The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 113 Ding!Your toffee-flavored little meow has arrived 28

Dong Yuan smiled wryly, but immediately returned to her unattainable look, "A man came to me before and asked me to prescribe medicine to Fourth Master Li."

"You agreed!" Bai Ruo bristled immediately.

"No, it's ridiculous, what I hate the most is such dirty things."

I have my own pride, it's just that I didn't catch up with a man, so there's no point in doing such a shameless thing.

Bai Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, if this woman dared to drug her people, she would definitely let this woman know what is dangerous in the world.

"However, because Miss Ben has wasted so many years of youth because of him, Miss Ben taught him a little lesson."

"What lesson?"

"Oh, just a little laxative."

Bai Ruo: "!!!"

Dong Yuan looked at Bai Ruo's back running outside in a hurry, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. After so many years, it seemed that she should let it go.

She is the eldest lady of the Dong family...


Dancing in high heels is really not a good move. Bai Mu, who was hit by someone on the dance floor, directly sprained his own foot, and left the stage gorgeously.

Li Jueyu sat next to Bai Mu, asked her to put her legs on his own, and gently rubbed her ankles, "Is it very painful, or I will take you home."


That Long Aotian came here today and hasn't done anything yet, how could she leave.

【Owner!Owner!Qin Wan just found the second female lead, that is, Dong Yuan, the eldest daughter of the Dong family. This vicious woman actually asked the second female lead to drug the male lead. 】

[So, already downloaded? 】

【Oh, that's not true. The second female lead in the plot is a very proud person. How could she do such a thing? It's just something else for the male lead. 】

【what? 】

【laxative. 】

As long as Tuantuan thinks that the male lead is still suffering in the toilet, he can't help but "quack quack" and laugh wretchedly.

Maybe tomorrow's headlines will be, #惊!The secret of the stench in the mansion turned out to be because of this#
Bai Mu fell silent. It turns out that a woman can be so ruthless that she loves her to death with her front feet, but she directly gives laxatives to people with her back feet.

Now, Bai Mu looks at his dog man differently, maybe he can try it next time.

Li Jueyu panicked when Bai Mu saw this, "Mu Mu, why do you look at me like that?"

"Ayu, you won't be sorry for me, will you?" Bai Mu smiled kindly.

"Of course, I will never betray Mumu."

"That's good." Otherwise, a laxative meal has been prepared for you.

[But why did Qin Wan ask the second female to drug Li Tingfeng? 】Tuantuan said that his IQ is limited, so he asked for help from a smart master.

[Think about it, the male and female protagonists are a pair favored by heaven, the female lead can be the catalyst for the love between the male and female protagonists, but they must never have anything to do with the male protagonist, if anything happens, the male protagonist's halo will definitely be greatly impacted. 】

After all, God still wants to make decisions for his precious female goose.

This stinking thing is still undead, it must be that the last plane has not been beaten enough.

Bai Mu stretched his waist, and his eyes were beating with the light of making trouble. Since they even thought of such a thing as taking medicine, then I don't have to be polite.

【Where did you find Qin Wan? 】

[During the group search, oops, I found it, Qin Wan and Long Aotian were doing shy things by the window on the second floor. 】

[Hey hey. 】

A certain group: Every time the owner makes this kind of laughter, it means that something is going to happen.

After about ten minutes, old man Li was slowly helped out by Father Li, and sat at the main seat.

Seeing Li Jueyu rubbing Bai Mu's feet, Old Man Li snorted softly, and cursed: "Don't even try to enter our Li family's door for things that are offensive to public morals."

Other guests: Oh my god, what a face you have, does Master Li think highly of your Li family?

Isn't it because your Li family has been begging Master Li to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors?
Really, before it even started, I heard a big joke.

Sure enough, when Li Jueyu heard these words, his whole face sank, his cold eyes were full of hostility and killing intent, "Live well, okay?"

"What are you talking about, you bastard?" Father Li cursed loudly in order to behave well in front of Mr. Li.

"Boom!" Li Jueyu kicked over Mr. Li's table, and all the tableware and dishes on it fell to the ground.

Li Jueyu straightened his collar, and did not hide his malice in his voice, "If you want to go down on the day of your birthday party, I can help you."

Crazy, just crazy.

But he has this qualification, and the surrounding guests silently lowered their sense of existence, but none of them dared to go out and speak to the big family of the Li family.

Old man Li was so angry that his entire face turned blue and purple, and he was gradually out of breath. He pointed a finger at Li Jueyu, trembling non-stop.

"Nizi, Nizi!" Father Li also kept cursing angrily.

Still, a guest interrupted, "If you don't help Mr. Li go back, the wedding will turn into a funeral."

There were laughter one after another among the guests, which brought the atmosphere of the banquet to its peak.

Father Li's face was flushed red, and when he turned his head, he saw that his old father had already started to spit out Bai Mu, and hurriedly shouted to the servants: "Hurry up and help the old man back to his room to rest."

A banquet turned into a joke. Just when the guests started to think about whether to go or stay, they heard the sound of a wheelchair rolling.

Fourth Master Li is here.

"Yo, what's wrong with my eldest nephew, you're so angry?"

Guest: Bah, you're smiling like a tiger, you've been watching the fun over there just now.

Li Jueyu cast him a cold look, and took Mu Mu of his family to the most remote table, which was also the only table where there was no vegetable juice.

Mu Mu still wants to play here, so it's better to sit here for a while.

But Li Jueyu felt relieved when he thought of the appearance of old man Li just now. Sure enough, he was happy when these people had a bad life.

[The villain's blackening value is 50, Tuantuan is so touched, the big villain's blackening value has finally dropped a bit. 】

There was also a little smile on Bai Mu's face, Ayu, just wait, I have prepared a big show for you to watch.

"Everyone, please sit down." Li Tingfeng still had the same smile on his face. When he turned his head to look at the next person, his smile faded a little, "Hurry up and clean up."

I don't know when, the leader of this banquet has become this one, but Father Li was so angry that he didn't even care about his old father who passed out, sitting here, trying to find fault with Li Tingfeng.

Old man Li, who had been waiting in the room for a long time without anyone to take care of him, really passed out this time.

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