Chapter 241 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (6)

Hu Yu is like a cat whose hair has exploded, because he was too excited, two furry tiger ears popped out of his head, and there was a little red hidden in the snow-white tiger ears, as if he was hiding some small thoughts.

Bai San gave Hu Yu a strange look, from top to bottom, "Why are you talking so loudly, what if you wake up Ah Mu?"

He also said that he wouldn't like Ah Mu before, heh, man!

Sure enough, my sister is very attractive.

"Anyway, I will never like her!" Hu Yu left a cruel sentence, made sure that there was no one else around, turned into her own animal form, and left.

A group of people who eat melons: The painful facts tell us, don't set the flag casually.

Hu Yu's beast shape is a big snow-white tiger, those sapphire blue eyes refract strange light in the dark night, from a distance, it looks like a "cute" white dumpling, walking forward step by step He said, naturally with an aura of contempt for all living beings.

The figure of Brain Ax soon disappeared, and Bai San who stayed in place couldn't help laughing while clutching his stomach, but he was afraid of disturbing his sister's rest, so the laughter was very soft and it was difficult to suppress it.

"How did Hu Yu suddenly become so fun?"


It was just dawn, and the brave male orc had set off to hunt, and Bai Mu was still sleeping soundly on his stone bed.

The stone bed was so hard that Bai Mu couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning last night. It was almost morning when he fell asleep drowsily.

Tuantuan woke up a long time ago. Under Bai Mu's oppression, it has been watching the whereabouts of the time-traveling heroine, ensuring that its unscrupulous master can abduct the time-traveling heroine home.

Just now, it detected energy fluctuations. I am afraid that the time-traveling heroine has already passed through, so, hehehe...

It slapped Bai Mu's face with its paw, and with cowardly resentment, told you to keep squeezing me, to see how I torment you.

However, a certain regiment has forgotten that its owner sometimes gets very angry when he gets up.

Bai Muxing must have woken up, but it was a bit scary to stare at Tuantuan with such bloodshot eyes.

Tuantuan was overwhelmed all of a sudden, curled his body into a ball, and then said carefully, "Master, the time-traveling hostess has arrived, don't you want to eat delicious barbecue and sleep on a soft bed? "

Roast...and a soft bed!
The drowsy thoughts were cleared up all of a sudden, and some slack eyes were focusing bit by bit. Bai Mu grabbed Tuantuan's fate by the throat and threw it on the ground casually, "Confiscate your snacks."

round and round:"!!!"

"Master, isn't it good to throw away after using it like this!"

"What's not so good, huh?"

Our group also has dignity, how could our group be threatened, our group...but the master is too cruel, we should counsel when we should.

This is the virtue taught to it by the master.

"Those snacks belong to the master." Tuantuan showed a flattering smile.

Bai Mu glanced at it, um, extremely obscene.

"Come on, lead the way."

"Okay, this way, master."

However, a certain group's machine might be broken, and they took Bai Mu around for a long time. In the end, one person and one cat could only lie on the ground tired. Bai Mu reasonably suspected that this was a certain stinky group seeking revenge.

Suddenly, the pendant on Tuantuan's neck emitted a dazzling white light, and a light called hope appeared in its eyes, "Master, the time-traveling heroine is here."

It's really hard to find a place to go through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it, hahahaha!
The sky changed drastically. It was clear that the weather was clear one second, but the next second there was loud thunder, dark clouds all over the place, and it was dark, but no raindrops fell.

Bai Mu picked up Tuantuan, who wanted to watch the excitement, and hid behind a big tree. I have to say that the tree in the beast world is too thick. If you block it, you can't see Bai Mu at all .

After about a few seconds, the dark clouds in the sky parted, and a beautiful girl appeared in that place, wearing a sports suit and carrying a huge shoulder bag, almost half the size of her.

Bai Mu sucked his saliva. If it was the same as the original plot, it should contain delicious snacks.

"What kind of place is this?" Liang Jingjing, the time-traveling heroine, slowly got up from the ground, clutching her broken forehead, her vision was somewhat blurred.

[Tuantuan, watch out, I'm going to the hero to save the beauty soon, as long as we get ahead of the male lead, the kind and beautiful time-traveling female lead is ours! 】

【Master, come on!The host is the best!Tuan Tuan supports the master! 】

However, Bai Mu was still a step too late. Just as she was about to go out, she didn't expect that a strong figure stood in front of Liang Jingjing. It was the male lead!

Bai Mu was so angry that it only lasted for a second. Could it be that the hero's aura is really that exaggerated.

"Beautiful female, would you like to be my partner?" The hero Xiong Yi thought he showed a very kind and handsome smile.

But in Liang Jingjing's eyes, there were only four words left: oil in oil.

It's the 21st century, why do such puxin men still exist?

Also, what is this Puxin man wearing? In this day and age, there are still people showing their chests and backs outside, so perverted.

Liang Jingjing took a step back and looked at Xiong Yi vigilantly, "Sir, respect yourself!"

This dodging action deepened the smile on Xiong Yi's face, how can there be such a cute little female, who even looks so cute when she refuses, um, she is worthy of herself.

As the male protagonist, his appearance is naturally not bad. As an orc with the shape of a bear, his skin is not as dark as other male orcs, and even whiter than many female orcs. It looks like a little milk dog. He is tall enough to give others a sense of security.

At this time, the hero's halo comes into play. Liang Jingjing's change from the resistance at the beginning to the nympho now is only a second.

Even if Liang Jingjing has been thinking of socialist values ​​in her heart, it can't change the fact that her eyes have been fixed on the hero.

[So in the original plot, the time-traveling heroine is willing to join the hero's harem because of the hero's appearance? 】

[Yes, yes, the time-traveling heroine was originally a botanist, but few people know that she is a hardcore face controler, and she likes the harmless appearance of the heroine the most. 】

[…] The power of the plot is really great.

"What about little females, have you considered it? You have to know that almost all females want to be my partner."

Liang Jingjing: Although he is a narcissist, he is really handsome!
Seeing the male lead's "you got a great deal by being my partner", Bai Mu felt his fist harden.

She rushed out, shouting, "You can't go with him!"

 Thank you *Xiao Jieyue* Xuerouxin* for the monthly pass and the little heart, Cheng Zi loves you, the new January has begun, please support Cheng Zi a lot (*≧ω≦)
(End of this chapter)

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