The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 308 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 308 Guess Who Am I? (30)

"Are you pretending to be asleep?"

At this moment, Bai Mu had long forgotten his identity as the overlord, and with a flushed little face, he waved his little fist and was about to fight this dog man.

How angry, this dog man must have woken up a long time ago, just to see her jokes.

As a boss who abides by the laws and regulations, she is usually a little more seductive, and she likes to touch her abdominal muscles, what's wrong?

Wen Baiyu laughed, and the deep laughter entered Bai Mu's ears, and the hot air spit on her sensitive auricles, itching, making her whole heart tremble.

He held Bai Mu's little hand, and he could wrap her hand directly. With a little force, she returned to his arms, "Don't blame Mr. Bai, but in the current society, boys also need protection." Take care of yourself."

In fact, Wen Baiyu had already woken up when Bai Mu opened the door of the room. Seeing Bai Mu's "sneaky" figure, he couldn't help feeling funny, so he wanted to tease her.

Unexpectedly, it did give him a big surprise. The Mu Mu in front of him is completely different from the Mu Mu in the eyes of others. Only he can see such a cute Mu Mu.

"You're right. Boys also need to protect themselves." Bai Mu nodded in agreement, especially a young man like her dog must be the target of many bad guys.

The slightly cool lips touched the sensitive earlobe again, Wen Baiyu put his arms around Bai Mu who was trembling slightly, "Don't worry, Mr. Bai, I have always protected myself well."

"Then, that's fine."

Bai Mu pushed him, but the other party was too strong to push him away.

The ambiguous atmosphere dissipated all of a sudden, still in such a posture, it is easy to cause accidents.

Bai Mu swallowed, "I order you, let go of your hands!"

Wen Baiyu didn't move, as if he didn't hear it, he just turned his body slightly, and he was lying next to him, his fingers gently stroking Bai Mu's cheek, "Boss Bai must be tired, why don't you sleep here?" for a while?"

Before Bai Mu could say anything, he continued, "Ayu can work overtime for several days in a row in order to go back to see Boss Bai earlier. Boss Bai feels sorry for Ayu, so sleep with Ayu for a while, okay?"

With a soft and coquettish voice, coupled with that face that is always seductive, Bai Mu snorted softly, and slowly closed his eyes.

She didn't feel sorry for the dog man, she just got up early in the morning, so she was sleepy.

"Boss Bai is the best."

Wen Baiyu smiled lightly, and planted a kiss on Bai Mu's cheek, presumptuous but restrained.

It's just that this sleep took too long, and when Bai Mu woke up, there was already nothing around her, and a certain dog man only left a note on the bedside table.

Content: Mu Mu, there is some porridge made by A Yu on the table, Mu Mu can drink some after waking up, and A Yu will come back to accompany Mu Mu at night.

"Hmph, don't think that I can forgive you just by leaving a note..." Bai Mu kept muttering.

【Master, what are you pardoning? 】

[Of course he pretended to be sleeping to lie to me. 】

[…] The master is getting more and more childish.

After sleeping, Bai Mu only felt refreshed, and it was rare to think of Yu Wen who was left in another room by her, and felt a little bit guilty.

The suit on his body was already wrinkled from sleeping, Bai Mu changed his clothes before walking out of the room and going to Yu Wenna.

As soon as he walked to the door of the room, he witnessed a large-scale deception scene.

The golden halo circled around Yu Wen's head, and she even made a sound, "Didn't I already tell you, you are not the real eldest lady of the Yu family, are you willing to give up everything you have had for so many years?"

"Status, status and family background, as long as the real daughter comes back, you will have nothing, so, sign a contract with me, and you will become the real daughter of the Yu family!"

Outside the room, everyone was eating melons, 【Master, do you think the beautiful Yu Wen will agree? 】

Most people should agree, after all, this is related to their own interests.

【do not know. 】

【Master, did you smell a disgusting smell on the halo of the heroine? 】

[Well, I smell it. 】

A world disappeared, and this disgusting thing appeared again, it really lingered.

It's just that this plane, this ghost thing doesn't seem to be doing well, and it hasn't signed a contract with the people of the small world, which means that it may be expelled from the small world at any time.

Gee, that's pathetic.

"What are your conditions?"

Yu Wen raised her head, her face was expressionless, and she couldn't tell what was really going on in her heart.

The heroine Halo was a little skeptical, but she still said her request, "You want a man to fall in love with you."

This time, this disgusting thing is very simple. Since Wen Baiyu can fall in love with the devil who is the overlord, if there is a more attractive overlord, Wen Baiyu will definitely empathize with someone else.

At that time, the female devil will no longer be able to collect the soul fragments of that person.

The more he thought about it, the happier he became, and the halo of the heroine turned several times. If it weren't for the fact that the original heroine of this plane was too useless, it wouldn't have taken the risk, so this time, only success is allowed, no failure is allowed.

Bai Mu, who heard the words of the heroine Halo, shook her head again and again, "This disgusting thing is still as stupid as before, and even wants to destroy the relationship between me and A Yu, in order to achieve my goal, without any progress. .”

【Master, do you think the beauty Yu Wen will agree? 】

[I'm not her, how do I know? 】

But this disgusting thing is a bit interesting, it can strip off the entire halo of the heroine, I don't know how it is done?

"Wen Baiyu is Bai Mu's little lover."

Little lover, this is not necessarily the case.

That calm face flashed in Yu Wen's mind, and she struggled for a long time before saying: "Let me think again, and I will give you an answer later."

Her subconscious mind told her that going against Bai Mu would not end well.

"No, why don't you agree? If you don't agree, I'm going to find someone else!" The heroine's halo threatened Yu Wen.

"Oh, then go find someone else."

She gambled that there must be something about her that attracted this halo, otherwise this halo wouldn't have stuck on her body.

"you you!"

【Tuan, go get that disgusting thing away. 】

[How to get it away? 】

[Then you have to ask yourself, the longer the better, anyway, just don't let it find out that I chatted with Yu Wen. 】

[Tuantuan has a solution! 】

Fortunately, Nuojiji gave it a small prop, otherwise it would be called a stupid thing by the bad master.

(End of this chapter)

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