The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 329 The fish pond of the heartthrob "Sea King" was overturned

Chapter 329 The fish pond of the heartthrob "Sea King" was overturned (11)

The stall owner's voice was full of respect from the heart, but the slightly trembling voice seemed to have something else hidden, as if the words were not meant for himself, but for that... God.

A few big, five and three thick men ran out from the nearby woods, took a few thick ropes, and tied up Bai Mu and Yun Yan in a very careless manner.

Look at the proficiency of the movement, it can be seen that it has been done many times.

After they tied the people up, the stall owner said, "You must keep an eye on these two people, otherwise this month's sacrifice will be..."

He didn't say the following words, but those strong men understood, and their faces turned pale for a while.

"Don't worry, we will definitely take care of these two people."

"That's right, it will definitely be delivered to God's hands smoothly."

"We'll be optimistic, we will."


【Master, the god they are talking about is that disgusting person, right?】

[Otherwise, the sacrifice... It seems that the people in this village have been threatened. 】

Soon, those strong men threw them into a grocery store. Bai Mu slowly opened his eyes when he heard the sound of locks being locked outside.

"Senior sister, you don't need to pretend."

"Amu, could the god they are talking about be that evil monster?"

As Yun Yan said, she untied the rope that was tied to her body in two or three strokes, and also untied the rope from Bai Mu's body.

"It should be."

"Looking at the appearance of these villagers, maybe they did this kind of thing because they were afraid of that monster. Why don't we show our identity to them?"

Seeing that Bai Mu was still in a daze, Yun Yan sighed and continued, "As long as we let them know that we can deal with this monster, these villagers won't guard against us."

For a long time, when Yun Yan thought that Bai Mu would not answer her, Bai Mu said, "Not necessarily."


"Senior sister, do you still remember those walking dead we saw in the magic barrier?"

Bai Mu got up from the ground, patted the dust off his body, and looked around the room.

"What does Amu mean..."

She already had some guesses in her heart, but she still didn't want to believe it.

"Before, some disciples of our Tianyan Sect also took over this task, but there was no news at all, which means that their fate cards have also dimmed, and it must have been compromised by this."

Bai Mu paused, "So many immortal cultivators have failed to deal with this monster. Presumably, people in this village have long lost confidence in immortal cultivators. Even if we reveal our identity, they will not believe us. "


"Senior sister, don't you feel that in this room, you can't use any magic power?"

Yun Yan's expression changed, and she stretched out her hand to use her mana, but no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't use any mana.

Just when she was worried, she found that Bai Mu was already lying on the ground, leaning against the wall to relax, and she suddenly had a sense of sight of a child.

"Amu, we should hurry up and find a solution instead of..."

"Senior Sister, I think the formation in this room is specially designed by that monster to deal with us immortal cultivators. No matter how many ways we think of now, it will not help."

"Then what should we do, we can't wait to die here."

Bai Mu shook his head like a little old man, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, we won't wait to die."

You are the heroine, when you are in danger, there will definitely be flower protectors to protect you.


"Oh, it's all right, don't worry. Before I entered this room, I had secretly sent a letter to Master. If Master is so powerful, we will be fine."

After all, you will be fine if you are the heroine, but I am different, I still have to protect my own life.

Only then did Yun Yan breathe a sigh of relief, "It's still Ah Mu who has the foresight."


[Master, in fact, if you want to unlock this formation, there are other ways. There is a book "Hey!Solving the Array, I'm Just Playing" book, you only need 10 points, master, you can have it. 】

Tuantuan was trying hard to sell, but it was a pity that Bai Mu was unmoved, and even stretched lazily.

[I have to solve the formation by myself, how tiring, why didn't I wait for the dog man to save me? 】

Besides, it's just such a rubbish formation, I really thought I couldn't solve it.

【Master, you can't always think about relying on men, we also need to be self-reliant. 】

[No, no, I'm giving my man a chance to be a hero and save the beauty. 】



On Xingyun Peak, surrounded by immortal energy, the unattainable immortal head sits cross-legged on a strange stone filled with immortal energy, with his eyes closed, he feels the gift from heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a spell was stuck on his cheek, he slowly opened his eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, which was not obvious, "You little fox with no conscience, you finally remember me."

He took off the talisman, and there were only four words written on it: Master!help me!
The curvature of the corner of the mouth disappeared in an instant. Ming Qingyu pinched the charm tightly, and with a little force, it turned into ashes and disappeared into the fairyland.

In the blink of an eye, the immortal elder who was originally meditating here also disappeared without a trace.


"Oh, senior sister, I'm so hungry!"

The little fox, who had taken a nap, started to make noise again, wanting to jump up and down and pierce the roof of the house.

Yun Yan, who was sitting there, couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard the words, "Amu, you have been fasting for a long time, why do you feel hungry?"

"Senior sister—hungry, hungry!"

"But there's nothing to eat here now."

If she had known that she would not have waited for that dog man, Bai Mu collapsed on the ground, rubbing her stomach non-stop. She wanted to eat chicken, so much that she wanted to eat fairy chicken.

A certain regiment: Sure enough, he was spoiled by the big villain.


Yun Yan didn't know how many times she sighed today, she stood up slowly, "Amu, don't worry, I just felt like I'm breaking out, I'll try."

Bai Mu: "!!!"

As expected of a heroine, even if she is just a little weak chicken, she is still so powerful.

Tsk tsk tsk, sure enough, the gap between people is not so big.

Yun Yan walked to a place, exhaled slowly, and muttered something in her mouth, her body unexpectedly glowed with magic.

Bai Mu was so excited, she seemed to be able to see her fairy chicken now, a fragrant, hot and delicious fairy chicken.

However, the formation remained motionless.

It was rare for Yun Yan to have such a little bit of embarrassment, "Amu, don't worry, I will try again, try again, if you can go out, I will definitely take you to eat roast chicken."

"...Sister, don't worry, I'm fine..."

(End of this chapter)

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