chest and stomped his feet.

Jing Mo has the ability?
So what made him not use his ability once for so many years?
In fact, Master Xu is the one who knows Jing Mo's ability, but Master Xu is not in the competition at this time.

Zhu Qiang had no choice but to attack harder.

"Brother Wen, is Jing Mo capable?"

"Ten years less if you use it once??"

Zhu Qiang didn't care what Jing Mo said, as long as he fought back, the advantage would come back to him.

Zhu Qiang shot first and rushed towards Jing Mo.

"I didn't expect that in the last two rounds, one round would be against you."

He pushed forward again, only to see two words shouted out of Jing Mo's mouth:

An Xu was still a little worried about Jing Mo.

Zhu Qiang obviously realized it, and his face was a little ugly.

The two started to shoot at the same time, and returned to defense at the same time.

An Xu thought of a prop he had obtained before, which seemed to have similar functions to this.

Wen Zhengsong shook his head.

Jing Mo knew that An Xu would ask him, so he said flatly:
"It's used to burn life. It takes ten years less to use it once. Guess why I don't use it."

It seems that Jing Mo knows it well.

"Brother Jing Mo, are you provoking the other side?"

He can copy his defense, but Jing Mo doesn't attack him!

The remaining three people, Wen Zhengsong, grandson-in-law, and Jing Mo.

His ability is already strong, and if he learns the opponent's ability, the opponent can't beat him at all.

"Now, myself, go on."

If he likes to block it, then he just makes Jing Mo unable to block it!
Zhu Qiang hit harder and harder, and Jing Mo finally fought back.

Chen Jie looked honest and honest, nodded and said.

When the match started, Zhu Qiang waited for Jing Mo to make a move.

Jing Mo was obviously more patient, if he didn't do anything, he really didn't do it at all.

After Wenzheng stepped down from the stage, his ability was also removed.

For a while, the two sides on the field stalemate.

Jing Mo is strong, and he defends perfectly against his attacks.

There is still an empty lottery round.

When An Xu took out the note, he was thinking, he can't still be himself, right?
But when I opened the note, I saw a familiar blank space.

Her brain froze for two seconds.

"You don't really have any conspiracy behind the survival game, do you?"

Jing Mo took her note with a suspicious look on his face.

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