The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 199 The Traitor's Peerless "Little Sweet"

After Bai Mu returned to the system space, he threw one of the dog man's soul fragments into the box, and there were many such soul fragments in it.

"Tuantuan, what do you think the dog man will look like when I put these pieces together and smash them into pieces?"

Upon hearing this, Tuan Tuan's hair stood on end, "Master, think twice, isn't this the man you love the most?"

"It's boring, I'm just talking, and I don't really want to do it."

Tuantuan couldn't help but wiped the unwarranted sweat on his head, and pressed a button on the console, "Master, you will definitely like the next plane."

Hurry up, send the master away quickly, or the former master will suffer.


A luxurious carriage slowly drove up the noisy street, and the sound of the rumbling carriage slid over the crystal white marble like rain, wrapped in silk on all sides, and the carriage windows inlaid with gold and jade were blocked by a curtain of crescent white gauze , making people unable to perceive such gorgeousness.

There were two guards in black armor at the front and back of the carriage. When the common people on the street saw the carriage, they were so frightened that they knelt on the ground.

It is because this carriage is the carriage of Bai Mu, the prime minister of Fengwu Kingdom. This country respects women. Women are tall and mighty, while men are just the opposite. Every one of them looks very weak.

The current emperor of Fengwu Kingdom is very old, and the power is now in the hands of the prime minister Bai Mu, but this Bai Mu is still a treacherous minister who does all kinds of evil, no one dares to provoke her, there is a kind of emperor's death, she Feeling about to rebel.

When Bai Mu woke up, he found that he was in a luxurious carriage. The cushion on which he sat was made of unknown material, but it was soft and comfortable, and there was a beautiful phoenix pattern embroidered with gold thread.

In front of her was a small table, which was filled with various snacks and fruits, with incense burning inside, and the faint orchid fragrance made Bai Mu drowsy.

The slightly slanted Danfeng eyes are a little bit sharper, slightly pressed down, giving a feeling of world-weariness, the delicate bridge of the nose is very straight, the bright red lips seem to be stained with blood, revealing an inhuman coldness, obviously there is still a smile on the face. She smiled, but somehow it made people feel a little cold.

With the movement of getting up, the wide sleeves slowly fell down. Bai Mu poured a cup of tea from the table and took a small sip, "My lord, it's really interesting..."

Not to mention that the original book is still a big treacherous minister, isn't it just that you can do whatever you want.

【Master, how is it? Do you like this plane very much? ] Tuantuan's triumphant voice reached Bai Mu's mind, this is a world carefully selected by Tuantuan.

[Well, well done. 】Bai Mu is in a good mood now, at least for now, he is the strongest in this plane.

This plane is the plane of female venerables. The heroine Feng Qingcheng is the third daughter of the current emperor of Fengwu Kingdom, but she is just an unfavored princess. The new emperor of Fengwu Kingdom.

As for the original owner, this treacherous official who committed all kinds of crimes, of course there will be no good end in the end, this Bai Mu can also understand, after all, as an emperor, he is still an ambitious emperor, so naturally he wants to get rid of the original owner.

So this time the original owner didn't hate the heroine, nor asked to seek revenge from the heroine. Although the original owner was a treacherous minister who committed all kinds of evil, he was also a principled treacherous minister. Explain, and because the methods are too cruel, others will be called a traitor.

The original owner was a person who had no desires or desires, and the reason why she became this treacherous minister was that this identity could give her some excitement, so after being killed by the heroine, there were only two words in her mind - liberation.

Seeing this, Bai Mu fell silent, 【So the original owner didn't have any wishes at all? 】

[Yes, yes, how is it, does the master feel particularly relaxed? 】

Bai Mu didn't know how to describe the original owner, she had never seen such a willful person before, [Okay, I know, who is the male lead, and also, where is my man? 】

[The male lead, Ji Xianyun, is the youngest daughter of a bachelor. She was rescued by the female lead when she was young, so she fell in love with the female lead at first sight. 】

As for the villain...

Tuantuan looked at the two big villains that appeared on the control panel, frowned fiercely, and made a suspicious voice, 【Master, there are two big villains, one of them is unknown. 】

Bai Mu kept telling himself in his heart, calm down, calm down, now that he doesn't have that much money for everything, 【You talk about the other one first. 】

[The No. [-] villain, Feng Juechen, the fifth prince of Fengwu Kingdom, is also the younger brother of the heroine with the same father and mother, but for some reason, he cares about the heroine on the surface, but in fact he always wants to kill the heroine and replace him , causing a lot of trouble for the heroine's road to power. 】

Logically speaking, this is a world of women, and a man shouldn't have such thoughts, let alone a sister who treated him well since he was a child.

Bai Mu frowned, thinking that this person might be his dog man, he let out a sigh of relief, please.

Originally, the original owner had no wish, and she didn't want to confront the hero and heroine at all, but now, she still needs to find out what happened to the No. [-] villain.

There was a knock on the door panel outside, and a loud voice came, "My lord, do you still want to go to Fengyue Tower?"

Bai Mu suddenly felt a headache. The person calling outside was the original owner's personal bodyguard Ruhua. The people around the original owner were very loyal. Before the original owner died, he specially arranged for these loyal people to escape.

Fengyuelou is a brothel, as for why Ruhua took the original owner to Fengyuelou, it was simply because a few days ago, the original owner felt that he had been to all places, except this kind of place, so he wanted to go to Fengyuelou to look for it. Stimulate.

[Master, Fengyuelou is the biggest brothel, there are all kinds of beauties in it, so you can have fun secretly. 】

Bai Mu leaned back on his cushion again, and said lightly: "Go, don't ask me about this kind of thing in the future."

Ruhua shut up, and could only call the people next to her to continue in the direction of Fengyue Tower.

The fifth prince is so pitiful, he has expressed his love to his lord so many times, but his lord still turns a blind eye to him.

Tuantuan conveyed Ruhua's heartfelt words to Bai Mu, which made Bai Mu suddenly remember something.

The No. [-] villain, Feng Juechen, in order to realize his ambition, offered courtesies to the original owner many times, hoping to get the original owner's support.

It's just that the original owner thinks these intrigues are very boring, and has never paid attention to the No. [-] villain.

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