The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 292 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 292 Guess Who Am I? (14)

The smell of disinfectant diffused in the air. It was obviously an extremely pungent smell, but Bai Mu felt extremely at ease when he smelled it.

She stared coldly at the person who fell to the ground, and her voice was inhumanly indifferent, "Who are you?"

He's just an [-]th-line star who wants to climb high. Naturally, he has never seen this kind of posture, but no one around him dares to stand up to help him.

This person knew he was afraid now, recalling the actions of Bai Mu and Wen Baiyu just now in his mind, he was embarrassed for a while, the way Boss Bai looked at him just now was like encountering some kind of virus, why can Wen Baiyu do it?
"Boss Bai, I was wrong, I was wrong, please let me go, I was really wrong, I won't dare to do it again next time..."

Bai Mu felt that she was in a terrible mood today, and she must go back and take a good bath later.

Seeing that Bai Mu still had a cold face, and the chill radiating out was rushing out as if he didn't want money, Director Li couldn't sit still, stepped on his flip flops and walked over, making a "squeak, squeak" sound .

"Boss Bai, why don't you just drive this person out?"

Director Li still can't see what this person is thinking, isn't it just because Mr. Bai is so kind to a young rookie, so he wants to take a shortcut and climb up the mountain of Mr. Bai.

But, is Bai always so easy to climb?
Director Li let out a breath slowly, feeling a little bit more resentful towards this [-]th-tier starlet in his heart, if the progress of filming slowed down because of him alone, he would definitely not let this person go.

"Stay away from me." Bai Mu frowned and stopped Director Li who continued walking this way.

Director Li's footsteps stopped, and he felt that his heart had been hurt ten thousand points. Just now, Boss Bai looked at him with disgust.


I heard that Boss Bai has been working at home every day these days, and he rarely even goes out outside. It is said that he has some strange disease, so it is true.

"You can deal with this matter, I have to go back first." Go back and wash yourself fragrant.

"Boss Bai, go slowly." Director Li's teasing eyes wandered between Bai Mu and Wen Baiyu. This man is really favored. Boss Bai has a strange disease, and he is willing to come out to support him.

Amazing, amazing.

"Mu Mu, be careful when you go back, and call me obediently when you get home." Wen Baiyu reluctantly let go of Bai Mu's little hand.

"I know, I know." Long-winded ghost.

So it turns out that the big benefactor and the little lover get along like this?
The people around showed disbelief, watching Mr. Bai leave, and seeing Wen Baiyu turn into a wife-watching stone.

Director Li coughed a few times to divert other people's attention to himself, "Okay, you can pack up and go."

The [-]th-line star panicked, "Director Li, give me another chance, give me another chance..."

Director Li's play, even if it's just a small role, might be a hit. The role he finally got is really not reconciled.

"Hurry up, Boss Bai is kind enough to forgive you this time. If you keep messing around, you won't be able to stay in this circle anymore."

In fact, Director Li still put the result lightly. After all, he offended Boss Bai today, and it will spread in the circle tomorrow. Who would offend Boss Bai for a small [-]th-tier celebrity?

As soon as he heard "I can't stay any longer", the [-]th-line starlet didn't dare to say anything, silently packed up his things and left, feeling extremely resentful towards Bai Mu and Wen Baiyu in his heart.

If it wasn't for the two of them, he wouldn't have ended up like this.

On the other side, Bai Mu has already driven home happily in her own car. It is great that there are no men in her home today.

However, just as she drove the car out, she was stopped by a person. If she hadn't reacted quickly and stopped the car in time, she might have hit it directly.

"Fuck!" This person must be sick, don't die in front of her car if you want to die!
The man who stopped the car had red lips and white teeth, like a young master who didn't know much about the world, but his superior temperament abruptly broke this harmony.

He Xuan...

Bai Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, the enemy's son, how could she not remember clearly, how did this thing come here?

Seeing the car stop, He Xuan showed a smug look on his face, walked over proudly, and shouted loudly: "Bai Mu! Did you replace my role! Why are you!"

If possible, Bai Mu would like to roll her eyes, but this is not in line with her domineering temperament, the overlord should do more and talk less
Therefore, Bai Mu directly took out his mobile phone, dialed the number of the security room of this film and television city, and said concisely: "There are suspects harassing me."

Harass Boss Bai!
It's worth it!

The person on the other end of the phone immediately replied, "President Bai, don't worry, he will send someone over immediately."

The voice was loud, so I didn't even think about avoiding He Xuan. Naturally, He Xuan heard it, and shouted angrily: "Bai Mu, you old woman! Don't think that you can make me succumb by doing this, it's impossible, Absolutely impossible."

A certain Mu: "..." The enemy's son is indeed a bit stupid.

Seeing that Bai Mu didn't speak, He Xuan thought that his words were effective, so he became even more unscrupulous, "Bai Mu, let me tell you, don't think that you can do whatever you want in this circle because you have some money, money can't solve everything! "

Mu: I can really do whatever I want.

"Rich people like you don't understand the pain of us little stars at all. Why can you wipe out my hard work for so many months with a single sentence? Let me tell you, I don't accept it. One day, I will Prove to you that poor people like us can make a living!"

A certain Mu: "..."

Is this man sick?
Obviously this role was bought for him by the He family secretly, and he himself knew about it, but if he said it like this, it was his own efforts to get it?

It's ridiculous.

Sure enough, if it's not a family, if you don't enter a family, the He family members are as disgusting as ever.

At this time, a few security guards also rushed over, without saying a word, took He Xuan's arm, and dragged him aside.

"Boss Bai, please."


Bai Mu was too lazy to talk to the stupid person, stepped on the accelerator and drove away, leaving He Xuan with a series of car exhaust.

He Xuan was choked by the exhaust fumes of these cars, and kept coughing there, just in time to see the [-]th line who was walking in a daze, and shouted: "Hey! What do you do?"

Maybe it's because they share the same disease, bah, they share the same taste, He Xuan and the [-]th-line starlet became good friends and even exchanged contact information.

I also know the name of the [-]th line, Li Wenjun.

(End of this chapter)

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