Chapter 272 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (37)

A lot of foreshadowing has been done in the early stage
The little female was a little embarrassed, she could only look at him with a pair of watery eyes, as if silently encouraging him.

Obviously it looks quite exaggerated, why is it so fancy but not useful?
Xiong Yi's face also darkened, and an indescribable sense of humiliation suddenly spread all over his body. He sat up from the bed and looked at the little female gloomyly.

Her eyes were fierce, with a faint murderous look, which made the little female's heart tremble, and she could only say coquettishly: "It must be because I haven't rested well, let's come back tomorrow."

It can be regarded as giving Xiong Yi a step down,

But when Xiong Yi heard this, he only felt that the little female was humiliating him, and his anger grew stronger. He urgently needed a vent to vent, so he could only give himself a suitable reason.

With a hideous smile on his face, he grabbed the little female by her hair and threw her to the ground.

The words that females are the most honorable, and that females should be protected, are simply not applicable to Xiongyi.

The first time he abused other orcs, it actually gave him a strong pleasure, which made his whole body excited.

"You, a lowly female, dare to laugh at me..."


Seeing this scene through the monitor, Bai Mu was silent for a long time, hiss, this stallion male protagonist's psychological quality is too bad, isn't he crazy?
【Master, this is well deserved. That bullied female originally pushed a little beauty in her tribe into a herd of ferocious beasts out of jealousy, and let the little beauty be buried in the mouth of the beasts. It is really abominable! 】 Tuantuan said angrily.

[The wicked have their own grind. 】

【Master, are you feeling better? 】

Bai Mu nodded slightly. It was still outside at night, and the temperature was still very low. The body temperature had dropped a little, but his body was still weak and uncomfortable.

[Master, don't worry, the big villain is coming soon! 】

As soon as the words fell, Bai Mu heard a tiger howling from the sky, and couldn't help raising his head.

It's Ayu...

Bai Mu's eyes turned red all of a sudden. When he catches a cold, both his body and mind will become fragile. At this time, he most wants to have someone close to him by his side.

Hu Yu, who was flying in the sky, also saw his Mu Mu, who was not very skilled in using these wings, and when he came down, he was like a clumsy fat bird that kept falling down.

The speed was so fast that Bai Mu was a little worried, afraid that he would not be able to stop the car and hit him at such a fast speed.

Will be crushed into meatloaf.

Fortunately, Hu Yu was working hard to stop. Seeing that there was still a little distance from his Mu Mu, he gritted his teeth, and with a force, he fell to the ground.

The face down kind.


Bai Mu couldn't bear it any longer, covered his mouth and let out a laugh, and there was rare blood on that face.


"Mu Mu."

Hu Yu's face was a little red, he had lost such a big face in front of Mu Mu just now, but when he heard Bai Mu's cry, he still ran towards her.

Looking at the vines tied to her body, Hu Yu directly tore them off, so easily...tore it off.

A certain Mu: "!!!"

He picked up his lost and recovered baby, only to realize that her body was hot, and her body temperature was abnormally high.

The primitive orcs who were lacking in experiments naturally didn't know that it was a fever, but thought that if they became such an orc, they might have to leave this land blessed by the nature god.

The drowsy Bai Mu suddenly felt a little coolness on his face, and stretched out his hand to touch it, it was moist, "Ayu, what's wrong with you?"

Why are you crying?

"Mu Mu, don't be afraid, we, let's go find Liang Jingjing, she is so powerful, she can definitely save you."

With that said, he hugged Bai Mu even tighter, flapped his wings, and flew towards the Leopard tribe as fast as he could.

There was the sound of the wind blowing in his ears, Hu Yu was afraid that Bai Mu would be cold, so he tried his best to bend his body.

"Ayu, I'm fine."

It's just a common cold, and Jingjing will be fine by feeding her a few cold medicines.

"My dear Mumu, don't talk, don't talk, I'll be there soon, I'll be fine soon..." I don't know if it's comforting her or comforting myself.

Perhaps the familiar embrace was too warm, Bai Mu closed his eyes and fell asleep, sleeping so deeply that he couldn't sense what was happening outside.

When she woke up again, she was already lying on the stone bed in her own cave. She was still a little tired, but she was much better than last night.

It was already dawn outside, and inches of light shone in. Bai Mu turned sideways, and saw his man lying on the bed, asleep.

"Ayu, Ayu..."

She stretched out her fingers and traced Hu Yu's facial features, from the eyes and nose to the thin lips.

It is said that people with thin lips are cold and thin, but she thinks her man is not such a person.

"Sister Bai, you're awake!"

Liang Jingjing was holding a thermos cup in her hand, and she knew it was taken out of her big backpack without even looking.

She opened the thermos and handed it to Bai Mu, and a strong smell of medicine came out, "Sister Bai, drink this quickly, and you won't feel uncomfortable after drinking it."

"Thank you, Jingjing."

"You don't have to thank me. Sister Bai just caught a cold. It's nothing serious. Just take the medicine for a few days and you'll be fine."

"Okay, listen to Jingjing."

Liang Jingjing lifted the quilt made of hay to Bai Mu's body, "Sister Bai, put the quilt on obediently, I'll go out and talk to other orcs first."

When Hu Yu brought Bai Mu back last night, he frightened the people in the tribe. Now everyone is still outside waiting for news.

"it is good."

When Liang Jingjing went out, Hu Yu, who was lying on the bedside, hadn't woken up yet. The force on Bai Mu's body became stronger, leaving a red mark on his face.

However, still did not wake up.

[Tuantuan, what's the matter with him? 】

Tuantuan coughed lightly, pretending to be unfathomable, 【Master, you don't know this, it's called the awakening of God. 】

[Hey, speak human words. 】

In the gentle words, Escape felt a killing intent, it thought of what its senior said, and pretended to be struck by lightning.

[Hehehe, master, are you kidding me? The big villain is transforming in advance and has consumed too much. He is resting here while accepting the inheritance of the natural god. 】

【Oh. 】

A group: so cold.

Now that he knew that his man was fine, Bai Mu had nothing to worry about, so he changed into a more comfortable position, 【Doesn't Fang Tiandao know of my existence? 】

[Hmm... probably don't know. 】

If it knew it was this little ancestor, let alone kidnapped, it might not even dare to fart.

(End of this chapter)

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