It was the first time for Bai Mu to go shopping in the streets of the mortal world, and he felt that everything was so strange, not only there were all kinds of delicious food, but also fun things that he had never seen before.

She held a candied haws in her hand, and her lively and casual appearance attracted many people's attention.

There is a bulging money bag hanging around her waist, which contains some fine gold that was picked up from the cave of the big black dragon. She knows that as long as there are such things in the world, she can buy a lot of things.

Only a little bit, Mou Mu felt that she had been friends with Da Heilong for so long, so taking a little bit was not a big problem.

Yes, she considered friends.

A candied haws had already been eaten, and Bai Mu grabbed the purse at his waist. A Yu must have never eaten such a thing after staying in that kind of place for so many years. I want to buy a lot of delicious and fun things for A Yu.

After shopping around, Bai Mu bought almost everything from every stall, and his two hands were a little insufficient.

Suddenly, she heard a familiar name, and hurried over, and heard several scholars muttering softly, "I heard that the tyrant is going to execute Wang Taifu?"

"What! Taifu Wang has done so many good things for the common people over the years, how can the tyrant kill him at will!"

"If that tyrant is allowed to take power again, our country in South Vietnam will perish sooner or later!"

"Long Chenyu! He is a tyrant!"

As soon as this man finished speaking, a knife was held against his neck. The scholar suddenly dared not speak, panicked in his heart, how could these people overheard him.

The one wearing the black armor is the Black Dragon Guard founded by the emperor of Nanyue Kingdom. He fought with Long Yuyu everywhere, and he is the most loyal to Long Yuyu.

Whenever the Black Dragon Guard heard the words that slandered Long Chenyu, the Black Dragon Guard would kill him on the spot without asking why.

Just as Bai Mu ran over, he saw the head of the person who spoke fell to the ground, and "Gulu Gulu" rolled to Bai Mu's feet.

She secretly stomped on that head, hum, if you say bad things about A Yu, even if A Yu becomes the emperor, he must be the best emperor.

That so-called Taifu Wang is definitely not a good person.

The people around knelt down and shivered, and couldn't help feeling that the man was so brave, he dared to say anything outside, and lost his life in vain.

In this way, Bai Mu, who was standing all the time, looked very abrupt. She was still chewing something in her mouth, and looked around blankly. Why did they all kneel down?
A girl nearby tugged on Bai Mu's skirt and lowered her voice, "Kneel down quickly."

Who doesn't know that the current Nanyue Emperor likes to go out of the palace, but wherever the Black Dragon Guard appears, that one must be nearby.

Sure enough, Long Chenyu came out of a tea house, wearing a black tunic brocade robe, his sharp-edged face portrayed indifference and ruthlessness, his bright red lips seemed to have sucked blood, making his face even paler, without A little blood.

Those eyes were cold, without any warmth, and without any vitality, like a string doll.

As soon as he walked out, everyone didn't dare to make a sound, and tried their best to reduce their sense of existence.

Only Bai Mu looked curiously at the person who came out, even after so many years, even if his appearance had changed so much.

But Bai Mu recognized at first sight that this person was her A Yu.


Such a familiar voice.

Long Chenyu was a little dazed, his eyes fell on the person who was speaking, the surrounding scenery became illusory, and there was only that person in his mind.

Surprise, possessiveness, and aggression burst into his eyes.

There was a cloud of black mist in the eyes without sadness or joy, as if the person in front of him could be swallowed up with just one glance.

The fragrant and soft little girl fell into his arms, just like before, Long Chenyu couldn't believe what he saw, and slightly trembling fingers touched her head.

it is true.

She has come back.

She was finally willing to come back and look at herself.

"Presumptuous!" Long Chenyu's bodyguard, Long Yi, had already drawn out his sword, as long as Long Chenyu gave an order, he could kill this reckless woman with a single blow.

But Long Chenyu looked over with cold eyes, and with a hoarse voice, he brought the little girl in his arms into his arms again, "You scared her."

Long Yi: "???"

Bai Mu raised his head and blinked twice, as if to say "I don't have one".

A rare smile appeared on Long Chenyu's face, it was fleeting, but it also proved to have existed.

But Bai Mu always felt that this smile was weird, not as pure as when he was a child.

There was a madness in his eyes that she couldn't understand or guess.

"By the way, Ayu, I bought you a lot of presents." Bai Mu stuffed all the things in his hands to Long Chenyu, very happy.

She felt that she was so lucky that she met her A Yu right away.

But Ayu seems to be the emperor now, so Ayu probably doesn't like these things.

Who knows, Long Chenyu took all these things and held them carefully, never leaving Bai Mu's eyes, "I like it very much."

A smile appeared on Bai Mu's face, "I knew you would like it."

"Your majesty, are you going back to the palace?" Long Yi scratched his head, why would the emperor pamper this woman he met for the first time?


Long Chenyu took Bai Mu's hand, completely ignoring the horrified eyes of other people. Now, he only has room for this person in his eyes, "Mu Mu, good boy, Brother Ayu has brought you home."

Go home and lock it up.

"Yeah." When I came back this time, I was going to go home with A Yu.

Seeing that Bai Mu didn't refute the word "family", the smile on Long Chenyu's face grew stronger, and there was a lot of paranoia in his eyes, little liar, this time, Brother Ayu will never let you go again .

Never never ever leave me.

The emperor's chariot is naturally extremely luxurious, Long Yi watched his Majesty stretch out his hand and personally helped the woman up, causing an uproar in his heart.

This is not an ordinary sedan chair, but an emperor's chariot that symbolizes status!

When he arrived on the chariot, Long Chenyu realized that Bai Mu was not wearing shoes on his feet, but they were covered with a floor-sweeping skirt, so he never noticed it.

He held one of Bai Mu's jade feet with his hand, causing Bai Mu's body to tremble and limp directly on his body, "Ayu, what are you doing?"

A triumphant smile flashed in Long Chenyu's eyes, and he said solemnly: "Mu Mu's feet are too cold, Brother Ayu will cover them for you."

"That's it." Bai Mu's face turned pink, and he always felt that something was weird.

Feet can only be seen and touched by a husband, little liar, you already belonged to me when you gave me the dowry.

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