The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 109 Ding!Your toffee-flavored little meow has arrived 24

In the evening, after Li Jueyu finished his work, as soon as he returned to his room, he saw a small white ball bouncing around on his big black bed.

The ultimate black and the ultimate white, Li Jueyu slowly stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to grab the whiteness to fill his heart full of holes.

God forbid, he caught it.

The little milk cat in her arms meowed softly, leaning her head crookedly on her chest, "Meow meow." Have you finished your work?

"Well, it's all taken care of."

The little milk cat put her little paws next to her mouth, stretched out her pink tongue and licked it, as if she had found the fun of doing this, she could have a great time playing alone.

Li Jueyu's eyes were a little darker, and with some incomprehensible emotions, he slowly put the sticky man in his arms on the bed. It was much heavier than before, and when he put it down, he sank into a cute nest.

The corner of his mouth slowly raised an arc, and poked Bai Mu's protruding belly with his finger, "See if you want to eat some vegetables in the future, Mu Mu will become fat Mu Mu by then."

Bai Mu: "!!!" Dog man, you've grown up, haven't you!

"Meow meow!" I'm not fat, I'm not ugly, you're fat, fat piggy!

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, it's late, it's time to go to bed."

Li Jueyu came over after taking a shower, wearing a set of black pajamas, which was exactly the same color as the sheets, as if he wanted to immerse himself in endless darkness, making him so oppressive that he couldn't breathe.

However, he was holding his baby at the moment, and there was a tenderness in his eyes that couldn't be hidden, adding a bit of anger to the room where he lived with the dead.

"Mu Mu, my baby." Li Jueyu lowered his head and gently kissed the little milk cat in his arms.

The light has been turned off, but Bai Mu has started to be dishonest. She feels like she is in a ball of flames, constantly tumbling charcoal, and her body temperature keeps rising. She begins to be confused whether it is reality or a dream. Muttering: "It's so uncomfortable..."


Li Jueyu felt the fire in his arms, just as he opened his eyes, he saw a beam of white light flashing, and the little milk cat in his arms turned into a pretty little girl.

The little girl was very dishonest, with her arms wrapped around her body, and she kept rubbing her face against her own.

"It's so cold on you..." It's so comfortable, I really want it.

Li Jueyu's Adam's apple rolled, beads of sweat ran down his neck into his clothes, his fists clenched and his veins bulged, as if he was enduring great pain, "Mu Mu..."

He kept pawing and pulling the little girl, but the little girl was stronger (a dog man No. [-] did it on purpose).

A pair of eyes were blurred, a little bit of tears leaked out, and the pink mouth moved a few times, "You are so annoying..."

"Mumu, do you know what you're doing?"

"Tell me, can't you!"

"No..." Speaking these two words from Li Jueyu's mouth, the little girl finally felt the danger, she was a little scared, and wanted to retreat.

But Li Jueyu wouldn't let this pestering little goblin run away, with one arm tightly wrapped around her slender waist, "Mu Mu, remember it, it was you who took the initiative..."

If I regret it after waking up, it is also my responsibility.

... (A certain group of people who eat melons: menacing.)
... (Orange haunts: Please make up your own brains, cuties, and make up the number of words by the way.)
The next morning, Bai Mu glared angrily at dog man No. [-], raised his foot, kicked, and a heavy object fell to the ground.

A dog man who takes advantage of others!

"Mu Mu..." Li Jueyu opened his eyes in a daze, saw where he was, and fell silent.

It should be, Mu Mu should kick herself.


He slowly got up from the ground and put his pillow beside Bai Mu's pillow, with a flattering smile on his face, "Mu Mu, you will be responsible for me, right?"

Mou: ...

"Mu Mu, good Mu Mu." Li Jueyu saw that his family's Mu Mu was not as angry as before, so he carefully entangled her, and slowly rubbed his palms on her body.

"What are you doing?" As soon as she spoke, she felt that her voice was very hoarse, and when she thought of herself last night...she wished to kick this dog man a few more times.

"Help Mumu rub it."

Bai Mu sneered, "Knead, knead, where do you put your hands!"

"I was wrong." Li Jueyu quickly let go of his dog's paw, admitted his mistake very well, and looked at Bai Mu pretending to be innocent.

Bai Mu snorted coldly, turned over, and said that she didn't want to see dog man No. [-] now, "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"Okay, I'll go and prepare lunch for Mu Mu." Li Jueyu also saw that she was tired now, and secretly spurned herself in her heart.

Mu Mu's body is so delicate, how could she not be a human being like that last night?

However, as soon as Li Jueyu came out of the room, he took out his mobile phone, clicked on a certain degree, and secretly searched: how many days does a kitten usually have in heat?

Bai Mu in the room was dazed and closed his eyes again, when suddenly a ghost-like voice came out, 【Master, are you still alive? 】

A certain mu said that he was tired and didn't want to talk to anyone or anything now.

【Master, Tuantuan told you before that the master's estrus period is fierce this time, so this is only the first day, so the master should take care of himself. 】

That voice, no matter how you listen to it, seems to have malicious intentions, it is not too loud to watch the excitement.

Bai Mu touched his waist and almost shed tears of pain. Although foxes eat meat, that's not how they eat it.

Tuantuan held back the excitement in his heart, and coughed a few times, [The master, actually Tuantuan can provide a very good suggestion. There is a magical item in the system store called "Vigorous and Sturdy" big pill, which can satisfy your needs very well. The desire of the master to turn himself over and become the master. 】

Even if Bai Mu couldn't see Tuantuan now, he could still imagine that Tuantuan was blinking its treacherous big eyes and smiling cunningly.

Since when did Tuantuan have the talent to be a businessman.

But I have to say, this feature sounds really tempting.

If she made the dog man hehehe, it must be a "very good" memory in his life.

Bai Mu turned over, buried his head in the pillow, and said sullenly, "How many points do you want?"

[Hehehe, it's not expensive, it's only five points. 】

Tuantuan knew that the master would definitely be tempted.

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