The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 305 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 305 Guess Who Am I? (27)

"Oh, then you report it." Bai Mu's face was indifferent, if she didn't worry about maintaining her domineering demeanor, Bai Mu would have rolled her eyes to death.

As a young master of a wealthy family, no one has ever treated him respectfully since he was a child, and no one has ever dared to ignore him like this. Immediately, He Xuan's entire face turned red with anger.

"According to the provisions of my country's Public Security Management Punishment Law, interfering with normal production and business activities is to impose public security management penalties on the parties involved. Even if you call the police, I will not be arrested."

Bai Mu smiled lightly, "As for me, I still need to read more books, so as to save myself from saying insulting IQ every day."

"Bai Mu!"

"You should look in the mirror, you really look like a snarky dog ​​when you yell." Bai Mu straightened his suit collar, and his demeanor suddenly changed, "I have seen the He family's tutor today."

The dangerous and fierce attack merged with the night, making people even breathe carefully, and He Xuan felt that he was being strangled by the neck and out of breath.

"And you, Yu Qing, right?"

Yu Qing, who had already turned into a crazy woman, nodded her head in a daze, trembling all over, not daring to show the slightest presumptuousness.

"It's only three things. I'll give you one last chance. If you cause any trouble next time, just get out of Star Media!"

No, she can't leave Star Media, let alone use the word "scroll".

Who doesn't know that Star Media is the uncrowned king in the entertainment industry. If she is abandoned by Star Media, she will never have a chance to stand up again.

She was very confident in herself before, and felt that Star Media could not do without her as a cash cow, but now it seems that it is a complete joke.

It's not that Xingchen Media can't lose her, but that she can't lose Xingchen Media.

For a moment, Yu Qing felt that she couldn't support her knees and was about to kneel down. Fortunately, Bai Mu had already entered at this time, and the terrifying aura slowly disappeared.

She collapsed on the railing beside her, panting heavily, as if she was alive after a catastrophe.

The people around saw that Bai Mu had already left, and their voices suddenly became unscrupulous, "I didn't expect that, it turned out to be the young master that the He family has been protecting all this time, tsk tsk tsk, a rich young master went to become an actor."

Who doesn't know that Boss Bai of Xingchen Media and the He family are enemies, but now that anyone with a discerning eye can see that the He family is going downhill, they will naturally choose to please Bai Mu and belittle He Xuan.

"It's not because the He family is fast... so a young master from a wealthy family came out to be an actor."

"This He family is really not as good as the next generation..."


All the whispers from all directions reached He Xuan's ears, he couldn't help but clenched his fists tightly, his bloodshot eyes almost popped out.

That woman must have done it on purpose, to reveal his identity on purpose, to expose him to such malice...

But he can't do anything, the people who come here to consume are either rich or expensive, the He family is not as good as before, and they can no longer offend these people.


He Xuan slammed his fist on the wall.


[Master, there are two pieces of news. The male protagonist has been blackened, and the blackening value has reached 50. Also, the heroine halo of the female protagonist Yu Qing has disappeared, and may be transferred to other people. 】

[This plane heroine halo will find someone by herself? 】

【This, Tuantuan doesn't know what's going on. 】

【Okay, okay, you don't know anything anyway. 】

Bai Mu is in a pretty good mood now. She just confronted the hero and heroine, and she has a firm grip on the temperament of the overlord. Not bad, she really has the potential to be the overlord.

"Boss Bai, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as Assistant Lu turned his head, he saw her boss Bai smiling brightly, and was startled. Recently, Bai always became normal, but he also became more and more scary.

"It's nothing." Bai Ba Zong Mu changed his face in a second. This is the Ba Zong's special skill, and she used it clearly.

"By the way." Bai Mu turned his head sideways, "Where are the people you called?"

"They're already waiting there with Director Wang. Boss Bai can see them when he passes by now."


In Cuixuanyu, there is a box specially prepared for Bai Mu. In the biggest box on the top floor, there is a direct elevator, and you can go up in a few seconds.

In the box, apart from the well-known directors in the industry, there were also a few young entertainers who had just entered the entertainment industry, all of them fidgeted, their eyes kept looking around, and they looked a little cute who had never seen the world.

Director Li heard that Bai Mu was going to treat a guest to dinner today, so he specially gave himself a vacation, and came over to have dinner, sitting there discussing the plot with Director Wang.

"Brother, tell me the truth, why does President Bai suddenly want to invest in my new drama?"

This drama is not a popular topic at the moment. It seems that there is not much popularity after it is broadcast. He really doesn't understand that person's thoughts.

Director Li fanned the cattail fan he was carrying, and leaned on the chair with Erlang's legs crossed. Hearing this, he rolled his eyes without hesitation, "Don't be suspicious, will Mr. Bai come here to plot against you?"

"It makes sense, but, but..."

"Perhaps Mr. Bai has taken a fancy to you, so he wants to abduct you to Star Media. Don't tell me, you can be regarded as a favorite in the circle."

Director Wang wiped the sweat off his forehead, "Brother, stop teasing me, I won't join..."

"I know, I know, you were bitten by a snake once, and you were afraid of grass ropes for ten years, but Boss Bai is different from those people, he won't interfere with your filming, you can do whatever you want." Director Li said He patted his chest.

When director Wang was filming his debut film, he was victimized by the so-called capital, and he recruited a bunch of messy people into the crew, making the atmosphere in the crew into a mess, and this debut film became a joke.

Since then, Director Wang has set a rule for himself, as long as he wants to insert people in the dramas he shoots, he will keep away from him. Even if he doesn't want to invest, he will not mess with artists who don't suit him. Come in.

However, Director Wang glanced at those young artists and couldn't help but sighed. Boss Bai brought so many people here, and he didn't know why.

At this time, the door of the box was pushed open, and Bai Mu stepped on high heels and walked in, "Da da da", everyone's hearts were lifted at once, and the tense atmosphere permeated instantly.

"Boss Bai, you're finally here. If you don't come, my old brother Wang will scare himself to death." Director Li stood up and said cheerfully.

Bai Mu looked over, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "I have long admired the name of Director Wang."

"This, this, I am the one who has admired Mr. Bai for a long time. Thank you Mr. Bai for the treat today." Director Wang was full of rumors about him.

The female evil spirit, on the surface is gentle and friendly, but in reality is cold and ruthless...

(End of this chapter)

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