The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 299 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 299 Guess Who Am I? (21)

Bai Mu snorted lightly, and casually threw the ball into a small corner of the sofa. When he raised his foot, he just kicked a soda can. Looking down, the ground was full of various snack packaging bags, which were dirty and messy.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's been a really comfortable time. I've been a fool in this small world and I'm called my father. You don't want to wake me up. Just pretend to be a little bit."

Thinking of this period of time, she thought she was just a three-year-old brat chasing and calling that dog man "Papa", so she wished she could live on another planet.

What's more, it's fine for her to call it that way, but the dog man responded cheerfully. Did he get the wrong script? Shouldn't he be playing a weak little canary in this small world!
Wait, she must teach him how to treat his master!
Hearing this, Tuantuan was unconvinced, and tried his best to climb to a high place, angrily thrusting his own waist, "Master, don't frame Tuantuan, Tuantuan has been trying to figure out a way."


"Really, really, what Tuantuan said is true." Tuantuan kept stamping his feet, and slowly changed from a white dumpling to a red dumpling.

Bai Mu didn't bother to look at Tuantuan's distraught look, so he slumped on the sofa and said wearily, "Is there any way to prevent me from becoming another personality?"

It's been so long, and the task of dealing with the hero and heroine has not yet begun. It's not good to chase after the dog man every day.

"This... really not, hehehe." Tuantuan scratched his hair, he also wanted to make a little money, but it was a pity that the system store didn't give it this chance at all.


"Master, if you want to overcome this problem, you need to receive treatment and work hard to integrate so many personalities... Uh, master, let's hurry up and do the task when you have memory."

After all, for so many days, it has seen with its own eyes how its master is so stupid.

"Nonsense." Bai Mu rolled his eyes.

It's almost time, if you don't go back, maybe a certain dog man will go crazy with fright.

Everything is for the task, not for that dog man, yes, that's it, that's right!


After sleeping for a full night, Bai Mu only felt dry mouth, weak body and a little dizzy when he woke up.

But these are not the point, the point is that she didn't lose her memory, nor did she become any other weird personality.

This is really a gratifying thing.

Wen Baiyu, who had been busy in the kitchen, also counted the time, walked in with porridge, and saw that Bai Mu had woken up.

He stood at the door, staring at Bai Mu nervously, as if he was confirming something, and called out tentatively: "Mu Mu?"

Oh, nervous, it's right to be nervous.

The corner of Bai Mu's mouth curled up into a nasty smile, but in the blink of an eye, that smile immediately became innocent and harmless, and even his voice had a sweet taste, "Papa?"

It seems that Mu Mu has not changed.

Wen Baiyu couldn't tell whether he was disappointed or happy now, but he just pursed his lips and walked over with the porridge, "Baby, I cooked porridge for you, please taste it quickly and see if you like it?"

The dog man in this plane has lighted up the cooking function again, which is really good.

Bai Mu picked up the spoon and took a bite, rolling his eyes, "Baba is so delicious, baby likes things made by Baba the most."

Mu Mu seemed to be different today, she always felt a lot colder towards him, probably because he was thinking too much.

In the process of eating the porridge, Bai Mu has already crazily called Tuan Tuan in his mind, smelly Tuan, is there any way to control the dog man's system? 】

【What does the master want to do? 】

【Just tell me if you can do it. 】

[Of course, who is Tuantuan? Tuantuan is the most powerful and invincible person in history. He knows astronomy from the top, geography from the bottom, and is omnipotent... (The N word is omitted here)]

[Don't let that 333 find out, after controlling it, let 333 issue a mission to the dog man. 】

Tuantuan felt that his master was going to do something, so he became interested all of a sudden, and kept rubbing his little hands, 【What task are you posting? 】

【"Kiss the villain for ten minutes". 】

A group: Is it really not suffocating?

But a certain group was shamefully moved, operating its own console, and couldn't help making a few "quack quack" laughter.

At the same time, Wen Baiyu, who was constantly having doubts in his heart, received a mission, (Host, release mission: Kiss the villain for ten minutes, warm reminder, kiss on the mouth; mission reward: a small island.)
When Wen Baiyu heard this familiar mechanical sound, he almost fell over, because his family Mu Mu became like this, and 333 didn't assign tasks in a very humane way, but what is this now?

If this mission was released at another time, he would definitely be very happy, but now that he releases it, he only feels that he is a big pervert.

After all, the current Mu Mu only has the mind of a three-year-old.

Wen Baiyu met Bai Mu's big innocent eyes, and couldn't help but feel guilty. To cover up his embarrassment, he coughed lightly.

"Why does Baba keep looking at the baby's mouth? Does Baba want to eat the baby's mouth?"

A certain dog man coughed even worse, and he kept saying to himself in his heart, childish words, childish words, childish words...

Children just want to express their true thoughts, so what bad intentions can they have?

Seeing that Wen Baiyu kept silent, Bai Mu was overjoyed.

Biansheng also made a distressed look, "Papa, if you really want to eat the baby's mouth, then, then you can eat it, baby, baby is not afraid."

Such a big temptation is indeed a time to test a person's mind.

But Wen Baiyu was moved.

This behavior is a bit like taking advantage of others, but it was brought up by the baby, not him. Besides, he will definitely be responsible for the baby in the future, so it shouldn't matter if I kiss you now...

Wen Baiyu prepared himself psychologically. Looking at Bai Mu's face, his heart became more and more excited, and he put his hands on the bed, trapping the petite baby inside.


This dog man can do it, he is brave enough.

"Papa, why are you pressing the baby, the baby is a little uncomfortable, please stop doing this, Papa?" Bai Mu muttered.

"Doesn't the baby like it?"

A certain Mu: Pervert!
"If Papa likes it, then..."

"Dad likes it."

A certain Mu: "!!!"

However, in the next second, Bai Mu forgot to struggle. In a daze, there was only one thought in her mind, how dare this dog man dare to kiss.

 Thank you Snail and Qianxi for sending monthly tickets, Chengzi loves you (*≧ω≦)
(End of this chapter)

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