The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 204 The Traitor's Peerless "Little Sweet"

This is Feng Juechen's first visit to the Prime Minister's Mansion, and he usually appears in front of Bai Mu intentionally or unintentionally, hoping that this treacherous minister who has committed all kinds of crimes and has great power can help him.

But ever since those floating clouds were delivered to the palace, it seems that something is different. A cold-hearted person suddenly prefers a person so much, no matter who it is, he will be moved.

So here he is, he wants to really capture a woman's heart, it's useless to rely on reserve alone.

He should be more active.

Two patches of blush appeared on Feng Juechen's face, making him look more delicate and beautiful.

"Hasn't your lord come yet?" How did the servants of the prime minister's mansion make him wait so long.

It was true that Meng Lang was a little too impulsive when he came to the foreign minister's house at night, but he didn't care. Anyway, he was going to marry an adult in the future.

Thinking of this, Ruhua came over with some sympathy on her face, but she still couldn't bear to repeat what her lord said, so she hesitated for a moment before saying: "It's getting dark, my lord is afraid that it will hurt the reputation of the fifth prince." , the fifth prince should hurry back."

Feng Juechen's eyes darkened, that person definitely didn't say that, but why didn't she come out to see him?
The fifth prince, who has always been known as the number one beauty in Fengwu, is shaking at this moment, and his eyes are red all of a sudden, but he is still holding back tears, and all the etiquette is in place, "Thank you, Lord Ruhua, for passing on the message."

Seeing Feng Juechen like this, Ruhua couldn't help sighing, such a beauty, why can't the adults be more lenient?

Although the fifth prince was not favored by His Majesty before, he was still a prince after all, so he was proud of it. If His Excellency is doing this now, I am afraid that the obstacles between him and the fifth prince will become deeper in the future.

Ruhua frowned, feeling a little dissatisfied with Shen Qingyu for the first time, if the lord hadn't been fascinated by this man, the Fifth Prince would not have been wronged like this.

A person as good as your lord should be matched with the best man in the world.

"Fifth Prince, walk slowly."

When going back, Ruhua saw the little young master she hated, she didn't know where to vent her anger, and said angrily: "You are not serving by your side, what are you doing here?"

Shen Qingyu has always looked cool and indifferent in front of outsiders, and Ru Hua's words will not affect him at all, after all, he has always known that this Master Ru Hua who is beside him has always disliked him.

It doesn't matter, as long as adults are willing to like him.

Seeing that Shen Qingyu kept silent, Ruhua became even angrier. With such an ordinary appearance, I don't know what the adults like about him.

"Although the adults dote on you now, you also need to know your identity. You must never ask for things that should not be extravagant."

Shen Qingyu knew what Ruhua was talking about, so she couldn't help but grasped her hand tightly, as if she wanted to refute something, but when she thought of the person she had just peeked at, she immediately became discouraged.

The appearance of the fifth prince is indeed worthy of the title of "the number one beauty in Fengwu". When such a beauty marries into the mansion, maybe the adults will not be able to see him.

Shen Qingyu lowered his eyes, and said softly: "My lord brought me back, I am already grateful, and I won't ask for anything extravagantly."

Ruhua snorted softly, "It's good that you know, the person standing next to my lord is naturally the best man in the world, it can't be you."

Leaving such a threatening word, Ruhua passed Shen Qingyu and left. In her heart, Shen Qingyu was just an unknown person, how could she have the courage to tell the adults these words.

She was right in guessing, Shen Qingyu did not say these things, he went back to his room alone, and sat there in a daze for the whole night.

My lord, A Yu dare not ask for anything extravagantly, A Yu just wants to stay by my lord's side all the time, even if I don't have a name or a title for the rest of my life.

But, how can I stay with the adults all the time...

On the other side, Bai Mu was already lying on the bed and sound asleep. The bed in the prime minister's mansion was soft and comfortable, and he really came to enjoy the blessing.

【drop!The No. 60 villain has a favorability value of 50, and the No. [-] villain has a blackening value of [-]. 】

Looking at the data that suddenly appeared on the screen, Tuantuan fell into deep contemplation. In the past, which villain's blackening value was so low, so is the No. [-] villain really not the real villain?
Alas, why does the master not care about these things at all...

At dawn, Bai Mu got up from the bed, but it was not because she woke up, but because the original owner's biological clock forced her to get up from the bed.

After Bai Mu finished changing her clothes, Ru Hua came in from the outside with a plate of water, "My lord, you're awake, come and wash up."

In fact, her eyes kept looking at Bai Mu's bed. When she didn't see anyone else, her heart suddenly became active.

Sure enough, the adults were not very interested in that young master, he just kept that young master for fun.

Bai Mu tried hard to hold back his drowsiness, and couldn't help shouting in his heart: Damn it, why is there such a thing as Zao Chao!
Yes, Bai Mu is going to the morning court.

But because the emperor of Fengwu Kingdom is about to die now, Bai Mu is in control of the usual government affairs, and even the real morning court depends on Bai Mu's eyes and words.

The emperor was truly a puppet.

She was wearing a dark purple robe with a crescent white jade belt around her waist, and she looked much more energetic.

This face can indeed be called a monster.

Even Ruhua is attacked by her lord's appearance every day, and she can't get tired of seeing that face.

"By the way, when Ah Yu wakes up, ask the embroiderer to cut some clothes for him, using the streamer cloth and floating cloud gauze from the mansion."

With such a good cloth, how can that little boy be worthy.

"My lord, Fuyunsha was given to the fifth prince last time, and it is... gone." Ruhua once again gave the fifth prince a sense of presence.

But Bai Mu's face did sink, she cast her gloomy eyes directly, and her voice was cold, "Is it true that I have been too kind to you recently? Ayu is my official, and it's not your turn to speak up here." .”

Ruhua knelt on the ground on the spot, "My lord, this subordinate made a mistake. I will immediately go and hire the best embroiderer for the young master."

That vixen has already fascinated adults like this!

【Tuantuan, are you sure that this Ruhua is loyal to the original owner? 】

【Sure, she really didn't do anything to offend the original owner. 】

Bai Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, 【Although he is loyal, he really doesn't know his identity. 】

"From now on, you don't need to follow me. First, call Rumeng here. After you think it over, I will decide whether you will stay or not."

Ruhua glanced at Bai Mu in disbelief, "My lord, are you going to drive me away for a man?"

"Get out!"

Ruhua retreated unwillingly, but her heart was full of resentment towards Shen Qingyu.

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