The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 289 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 289 Guess Who Am I? (11)

Sensing Bai Mu's sizing up, the smile on Wen Baiyu's face deepened. Those two dimples were so cute that Bai Mu had an urge to touch them.

This idea shocked Bai Mu. She obviously hates men so much, how could she have that idea?
She turned her eyes away, continued to drink the porridge with her head down, accompanied by side dishes, and her appetite suddenly improved.

Seeing that Bai Mu didn't continue to look at him, Wen Baiyu felt a little lost in his heart, what should he do to lure Boss Bai back again?

Boss Bai likes the cute little canary, but he is already so good, why can't Boss Bai look at him more?

The gloom in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, but on the surface, with a "click", a tear fell from his eyes.

At the beginning, I still cried silently, and slowly let out some suppressed sobs, and in the end, I couldn't suppress my tears.

But when Bai Mu looked over, he kept wiping his tears, "Bai, Mr. Bai, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I didn't do it on purpose, woo...I can't help it anymore, I'm sorry... ..."

Looking at Wen Baiyu's appearance, Bai Mu felt a strange feeling in his heart. This man looked good when he cried, and he really wanted to tie him to his bed and let him cry for himself...

She is such a pervert.

Wen Baiyu cried until his voice became hoarse, and the corners of his eyes turned red from rubbing, like a red plum blooming in the was too beautiful.

Why didn't Boss Bai come to coax him? Obviously, Boss Bai would come to comfort him when he saw him cry before, and he cried for so long this time.

Boss Bai is not good at all...

"Okay, don't cry, just tell me if you have anything to say." Bai Mu was still lying on the hospital bed, and asked her to comfort him without even thinking about it.

Although it was not quite what he had expected, the situation had improved a lot. Wen Baiyu slowly stopped his sobbing. It was too late. If we continued crying, it would annoy Boss Bai.

Seeing Wen Baiyu's embarrassed look, Bai Mu's heart suddenly softened, and his voice softened a lot, "Hey, tell me, what exactly do you want?"

"I don't want anything. I just want to stay by Mr. Bai's side."

Being watched so hotly by a young boy who seemed to have been ravaged, Bai Mu felt his heartbeat speed up a lot, and he almost forgot his disgust towards men.

"Why do you want to stay with me?"

"I like Boss Bai."

These four words were said one by one, with a bit of crying in the voice, knowing what the consequences would be after saying it, but still jumping into the fire pit without hesitation.

The hot love was so sincere and strong, even though they were so far away, they seemed to be able to hear each other's heartbeat.

In a daze, Bai Mu only felt that he had said two words, "Yes."

She thought, her mouth is really not very obedient, how can she say these two words?
Take this trouble home, maybe you can't escape it later.


Today is a good day. Bai Mu, who was forced by Wen Baiyu and Lu Min to stay in the hospital for three days for observation, can finally be discharged from the hospital.

Everything outside looked very cute. Bai Mu was wearing loose clothes and stretched lazily, revealing a slender waist with fair complexion.

Wen Baiyu's eyes darkened, and he walked over quickly, blocking behind Bai Mu, "Boss Bai, the car has arrived, let's go."

"I've said it all, stay away from me." Hearing the voice that was so close at hand, Bai Mu hurriedly took a step forward as if avoiding some virus.

Her voice was also a little fuzzy, so let's just say, she shouldn't have softened her heart and left him in the first place, this is a complete trouble.

Mingming looks so cute, but why can't he remember what others said? After reminding him so many times, he still has to be so close to him. If it weren't for his innocent face, she would have doubted whether this man did it on purpose .

Sure enough, Wen Baiyu was holding a box, blinking his innocent eyes, and showing a troubled expression, "President Bai, I forgot again, I'm really sorry, I was wrong, I won't do it next time."

Bai Mu replied angrily: "Remember it for me next time."

Seeing Bai Mu's furry appearance, the smile in Wen Baiyu's eyes deepened, this kind of Bai Boss is really cute.

Moreover, only he can see Boss Bai's appearance, and no one else can see it, which greatly satisfies Wen Baiyu's deep possessive desire.

(Host, release the task: hold the villain's hand for one minute; task reward: actor-style burst acting level one.)
333 is still a little worried. If it was the big villain before, it would still believe that this task can be completed, but the current big villain, alas, is too mysterious.

(Host, last time you didn't complete your mission, you received the punishment. If you don't complete it this time, the punishment you will receive will be even more severe.)
Yes, Wen Baiyu didn't finish his kiss task last time, his boss Bai fainted that day, how could he have the time to think about these things.

The punishment was abdominal pain for half an hour. With this punishment, Wen Baiyu acted like a baby in front of Bai Mu, earning enough of Bai Mu's distress, and successfully increased his favorability value to -90.

After this period of observation, Wen Baiyu has discovered that his boss Bai doesn't hate him, but hates every man, and avoids every man like a snake.

Although I don't know why, Wen Baiyu is very satisfied in his heart. Boss Bai treats him differently from other men, and he is different in Boss Bai's heart.

But, if they hold hands, will he be beaten by Boss Bai?

The little black whip flashed through his mind, which he hated so much before, but now he hopes that his boss Bai can use this thing on him.

"What are you doing there, don't hurry up and catch up." Bai Mu said.

"I'll come over now."

Lu Min had already driven the car, and when he got out of the car to open the door for Bai Mu, he gave Wen Baiyu a thumbs up, his eyes seemed to say "Young man, you have a bright future".

Wen Baiyu smiled shyly. Just as he was about to sit in, he heard Bai Mu's voice, "Sit in the front."

Wen Baiyu was not happy, and immediately put on a look that was about to cry, "Mr. Bai, I am yours, how can I sit in someone else's co-pilot seat?"

"This is my car."

"But it's not Boss Bai who is driving, I don't care, I will sit in the back." Wen Baiyu covered his ears and sat in directly.

Bai Mu glanced at him and spit out two words, "Childish."

Wen Baiyu blinked, leaning against the car door, "Boss Bai, look, isn't this better?"


Wen Baiyu showed a bright and soft smile.

 Thanks for the monthly pass given by Gummy.107, Orange loves you (*≧ω≦)
(End of this chapter)

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