Chapter 264 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (29)

When Hu Yu came back, he had already returned with a full load. During the last big gathering, Bai Mu picked out a small basket, which happened to be used by Hu Yu to hold all kinds of weird fruits.

As soon as the footsteps approached, Bai Mu waved his hand very calmly, and everything that shouldn't be here was taken away.

"Mu Mu, I'm back, hurry up and see if you like these fruits?" Hu Yu's voice came in, and then he opened the grass curtain at the entrance of the cave.

Red, yellow, blue, green, blue, indigo, and purple, they only picked brightly colored fruits. Bai Mu took a look and asked what was on his mind, "Are you sure these fruits are edible?"

Is it really not poisonous?
"Mu Mu, don't worry, you can eat everything, I've tasted it all, and there's nothing wrong with it." Hu Yu was overjoyed.

Bai Mu: "..."

She looked at Hu Yu up and down, left, right, left, right, and right, and a big question mark appeared above her head. How could such a silly big tiger become the incarnation of a natural god?

[Master, in the world of beasts, the natural god is an existence beyond the heavenly dao, so the heavenly dao will always try to get rid of the natural god in order to replace it with the energy of the natural god. 】

[So the death of the big villain in the original plot is also due to the person above. 】

[Hmm...] Silently lighting a stick of incense for this Heavenly Dao.

"Mu Mu, why are you ignoring me?" Hu Yu put the basket aside, picked Bai Mu up, and let her sit on his strong arms.

Then he said to himself: "Mumu, do you know what I saw today? When Baida was picking fruit, he fell from the tree and made a hole on the ground. , how stupid."

He talked more and more vigorously, with a proud look on his face.

Could this be the legendary man's desire to win?

too frightening.

Didn't the original plot say that the villain is cold and unkind?

The plot calls this... high coldness?
"Mumu, I'm not as stupid as Bai Da. He looks like he seldom picks fruits for Aisha. Unlike me, I know that Mumu likes to eat them, so I pick them for Mumu every day."

A certain Mu: Take the bamboo shoots!Step on someone else's foot and at the same time praise yourself.

"Mu Mu, why have you been ignoring me?"

Looking at the drooping head, Bai Mu took a deep breath, and raised a perfunctory smile on his face, "Ah Yu is really good, Ah Yu is the best."

Hu Yu's ears popped out, and he swayed from side to side according to his happy mood, "I'm naturally the best, so Mu Mu, let's do the baby business, okay?"

"Not good." Bai Mu touched his waist, looked at Hu Yu warily, as if saying "Don't come here".

"But we haven't done it for a day."

The disappointed tone almost made Bai Mu agree in a twitch, but his rationality overcame the temptation. Bai Mu patted his hand and jumped directly from his arms to the ground, "Don't even think about it."

"Just once..."

A man's mouth, a liar.

"Not even once."

"Mumu, do you not love me anymore, do you have other males outside, do you no longer need me..."

Speak as you speak, why are your eyes red?

Hu Yu hugged Bai Mu, put his head on her shoulder, and rubbed it lightly, "Then kiss, kiss, okay?"

"Then kiss."

"Mumu is the best."

However, just as Hu Yu's lips were about to stick to them, Liang Jingjing's voice sounded outside, "Sister Bai! That little white bear is back!"

Little white bear... Amuduo?

Bai Mu pushed Hu Yu away without hesitation, opened the grass curtain and walked out, and seeing Amutuo in Liang Jingjing's arms, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Liang Jingjing told her about Amutuo leaving without telling her before, so she knew about it, but she didn't expect that Amutuo would come back again.

What is the purpose of coming back this time?
Could it be that she came to the Leopard tribe as a spy because of her bamboo horse?

Touching Amutuo's slightly guilty eyes, Bai Mu felt that he had guessed right, this Amutuo came to the Leopard tribe with other purposes.

But Amuduo's idea is also correct. After all, not everyone has the perspective of God like Bai Mu. In Amuduo's heart, other orcs don't know her relationship with Xiong Yi, and they don't know that Xiong Yi is on the leopard tribe. idea.

Originally, Bai Mu thought that he could abduct another heroine, and find a wife for his third brother by the way, but it's a pity, this Amuduo is an ungrateful one.

In her heart, even if the "good" bamboo horse was not by her side when she was injured, the status of the "good" bamboo horse will always be higher than that of the savior.

"Why are you back again?" Bai Mu asked inexplicably, and walked towards Liang Jingjing slowly.

"I don't know too well, maybe it was injured again, sister Bai, can I keep it in the tribe?" Liang Jingjing asked.

"If it wants, of course it can." Think inside and outside, dreaming.

Liang Jingjing burst into laughter immediately, "Hehehe, Sister Bai is the best."

The heartless guy Aisha has been with Big Brother Bai for the past few days, and has long forgotten her as a good sister. As a result, she can only play with a little white bear in boredom.

Bai Er who was silently waiting for his wife: Jingjing, have you already forgotten about me?

"By the way, why aren't you with your second brother? Did you quarrel?" Bai Mu couldn't help asking, his second brother had been following Xiao Jingjing a few days ago.

Liang Jingjing pursed her lips, and muttered: "The last time I asked him to hug and hold him high, I scared him away. He hasn't come to me for several days..."

A certain Mu: "!!!"

Are all time-traveling heroines this fierce?
The little heroine Liang Jingjing was very sad. In her mind, those things happened naturally, but every time that happened, he would use various excuses to avoid it.

So at the back, Liang Jingjing didn't care, and ran away angrily, whether he loves it or not, sooner or later he will beg her, hum!
Bai Mu felt that he still needed to defend his second brother, "Jingjing, second brother has noticed that you are different from ordinary orcs, so..."

My second brother is a sensitive orc.

"He found out, and he dislikes me!" Liang Jingjing's eyes turned red all of a sudden.

"No, it's just, it's just...Second brother is afraid that you won't be able to bear it."

After all, the leopard clan's estrus period is coming soon, and it lasts for several days. It's normal for her second brother to have scruples in his heart.

Liang Jingjing suddenly understood what it meant, her face blushed, and she stammered, "I, I'll go and tell him..."

Then, he threw the little white bear into Bai Mu's arms and ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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