On the third day, the competition rankings were released.

An Xu's team deservedly won the first place, and everyone knew it clearly without looking.

"I'm curious what this No.1 reward is!"

Lu Yu looked at the email excitedly.

Anshu lowered his eyes.

"Let's watch together when Master Xu comes back."

"Oh yes, I have to wait for Master!"

Lu Yu nodded wildly, suppressing the desire to check the rewards.

An Xu turned and went upstairs, closing the door.

"You succeeded and got the first place."

The tone of speaking has also changed to another person.

After becoming a god in Shuicheng, she came to the so-called temple full of curiosity.

"Thank you, Yue Cang."

And it's not okay to be bad in the God Realm, lazy gods will be punished.

While she was making arrangements in private, Antina looked at the scene amusedly as if she was watching an ant.

It's almost the same as I guessed.

Until the energy began to decrease and the moonlight began to dim.

Gradually, the gap in the body became bigger and bigger, and the regeneration of flesh and blood began to weaken.

The golden energy in the chest is still pouring out continuously, tearing the body apart, and the bright moonlight shines on it, repairing the body again.

"Won't you say goodbye to them?"

Just like that, it was repeatedly torn, once healed, torn.

In other words, this key was originally reserved for him to wake up.

An Xu's self-healing began to speed up, and he got much better.

And here, it's not as beautiful and interesting as she imagined.

If Antina can't wake up early, then the reincarnation gate will be ruled by the awakened Ascensa.

Just a trace of it is stronger than the power that erupted when I was a player.

One-third of the soul was turned into fragments and scattered on the way of reincarnation.

Waving at the beginning of the month, a round of bright moon flew over Anxu's head.

"It seems that a long time has passed."

Yue Cang had just ascended to the heaven, and was picked up by Antina who was walking around.

Antina went to the reincarnation gate, and became the master of the gate along the way, with a very high status among the gods.

It's the Silver Moon Bow. I didn't expect this product to be so poor that it became an ordinary A-level prop in the game.

Not only can it be used to unlock the players' seals, but it can also be used to break their own.


It just so happened that this little black snake was a big chess piece for her to escape from the God Realm.

Only a few short decades have passed by the reincarnation gate, and everyone from top to bottom has become Antina's influence.

The seal was still unraveling, An Xu closed his eyes, and felt endless energy coming out of his heart.

Already remembered everything.

"Forget about you as an old friend."

But there is a sentence that she explained very solemnly:
"If Asensha shows signs of controlling the reincarnation gate, no matter how far I have grown, let me break the seal and come back."

As for her confidant, she only explained the plan of Yue Cang and another confidant herself, and Yue Cang naturally absolutely supported her.

No wonder the item bar said it needs to be recognized by Silver Moon Bow.

And Asensha was a little black snake she picked up from the prison.

The competition in the temple is very fierce, and all the little gods and gods are trying to get a position in the temple, which is almost equal.

An Xu thought of this, raised his head and asked Yue Cang.

"No. Yue Cang, if I leave, what about the original succession?"

It was painful, but An Xu still endured the huge energy.

It seems that something is shaking violently?
After An Xu took it out, he smiled.


The champion reward is actually the key to breaking through to level four players.

An Xu nodded and remained silent.

The godhead stayed at the reincarnation gate.

prepared by.

Until an accident like Asensha happened.

Everything was arranged very well. Antina's life went smoothly since she was a child, and she also wanted to experience the so-called suffering.

However, time is running out.

An Xu held the key and inserted it into his heart.

Since she can't be bad, then she's going to kill everyone!

Andina'er loves her the most, but she didn't expect this little black snake, who is pure on the surface, to have endless desires in his heart.

Yue Cang immediately brought her whole body to the realm of nothingness. That novel world was not even considered the real world, and letting An Tiana awaken there would collapse the novel world.

An An nodded, opened the email, and clicked to check.

So when the black snake leaked its minions, Antina pretended to be poisoned by the snake long ago, and there was no cure for it, and she blew herself up and died with Ascensa.

Asensha is an extremely beautiful black snake, enchanting and charming, arousing pity, and very good at currying favor with Antina.

Yue Cang immediately leaned over excitedly and saluted.

Yue Cang looked at this scene a little nervously, he originally wanted to wait for An Xu to improve his physical fitness to a higher level before unblocking him.

It hurts.

Yue Cang appeared from somewhere in the room.

Seeing that she was not in high spirits, Yue Cang changed the subject to ask.

In an instant, the golden light flowed, and the pitch-black pupils turned into pure gold.

Those eyes were cold and seemed devoid of any emotion.

An Xu smiled slightly and nodded to Yue Cang. The next moment, his long black hair turned into reddish-brown big waves, and the length didn't stop until he reached his ankles. The clothes on his body also turned into a pure white robe.

"Anti... my lord!"

After recovering, the current Anxu, oh no, Antina.

So, is this the energy of a true god?
The flesh began to crack, but was repaired by the regeneration of flesh and blood.

The dazed Yue Cang became her subordinate in such a daze.

The seal is locked in the heart.

As soon as she took the seat, she naturally wanted to train her most trustworthy subordinates, so An Tina took care of them herself, and the ones she brought out were all sincere.

"How long do you want to go?"

"let's start."


After inquiring about it, Antina found that she couldn't go back to the previous place, so she stomped her feet angrily.

An Xu's body gradually began to have cracks at the beginning, and began to turn into broken skin, and the regeneration of flesh and blood continued to function again.

There are various branches in the temple, some are in charge of heaven, some are in charge of life, and some are in charge of death.

An Xu slowly opened his eyes at this time, his golden eyes were not like before.

Li Jin is a big cat demon she picked up on the road of reincarnation, and became her best kitten after taming.

She really wanted to know what step this little black snake could do?
Having been in power for so many years, it's really tiring, but life has to be fun, isn't it?

Although Asensha's evil formation was broken last time in another world and her clone was removed, it also disturbed the main body.

Chu Yue nodded to An Xu.

Unexpectedly, there was an inner ghost.

Another confidant actually revealed his plan to Ascensa, only for her to be assigned as the deputy sect master after she took power.

Asensha readily agreed, and Samsara Dao made a move to change the fate trajectory of every soul fragment in reincarnation, so that they could die as soon as possible.

Only for the best chance of winning when both of them are awakened.

Because she knew the plan in advance, Asensha also made the illusion of dying together.

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