The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 283 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 283 Guess Who Am I? (5)

When getting in the car, Wen Baiyu was still in a daze. He didn't expect that he could really get in Boss Bai's car just by acting like a baby.

He sat in the rear driver's seat well-behaved, and glanced at Bai Mu who was working with a computer beside him from time to time.

As the chairman of a company, how can it be as relaxed as in the novel, there are not so many things at hand, and even now he starts to handle things with a computer.

Thinking of this, Wen Baiyu suddenly felt a stuffy feeling in his heart. Before he knew it, he had been staring at Bai Mu like an idiot for almost ten minutes.

The sound of fingers tapping on the keyboard suddenly stopped, and Bai Mu suddenly turned his head, just in time to meet Wen Baiyu's eyes, "Is there something on my face?"

"No, me, did I disturb Boss Bai's handling of things?" Wen Baiyu asked cautiously, his fingers curled up unnaturally.

"It's okay." Bai Mu's eyes returned to the computer screen, and then added: "Don't look at me, if you feel bored, you can read this script."

Bai Mu handed over a script, and there were only a few words written on the white paper on the cover - "The Brilliant Galaxy".

Wen Baiyu's hand almost trembled. This is Star Media's big production script this month, so... throw it to him?
He is struggling in his heart now. On the one hand, he is spurning his "hidden rules" behavior, and on the other hand, he is extremely happy. Among the men who were favored by Mr. Bai before, there has never been a man like him... …

He was the first one brought by Boss Bai's side.

333: No Promise!

Bai Mu couldn't hear these mental activities of Wen Baiyu, but saw that he hadn't reacted, so he turned his head and looked at him, and put the entanglement on his face back into his eyes.

With just one glance, Bai Mu could tell what the dog man was thinking, and couldn't help feeling a little funny in his heart.

"Don't get me wrong, Director Li is in charge of the casting of "The Brightest Galaxy". I won't interfere. If you are interested, you have to let Director Li like it."

The original owner was a very sensible person, he would never randomly insert people into the crew, even if there were so many men around him before, he only used money to pay for it, and never sloppy about his work.

Wen Baiyu grasped the script tightly, "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, I will definitely work hard to get Director Li to choose me."


When they arrived at the company, all the employees saw their cold and easy-going Mr. Bai followed by a man.

What is the history of this person?

Bai Mu ignored these gossiping eyes, took Wen Baiyu to the exclusive elevator, and went directly to the highest floor.

The original owner's office is the same as her master's personality. It is all gray and indifferent. It is inevitable to feel a little depressed after staying in this kind of place for a long time.

"There's a little table over there where you can sit."

Wen Baiyu followed Bai Mu's words and looked over. There was indeed a small table and a sofa chair beside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but they were too far away from the desk.

Therefore, Wen Baiyu moved a chair decisively, sat next to Bai Mu, and said innocently: "Boss Bai's desk is so big, and I only occupy such a small space, okay~"

Bai Mu moved his eyes expressionlessly, and his eyes fell on the computer screen. Looking at the files sent on it, he turned on the working mode.

This frustrates Wen Baiyu a little. Although Mr. Bai looks a lot safer during the day, he always rejects people thousands of miles away. He doesn't like this, and he also feels that this is not the case between them.

(Host, the task is completed, the rewards are issued, and the male number three of "Galaxy Brilliant" has been successfully issued.)

Just when Wen Baiyu was wondering, there was a knock on the door, "Boss Bai, it's me."

Bai Mu raised his head upon hearing this, "Come in."

The one who came in was Director Li, a well-known director in the circle, wearing white clothes and a pair of flowery pants, stepping on a pair of yellow flip-flops, with a bald head and a pair of black sunglasses on his face, aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Different from ordinary people.

"What's the matter?" Bai Mu was used to this kind of attire.

"Is such that……"

Director Li suddenly stopped talking, and stared fixedly at Wen Baiyu, making Wen Baiyu hairy.

"Li, Director Li?"

"Hahahahaha..." Director Li strode up to Wen Baiyu's side, slapped him on the shoulder, and laughed so hard that the sunglasses on his face almost fell off.

Bai Mu glanced lightly at Director Li, like throwing a knife, "Don't touch my man."

"Oh, Mr. Bai, don't be so stingy..." Although he said so, Director Li still took his hand away and smiled embarrassingly.

And when Wen Baiyu heard the three words "my person", his mind went blank, his blood surged, and his perfectly contoured ears turned red.

Boss Bai just said... I belong to her.

[The favorability value of the big villain is 30, wow, the master is really great, if the master can talk, just say more, so that the big villain can be taken down immediately. 】

333: Ahhh, worthless, worthless!

Director Li finally adjusted his mood. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that the one in Wen Baiyu's hand happened to be the script of "The Brilliant Galaxy". He rolled his eyes and said to a big bad wolf who kidnapped a rabbit, "What's your name?" ?”

"Director Li, my name is Wen Baiyu." Wen Baiyu replied politely.

"I see you are reading this script, are you a little interested?"

"Well, I'm really interested."

Director Li almost jumped up and applauded, but he held back, "Then, is Xiaoyu interested in the role of the male third?"

The casting for "The Brightest Galaxy" is almost over, but the role of only one male number three is particularly difficult to find.

The description of the male number three in the script is that he is an innocent young master with sword eyebrows and star eyes, red lips and white teeth, a face like a crown jade, and ignorant of worldly affairs.

In short, it is good-looking, very, very good-looking.

Therefore, when Director Li saw Wen Baiyu, his eyes lit up, and he felt that this was the male number three who came out of the book.

"Yes, thank you, Director Li." Wen Baiyu grinned, and when he smiled, two cute dimples appeared on his face, and the crescent-shaped eyes looked like hidden stars.

Director Li breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that this person would not agree, but this is Boss Bai's person after all...

"Boss Bai..."

"I will not interfere with his personal freedom, Director Li need not worry."

Director Li immediately laughed like a chrysanthemum, "Look at what Boss Bai said, that's not what I meant..."

The macho acted like a baby, only disgusted.

Mou Mu: She needs A Yu's acting like a baby to wash her eyes.

"Now that the matter is settled, you can go." Bai Mu said mercilessly.

"Come on, I'm here to see Boss Bai and I have other things to do."

(End of this chapter)

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