The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 313 Guess Who I Am?

Chapter 313 Guess Who Am I? (35)

I've talked a lot, but I can sum it up in just a few words - I'm not at a loss.

Bai Mu sighed deeply, turned around and pulled Wen Baiyu's face vigorously. Why didn't he notice recently that this dog man's face is so tender?

"Be good. I'm going to the company. I have an appointment today. It's not good to be late."

She took a set of clothes from the closet, went to the fitting room to change, and when she came out, she was completely changed, with aggressive red lips, showing her domineering side.

"By the way, if you're going to school, remember to ask Lu Min to take you there, and remember to tell me if you're short of money, don't be alone if you're bullied, my people, there's no reason to be bullied by others. "

"I'm really short of money recently..."


Wen Baiyu didn't know when she stood up, her upper body was still naked, she bent down and hugged Bai Mu, "Mu Mu don't move, let me hug for a while."

(The task of hugging the big villain is completed in one minute, and 1000 yuan will be credited to the account.)
(Little San, your recent tasks have become more and more perfunctory, can't you have some more exciting tasks?)

(Host, be careful, 333 does not engage in color.)
Mou Mu: Very good, those emotions just now have been fed to the dogs.

Of course, let’s see through these things. Bai Mu took out a black card from his pocket and stuffed it directly into Wen Baiyu’s hand, “There is no password, no upper limit, just spend whatever you want.”

"Okay, I really should go. Be good at home. If I find out that you don't keep your masculinity, then you will be finished."

As he said that, Bai Mu's eyes moved down. Suddenly, Wen Baiyu felt a chill somewhere, and said quickly: "Mu Mu, don't worry, I promise to keep my male virtue."

Bai Mu nodded in satisfaction. As soon as he went out, an embarrassing thing happened again. Looking at Mother Wen holding a bowl of soup outside the room, Bai Bazong Mu successfully froze there.

I almost forgot, I took Mama Wen over earlier.

Seeing that Bai Mu was completely speechless, Mother Wen put on a look of "I understand, I understand", "Xiao Mu, Mom made some porridge, go drink some before going to work."

"Then... what is this?" Bai Mu looked at the bowl of soup, showing an awkward and polite smile.

"This one, I bought it yesterday. It's perfect and great tonic soup. It's specially cooked for Xiao Yu." Mother Wen pulled Bai Mu's clothes, leaned close to her ear, and said mysteriously: "Men drink it." Yes, very useful..."

A certain Mu: "..." No need, really no need.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk, Xiao Mu, go quickly, don't be late."

Seeing that Mother Wen had already happily brought the soup in, Bai Mu waved her hand towards Wen Baiyu, as if to say "I can't help you".


nine o'clock sharp

The door of the office opened on time, Jiang Shu wiped the sweat from his forehead, with a relaxed smile on his face, "Look, Miss Yu, let me just tell you, my sister has arrived."

So, as soon as Bai Mu came in, he got the attention of two people at the same time. Yu Wen stared at Bai Mu, as if she had discovered something, "Mr. Bai's life has been very nourishing recently..."

"Miss Yu came so early, is there any progress in our plan?"

"As for the progress, Mr. Bai already knows about it, but there is one thing that Mr. Bai must be very interested in."


Yu Wen put the evidence she brought on the table, it was a sealed document bag, making it mysterious.

Bai Mu raised his eyebrows, picked it up, and opened it three times, but when he looked at it casually, his whole face sank, "Where did these things... come from?"

There were about a dozen photos scattered here and there, all of which were taken when Wen Baiyu carried her to Mingxuan's psychological consultation room. Who is it.

Once these photos are circulated, and the people behind them add such a fire, she and Star Media will definitely be affected.

After all, not everyone can accept a mentally ill person as the top leader of a company.

"It seems that Boss Bai has realized the seriousness of the matter. The He family got the news from somewhere, and they have been looking for evidence in secret recently. It seems that they want to deal with Boss Bai."

As Yu Wen spoke, she rubbed her brows, "That son of the He family is a bit evil, he seems to be able to find out anything he wants..."

"Miss Yu thinks she can't handle it?"

Yu Wen sneered, "How is it possible, I'm not someone who gives up so easily, besides, President Bai is standing in the way."

"Well, Miss Yu has eyes."

"Then how does Boss Bai plan to deal with the He family?"

"Follow the plan." Bai Mu and Yu Wen looked at each other, showing a meaningful smile, "One more trick...the bottom line."

"What does Boss Bai mean?"

"Using his own way to deal with his own body, I don't believe that the He family has no scandal at all... As for the acquisition of the He family in the future, Ms. Lao Yu will come forward in person."

Yu Wen stood up, put her hands on the desk, "Don't interrupt, that's not what I'm asking, is your matter true, if it really gets out, I'm afraid..."


Bai Mu let out a "tsk", "Don't worry, it's almost better, even if it gets out, I will make it a fake."

She stretched out her hand and patted Yu Wen's shoulder lightly, "Infringing on other people's right of reputation seems to be a crime too, well, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will take care of it."

After the two had finished talking about things, they found Jiang Shu who was trembling beside him, oh huh, I forgot about this person, and he heard such a confidential matter.

Bai Mu showed a "very nice" smile, "Brother, we are all grasshoppers in the same boat, you have to know a truth, you can only get better if I pay you back."

"I know, sister, it's not that you don't know what kind of person I am, and you will never tell." Jiang Shu showed a smile uglier than crying.

Sure enough, there is no free lunch in the world. Since you have gone through the back door, you have to bear the risk of going through the back door.

"very good."

The office has floor-to-ceiling windows. Looking outside, the sun's rays are getting more and more dazzling. Bai Mu looked down at his watch, "It's almost time, why don't we go have a meal together."

"I have no objection. I don't know if my little brother has any objections?" Yu Wen threw the question to Jiang Shu, and even gave him a wink.

Jiang Shu just felt like getting an electric shock, and his mouth no longer listened to his brain's command, "It's ok, I have no objection."

On that day, there was a shocking melon among the employees of Star Media—Shock!How good is the man who is being vying for by the two beauties?

(End of this chapter)

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