The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 342 The fish pond of the heartthrob "Sea King" was overturned

Chapter 342 The fish pond of the heartthrob "Sea King" was overturned (24)

"I didn't..." Being ridiculed like this, Nanmen Ling's face turned red again, but she faltered and couldn't say anything.

Above, Luo Ying had already knocked that Wang Jia to the ground, brushed her hair, and jumped off the stage, "Nanmenling, do you see clearly?"

Nanmen Ling stayed there all of a sudden. She had been talking to Xiaozu Bai just now, but she forgot to draw a portrait of Luo Ying. It's over, Luo Ying shouldn't be angry.

Luo Ying's eyes turned cold, and in the next second, she pinched Nanmen Ling's ear, "Okay, you, I was tricked back by you, but I couldn't do such a small thing well, and I was so mad..."

"Luo Ying, Luo Ying, listen to my explanation, I really didn't mean it, I really didn't..."

Looking at the funny backs of the two, Bai Mu propped up his chin, alas, why isn't she beautiful now?Why is Miss Luo Ying as if she didn't see her?

【Master, don't worry, your charm hasn't declined at all. Look, Yutang No. [-] is here. 】

【? ? ? 】

As soon as Bai Mu turned his head, he saw Shi Apologetic approaching waving his fan, and immediately felt bad.

He had said that day that they would see each other soon, and it turned out to be true.

[Cough cough, master, Yutang No. [-] person information, sorry for the time, Jindan stage early stage cultivation, the son of the master of Jianzong, what, hahaha, now he has become the disciple of the great elder of Tianyanzong, hahaha , master, hold on, come on. 】

【That's it, nothing else, for example, does he like someone, or does anyone like him...】

[Yes, yes, cough, Yutang No. [-] has a little green plum, Xia Yun, the junior sister of Jianzong, her parents died early, because her parents had some friendship with Shi Qiang's father, so they took Xia Yun as their apprentice . 】

【That's it...】

It's hard to do, how can we turn a proper brother-sister relationship into a relationship between a man and a woman?

"Little Master Bai, what a coincidence, we meet again." The fan in Shi Qiang's hand shook a little fast, obviously very excited.

Sure enough, he and this young master still have some fate, otherwise he wouldn't have just come to Tianyanzong and met the young master he was thinking of.

The smile on Bai Mu's face froze, "Hi, Mr. Shi."

Shi apologized with joy on his face, "Young Master Bai still remembers my name and name, I feel really honored."


"I didn't expect that the young master Bai was the apprentice of the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect. No wonder the young master Bai has such an extraordinary demeanor, which makes me feel ashamed."


"Young Master Bai is also here to participate in the Zongmen Grand Competition, but as young master Bai is so powerful, he will definitely win the Zongmen Grand Competition."

"Then let me borrow some good words from you."

Shi Apocalypse looked even happier, the young master finally paid attention to him, and it was not in vain for him to join the Tianyan Sect that he worked so hard to get into.

"Young Master Bai doesn't know something. Now that I am a disciple of Tianyan Sect, I will have more opportunities to meet Young Master Bai in the future. I will ask Young Master Bai to guide me more."

The smile on Bai Mu's face became stiffer, "It must be."

However, the voice to save Bai Mu appeared soon, "Apologize when Bai Mu, a disciple of Tianyan Sect, fights a disciple of Tianyan Sect in the next match."

When he heard the first few words, Bai Mu's heart was ecstatic, but when he heard the next few words, his whole body collapsed again.

Shi Shi apologized, the flushed cheeks were caused by being too excited at first glance, he closed his fan, "Little Master Bai, we are so destined."

It's not a given or something.

【Master, why don't you beat Yutang No. [-] ruthlessly later? Aren't men the most concerned about face? Maybe so, Yutang No. [-] won't continue to pester you. 】

Mou Mu: It seems to make sense.

However, it was Bai Mu who underestimated the person who was willing to enter the fishpond, Shi Qiang just went up, and bowed to Bai Mu, "Little ancestor Bai, Shi Qiang knows that his cultivation is shallow, so he is willing to admit defeat."

Bai Mu: "!!!"

Just when Bai Mu was about to say something, Ming Qingyu, who was dazzled by jealousy, said, "Since we don't fight and admit defeat, then we will be expelled from the Tianyan Sect, the Tianyan Sect doesn't need such a cowardly disciple. "

[Master, look, your big villain is jealous, oh oh oh, this voice of jealousy slowly, it's really my wife's kindness. 】

[Don't talk like that. 】

[Master, why can't Tuantuan talk like this? After the master came to this plane, hasn't he been talking to the big villain all the time? 】


"Yes, the disciple admits his mistake."

Shi Apologizes is still very concerned about his image in Ming Qingyu's heart, after all his young master Bai is this apprentice.

Then, Shi Qiang looked at Bai Mu with burning eyes, his eyes were full of affection, "Young Master Bai has cultivated well, and I know that I am no match for you. I only hope that Young Master Bai will be merciful when the time comes."

It is impossible to be merciful, it is best to beat you to give up this dangerous idea.

Bai Mu doesn't have her own exclusive weapon yet, but as the most favored princess of the Yaozu, she still has a lot of treasures.

She took out a flashing long sword on the spot, and the moment she took it out, there was a heaven-shattering dragon roar.


Yaozu really has a deep foundation, and what they take out casually is a fairy weapon. It seems that this little ancestor Bai doesn't care about the No.1 prize.

Bai Mu didn't want to take it out at first, but if he wanted to pretend to be aggressive, taking out this sword was the most suitable, "I'm sorry, I will never show mercy."

She thought that if she put on such a ruthless look, Shi Apologetic would retreat in spite of the difficulties, of course, it was just her own thought.

Shi Apologetic's gaze became more focused, as if she was the only one to be seen in the world, "Little Master Bai, even if I die by your sword, I am willing."

Bai Mu was so frightened that he almost slashed his sword sideways. Does this person have a brain problem? Love is not advisable. Why is this person still obsessed with this?

【Master, maybe the aura of heartthrob on you is too shining, look, even if Shi Apologizes said such a thing, the others didn't react. 】

Bai Mu secretly glanced at the disciples under the stage. Sure enough, not only did those disciples not feel strange, they even showed a little jealousy in their eyes. Why wasn't he the one who was beaten by Xiaozu Bai up there?
Mu: Ahhh, I'm going crazy.

This man is hopeless!
[Master, you have to be steady, as long as Shi Qian digs enough wild vegetables, you will definitely see the good of the people around you. 】

[... makes sense. 】

Finally, when the scene was over, Shi Qiang was carried down by several disciples, but Shi Qiang who was covered in injuries said with a smile, "Thank you, Young Master Bai, for your mercy."


(End of this chapter)

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