Chapter 243 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (8)

At night, Bai Mu introduced the time-traveling heroine Liang Jingjing to his family, and then saw his three brothers' eyes staring straight.

As expected of a heroine, her charm is great. Seeing that everyone has become a fool, she is almost drooling.

Bai Mu wanted to cover her face, it was so embarrassing, she explained embarrassingly: "Jingjing, don't be afraid, my brothers are just too enthusiastic, our tribe has not had a new female for a long time."

But in fact, Liang Jingjing wasn't afraid at all. Surrounded by three beautiful men, she felt a little buoyant, with a suspicious red color floating on her cheeks.

God!God sees how pitiful she has been single for so many years, that's why she was sent to this place.

Look at these three beautiful men with different styles, they are already so good-looking, with broad shoulders and narrow waist, inexplicable, hiss—it seems to go up and touch their abs...

A certain Mu: "..." Maybe the time-traveling heroine should be restrained a bit now.

Perhaps Liang Jingjing's eyes were too presumptuous, Bai Mu's second brother Bai Er felt a little embarrassed, his eyes averted, his slightly sick face was as red as a boiled shrimp.

[Tuantuan, do you feel a cp feeling between them? 】

[The master is right, in fact, the second brother of the original owner in the plot fell in love with the time-traveling heroine, but it's a pity that the heroines are all male leads, and the second brother Bai can only be an affectionate second brother. 】

Bai Mu's eyes lit up, 【My second brother is so good, how can he be the second male lead? No, I must help him succeed. 】

Bai Mu coughed a few times, and said very solemnly: "This little female is called Liang Jingjing. She couldn't find her own tribe, so she chose to join our tribe."

Liang Jingjing, who has always been optimistic, has accepted her fate at this moment. Well, she admits that it is because there are so many beauties around, otherwise she would not have accepted it so quickly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Liang Jingjing. Uh, I originally came from a tribe called Huaxia, but I got lost. I would like to thank Sister Bai for taking me in."

Others feel distressed, which tribe is so irresponsible, how can such a precious female be lost?

Since that tribe can't protect its own females, let their leopard tribe protect them.

Because there are new members joining, at night, everyone in the tribe gathers together to celebrate, and piles all the prey on the ground, and Bai Mu's father will divide the meat.

When Liang Jingjing saw the dirty raw meat, she felt bad all over, eat, eat, eat raw meat?
Seeing a few muscular males biting raw meat in Paris, Liang Jingjing felt her stomach churning.

[Tuantuan, have you seen that anyone who has experienced delicious food cannot accept the stimulation of raw meat. 】

Under everyone's gaze, Liang Jingjing stood up, and asked with a trembling voice: "You guys, you can easily get sick if you eat raw meat like this."

As soon as these two words came out, Bai Mu's father became restless, and quickly asked, "Eating this will make you sick, but that's how we used to eat."

Liang Jingjing knew that she would not be able to tell these primitive orcs for a while, so she could only rummage through her backpack, finally found a lighter, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"What is this?" Bai Mu asked at the right time.

"This is a lighter, it can light a fire."

A certain Mu licked her lips: Of course I know, this is the thing that allows me to eat delicious barbecue.

Except for Bai Mu, the rest of the orcs took a step back and looked at Liang Jingjing in horror, "That female said that the things in her hand can attract heaven's punishment."

"Oh my god! It's terrible! How can you hold the punishment of heaven in your hands!"

"Throw that thing away, this is God's punishment, you will die!"

"Amu is still over there, come back soon!"


Liang Jingjing was a little at a loss for a while, but her tone was still firm, "Don't be afraid, I will demonstrate it to you, and I guarantee that there will be no danger."

She walked to the side, grabbed a handful of weeds and a few sticks, piled them all up on the ground, and quickly lit these flammable objects with a lighter.

"You don't have to be afraid. Fire is not a punishment from God, but a gift from nature. As long as we use it reasonably, there will be no danger."

As Liang Jingjing spoke, she kept moving her hands, and quickly cut the meat into small pieces with the knife in the cloth bag, and then cut a few wooden sticks to skewer them.

The passionate flame was burning, and the roasted oil made a "sizzling" sound, and a strong smell of meat could be faintly smelled. The cute beast cubs couldn't help it, and pulled their father one after another Grandma's hand, "It smells so good, I really want to eat it."

Mou Mu: Don't rob me, the first string must be mine.

Sure enough, Liang Jingjing handed the first skewer of grilled meat to Bai Mu, and said expectantly, "Sister Bai, try it quickly, isn't it delicious?"

After being in the animal world for so long, she finally ate normal food (except for snacks). Bai Mu was so moved that she almost cried, "It's delicious, it's really delicious!"

There were also orcs who were skeptical, but after eating the roasted meat Liang Jingjing roasted, they were all successfully conquered. This roasted meat was really delicious.

"Jingjing, you are really amazing!"

"Yes, yes, our tribe eats such delicious food because of you."

"It turns out that Heaven's Punishment can still be used in this way."

"Jingjing said it all, it's not God's punishment, it's something from nature, it's a loss, yes, it's a loss."


When Hu Yu came back with a lot of fruits, he saw such a scene, all the orcs were surrounded by a blazing fire, and they all looked at an unknown female with glowing eyes.

What happened in his absence?

Soon, Hu Yu saw the person he was looking for, and walked towards Bai Mu, full of doubts in his heart, doesn't Ah Mu dislike eating meat recently?
"Hey, our number one warrior is back." There was no trace of admiration in his tone, but full of ridicule instead.

Yes, that's right, Bai Mu decided to strike first.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yu didn't pay attention to this sentence at all, but kept staring at Bai Mu's face.

Bai Mu was a little uncomfortable being watched, and his tone became even more aggressive, "What are you looking at, no matter how good-looking I am, I won't be your partner, don't even think about it!"

"No, look at what's on your face. Did you fall? It's such a big beast. It's useless to fall so easily." Hu Yu stretched out his hand and wiped the bruises on Bai Mu's face. black ash.

A certain Mu: "..." I suddenly lost the desire to eat barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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